FLVPlayback Keeps Playing Off Stage?

Aug 23, 2009

I'm doing a small Flash 10 site for a friend of mine at [URL] and my problem is if you click on the WATCH button, you'll see the FLVPlayback component comes up and the video starts playing. Fine so far. However, click on any other button and it takes you to the correct place in the timeline but the audio from the video keeps playing and I can't get it to stop even though the FLVPlayback component is nowhere on the stage anymore. How can I fix this bug?

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Going To Next Frame After FLVPlayback Is Done Playing?

Jun 9, 2009

Flash CS3, and I have an FLV video(40 seconds) and a postcard which I want to show in the video farme after the video is complete. The postcard at the end will a link to a URL I've tried all the codes I could find on the internet, but I couldnt accomplish anything. I must be doing something wrong. Here is what I am doing:I put a FLVPlayback component in the first frame on the stage. Give the FLVPlayback component an instance name.Link the FLVPlayback component to a flv file on my server.Put the postcard in the second frame on the stage

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing .mov Video With FlvPlayback

Apr 22, 2009

I have some .mov files I need to play with the flvPlayback component. When I had them in my actionscript it does not work. I've read allot and it says that the component will play mov video but it does not for me.
I am running CS4 with FlashPlayer 10 and AS3.

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FLVPlayback Keeps Playing On Page Change

Nov 21, 2011

I have a as3 project, a magazine like project.I have like 10 pages, and some of those pages, has a FLVPlayback component to stream flv videoes.I have one problem, and it goes like this:

When i enter a frame, with a FLVPlayback component and start playing the video, everything works fine. But when i then switch to another page, the video file keeps playing in the background.

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Actionscript 3 :: Playing Mp4 Video Using FLVPlayback Module?

Dec 11, 2011

I link my mp4 video directly using video.source = "my.mp4" in AS3 and the link is not broken, but then player keeps on loading forever.

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Playing FLVs Using FLVPlayBack Component When Files Incomplete?

May 17, 2009

I cannot get my sample program using the FLVPlayback component (using as2) to play back FLVs that are still in the process of being recorded. I have no problem playing back FLVs that are complete. Is this a practical limitation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Stop Flvplayback From Playing A Video Until Its Told To Do So

Oct 18, 2009

Look at this code,
// display ContainerFourvar containerFour:MovieClip = new container4();var bjwC = new bjwContainer();var timer6:Timer = new Timer(39000, 1);timer6.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, displayContainerFour);timer6.start();
function displayContainerFour(e:TimerEvent):void{ addChild(containerFour); containerFour.x = 192.0; containerFour.y = 108.0; TransitionManager.start(containerFour, {type:Photo, direction:Transition.IN, duration:2, easing:

I am using As3 to add to the stage dynamically, now what seems to be happening is the video is playing before I add the containerFour - how can I code this, so that the video only begins to play when I add containerFour, and not before it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Swf With FLVPlayback Component And The Flv Restarts Playing?

Mar 31, 2012

i have an fla file with 5 keyframes. Each keyframe navigates forward to the following keyframe. On the fifth keyframe, a Loader loads an external swf. The external swf has an flv playback component with sound.
The fifth keyframe, other than having a button to click to load the swf, has a movie clip that navigates you back to the first keyframe. The loaded swf, once loaded, may be removed using removeThis function which has removeChild code as well as a flv.stop(); which makes the flv stop when the swf is removed. So u're back on keyframe 5, no sound ASo, all is well and the user can navigate back to the first keyframe (from keyframe 5), and from there continue on to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th keyframes again,  problems start though, when you get to that 5th keyframe again: that keyframe has an FLVPlayback component playing an flv, which at that point becomes very sluggish as all the mc animations on that 5th frame. And worse, i realize, the flv in the external swf that was previously loaded, starts playing by itself, which i know, because i hear its sound track.
I tried putting a conditional statement to tell the _flv to stop on keyframes 1 and 5, but that causes errors, considering that the flv is an undefined property from the perspective of those keyframes.

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Actionscript 3 :: Check For The FLV File Existence Before Playing That Using FLVPlayback?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm using the FLVPlayback class to play my FLV files.

If I'm trying to play a FLV file which is not existed yet then I am getting a "VideoError: 1000" with message of Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server.

I want to check for the FLV file existence using the file URL or path, before playing that FLV by FLVPlayback.

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Flash :: Flvplayback Component Doesn't Stop Playing Upon Exitframe

Apr 17, 2011

I have an instance of an flvplayback component on a frame (not the first frame) on a timeline in a flash AS3 flash app file. I would like to stop the movie when i exit that frame, either via gotoAndStop() or whatever else.s there a listener for this? Or any solution that people know of?

