Firefox: Flash Not Loading If Tab Inactive/window Minimized?

Apr 18, 2011

With selenium I'm currently automating tests for a website having flash elements for user inputs. While everything works fine when executing these tests on my computer locally, it fails to load the embeded flash if I start selenium on a remote Windows XP machine.
However, the flash just loads fine if I start the tests while I'm logged in via remote desktop.

This leads me to the assumption that whithout any desktop environment loaded or user logged in the firefox window is treated just as though it was minimized or the current tab was inactive, which I know prevents flash from loading until that window/tab is activated.if there is a way to enable firefox to load flash even if it's not currently displayed in an active window?

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on(release){  getURL('javascript:window.close()');  getURL("","_blank");}

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The way it works is that you have a frame action with the following function:


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Jun 30, 2004

I have NO idea what the terminology would be for this so I was unable to find anything searching because I don't know what to search for exactly!Anyhoo, I've this on several sites. You've got your main flash working as a main menu on your active browser window.Then you click a link and you get a pop-up. Easy enough. But there's some code or something that can make your main menu and background totally inactive while you browse within the pop-up. When you're done with the pop-up, you close it and then click ANYWHERE on the inactivated "main menu" flash to reactivate it. Load it up, go inside and click the first orange linked text you see. It will bring up and pop-up and "grey-out" the main pag

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Custom Mouse Cursor Hangs When Flash Inactive

Jun 26, 2009

I have made custom mouse cursor (movie clip) everything works fine, default cursor is hidden, mc is following pointer, problem is- when flash is inactive custom cursor hangs in upper left corner of flash, I want to make it dissapear untill the moment you enter flash file. That would work like this: I am opening my web page, flash is loaded but custom cursor is hidden, I am moving my mouse into zone of flash -custom cursor appears on screen and follows mouse pointer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Popup Making Background Flash INACTIVE?

Jun 30, 2004

You've got your main flash working as a main menu on your active browser window. Then you click a link and you get a pop-up. Easy enough. But there's some code or something that can make your main menu and background totally inactive while you browse within the pop-up. When you're done with the pop-up, you close it and then click ANYWHERE on the inactivated "main menu" flash to reactivate it.


Load it up, go inside and click the first orange linked text you see. It will bring up and pop-up and "grey-out" the main page.

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Flash 10 :: Continue Flash Animation Despite Inactive Browser Tab?

Jan 11, 2012

I have an issue with Flash optimization (I guess). The thing is, when you switch to another browser tab/window, scroll down it's window... anything that makes Flash disappear stops its runtime. I've found out that this optimization system was introduced in Flash Player 10.1 - it slows down Flash Player to 2fps in order to lower it's CPU and memory usage. My question is - how do I skip it? I want my animation to play even when it's not visible by all means whatsoever. Is it in the embed code? Publish Settings? Or maybe I need to insert some AS into my timeline? Each site has a Flash content (mostly banners) which behave in the normal way - they run in the background - but everything I publish and upload freezes (it actually plays at 2fps, but the effect is pretty much the same). Here's an example: when I open any flash site, a preloader appears, so I switch to another tab to do something in the mean time, when I assume it has loaded, I switch back and there it is - a loaded Flash site. But when I open MY Flash site or animation, switch tabs and wait for it to load, and after a while when I come back, the preloader is still at the beginning and continues doing its stuff from the very moment it shows up again. This is not how thing suppose to work. I can open directly the simplest animation there can be - a simple motion tween of a ball from one side of a screen to another, when the tab holding it becomes active after a while, the animation is still at the beginning, but the animation is short/fast and it supposed to have finished already. I've found out something about Activate and Deactivate Events, but they are used in Flash games - so it would pause when the game loses focus. But this works on the Flash object, not whole browser itself.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Stops Loading For Firefox And Safari?

Mar 4, 2008

I load images from an XML file and sometimes everything would load up just fine, but there are times when flash would stop loading in the middle of my my list...


On firefox, all items usually would load up all the time but there are occassions where it would only load 3 out of 8 or some anywhere before it's suppose to finish. If you keep hitting refresh on the link i posted, you'll see. its even worse on safari since it would seldom load the whole thing... never had a problem with IE though.

here is the code im working on

var productHolder:MovieClip = productHolder_mc;
var bannerHolder:MovieClip = bannerHolder_mc;
var paginationHolder:MovieClip = paginationHolder_mc;
var whatIsaLoading:String = "";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Firefox "flashing" When Resizing Window

Mar 17, 2011

I'm having a problem with Firefox "flashing" when resizing the window. I've created a fullscreen background. See the site here ""

Why is it doing this? Also, do you have any tips on improving performance when resizing?

ActionScript Code:
// -------------------------
// -------------------------
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;


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