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Media Server :: Flvplayback Stops Playing But The Client Is Still Listed As A Connection In FMS 3.5

Apr 7, 2010

I have a live streaming application using RTMP. Sometimes the playback works fine but sometimes it stops without any trace or errors in the log file, while still appearing as a connected client.

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Media Server :: Record A Live Video Stream Playing On An FLVPlayback?

Mar 22, 2012

How to record a live video stream playing on an FLVPlayback?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Two Videos - Assign The New Urls To 'player' Instance Instead Of FLVPlayback

Jan 5, 2011

I'll start by saying that I'm in the process of learning actionscript. That said, I'm wanting to play two videos with actionscript. I went through a tutorial and using a pre-built flash player I used the following script


Which worked fine. That said, that was just a test. We are wanting to use the F4 Player. I opened up the player and looked at the actionscript (which is below). I had some trouble, so I posted on here and this was my response..


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Professional :: Removing FLVPlayback From Stage + GotoAndPlay Mc?

Apr 26, 2010

I am trying to remove an FLVPlayback from stage at its completion and gotoAndPlay a mc from my library. Nothing seems to work. I am using CS4 and as 2.0.Here is the code im trying to use now to load and remove FLVPlayback


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Professional :: FLVPlayback Adding To Stage Or Library?

Jun 17, 2011

I am unable to add the Action Script 3 FLVPlayback component to my stage or library in Flash CS5.5 when working with an action script 3 document.
Under components in the video folder i click and drag anyone of the FLVPlayback components (FLVPlayback, FLVPlayback 2.5 or FLVPlaybackCaptioning) to the stage and nothing happens. I am unable to add it to my library as well. All the other actionscript 3 components under the Video folder work. (BackButton, BufferingBar, CaptionButton, If I create an actionscript 2 document the FLVPlayback component drags to the stage and adds to the library just fine. So this appears to be an actionscript 3 issue only.
I have 2 other employees in my office using the same product and none of them have this issue. Only me.
I have tried to uninstall the product and reinstall but nothing helps. I have Flash CS3 installed on my PC and the product has the same symptoms as the Flash CS5.5 trial version that I am running.
I did not try this with Flash CS3 before I installed the CS5 trial. So I do not know if it worked prior to my CS5 evaluation.

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IDE :: FLVPlayback - Importing Videos Via Wizard To Stage

Dec 16, 2009

I imported multiple flvplayback videos on my file via the Video Wizard Import. After that I removed all videos except one. But it's still trying to load those old video and the skin of their player when I preload the file. I am sure there's no player on the stage except the one I need. And when I need to play the file, it's working well, the only problem is the extra loading for 6 skins that I don't use anymore and the time to look for 6 videos that are not there. So here're my questions;

1- When you import a video via Wizard, it there a script hidden somewhere that can be found?
2- When you import a flv to the stage, there's a loading bar saying getting metadata. Is there a place to edit or erase this metadata?
3- Any other ideas of where I could look to find this hidden data or trace or ghost that needs to be remove from the file ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Different Flv's Into FLVPlayback Component On Stage Via Buttons

Oct 15, 2010

im trying to load different flv's into an FLVPlayback component on my stage via buttons.[code]1119: Access of possibly undefined property videoSource through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Switching To Fullscreen With FLVPlayback Component On Stage

Sep 5, 2009

I've encountered a really frustrating problem recently when switching to StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN with a FLVPlayback component on the stage.

My movie:
bottom layer: a movie clip inside of which is a FLVPlayback component playing a flv movie
upper layer: movie clip (logo), second mc (fullscreen button)

Fullscreen button code:
function doFullscreen(event:MouseEvent):void {
if(stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN){
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;
} else {
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
}}bFullscreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFullscreen);

Effect (Before clicking the fullscreen button):
Everything is okay, the movie plays, logo and button are visible.

Effect (After clicking the fullscreen button):
The only thing that is visible is the playing movie, but logo and fullscreen button disappear.

What happens:
The mc with the FLVPlayback component gets the highest child index and covers the logo and button. It is not the problem with aligning logo and button on the stage, as without the FLVPlayback component they are perfectly aligned. I also tried to manually switch the depth of the mc with the FLVComponent, unfortunately without any result.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sync Multiple FlvPlayback Instances On Stage?

Jun 7, 2011

i have 4 flvplayback components on stage loading 4 different videos. How do i sync them?

I have ensured they are all fully buffered i.e fully loaded and then play them all at once. But they keep getting out of sync. I.e i am checking the sync with the playheadtime. I had written an timer/enterframe event to check for out of sync at and pause and seek times to the fastest playing player . But this happens for every second. i keep gettting a very jittery video with breaking sounds due to the constant pause /seek / play cycle.

How can we sync multiple flvplayback videos properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find When An FLV Using With A FLVPlayback Component With An Instance Name Of "videoComp" Is Finished Playing?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to find when an FLV I am using with a FLVPlayback component with an instance name of "videoComp" is finished playing.  Here's the code:

videoComp.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, movieDone);
function movieDone(event:VideoEvent):void {
trace("movie complete");


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Flash :: Send A Message To Stage If AS3 FLVPlayback Stream Isn't Found?

Mar 10, 2011

I've successfully created an FLVPlayback component using the component library and it's playing the streaming video that I want it to. My question is, if that stream is not online or cannot be found, how would I go about displaying a message on the stage to let the user know, there is no active stream.

Here's my code -

thestream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNCStatus);
function onNCStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void {

There's no output still. It seems like the function isn't getting invoked. However, if I place a trace outside the function (before it), I get a response: trace(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS);

the output:


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Professional :: FLVplayback Fullscreen Not Working When Stage Is In Full Screen Mode

Jun 8, 2011

I have an SWF file with a full-screen button working perfectly. I have added an FLVPlayback component, working correctly.
However, if the whole stage is in "Full Screen" mode, and I click on the button which loads the FLVPlayback component, the screen becomes black and the FLV doesn't even load.
I have tried addind the action movieHolder.fullScreenTakeOver = false;  but it did not help.
I m working with Flash CS5 and AS 3

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MovieClip Not Playing After Drag And Drop On Stage

Mar 17, 2009

I dragged and dropped my movie clip on to the stage, and it doesn't play. Other movie clips play, but the one I need to use doesn't play. I even added a function that is supposed to play the clip when you click on another clip, and it doesn't work although others do. I've attached the fla for reference, the clip that I'm trying to use is wipe3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Playing Fullscreen Instead Of Stage

Nov 23, 2009

I'm developing a kiosk-type projector file to play fullscreen & I'm encountering a strange problem. There's a video on the stage (720 x 480) and the stage is 1280 x 768. When the projector switches to fullscreen mode, the video expands to fill the height of the screen instead of the stage filling the screen. It's acting like the fullscreen mode is telling the video to play fullscreen.

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Movie With Button On Stage - No Sound Playing?

Oct 17, 2010

I have 1.mp3 beside my .fla file and when I tried to run a movie test, it doesn't play any sounds. Only the stage has a glitch was it keep loop frame 1 and 2.
var mySoundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("1.mp3");
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
mySound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, playSong);
function playSong(event:Event):void {
My test Movie with button on stage: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip To Carry On Playing Even When Not On Stage?

Aug 10, 2007

I have a movieclip called MC1 and within that 2 frames each containing movieclips called MC2 and MC3. The user can change between the two movieclips and MC3 has a animation within it. Once MC3 is activated, its animation plays but when the user changes to MC2 and then to MC3, the animation is back at the beginning, I want it to keep going even when the user changes to MC2 so when he switches back, the animation is still carrying on.

So basically, I need to know if there is way to have the movieclip playing even if it is not on stage.

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Professional :: Video On Site - Showing Error - Warning : The Linkage Identifier 'FLVPlayback' Was Already Assigned To The Symbol 'Video/FLVPlayback',?

Apr 27, 2010

I have attached a video on a frame of my website in Flash. When I preview the movie the film plays as it should.But when I export the Fla. as a Swf. file it then doesn't have the movie there anymore?It does show this error:
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'FLVPlayback' was already assigned to the symbol 'Video/FLVPlayback', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'FLVPlayback', since linkage identifiers must be unique.

I really don't know what that refers too.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Change The Size Of The Stage While The Timeline Is Playing?

Apr 29, 2009

is it possible to change the size of the stage while the timeline is playing. I have an image which i want to spin on to the screen then start to zoom in on it. I want the stage size to increase with the image so that it is all viewable once the image is back to the original size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Movie On Main Stage After Certain Frame In MC

May 6, 2008

I have a moviclip on the main stage with a stop action on the frame above. I want the movie to play ahead from that frame on the main stage after a certain frame is reached in the movieclip.

I tried using this simple function on the main stage;
if (_root.myMovieclip.signal._x = 100){

So when signal._x moves to 100 in the movieclip, the frame jumps to "win". However this doesn't work. I tried using a timer on the frame as well but it does not provide an accurate enough response.

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Get A Video Placed On Stage In An FLV Component To Loop To The Beginning Once It's Finished Playing

Jun 29, 2009

I'm trying to get a video I've placed on stage in an FLV component to Loop to the beginning once it's finished playing. However, once it plays through it stops and doesn't loop round, although the trace statement I'm calling in the loopVideo function is appearing in the output window? Here's my code...


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