Flash :: Forcing A Negative Bottom Margin?

Aug 4, 2011

I have an .swf navigation carousel that is 650 pixels high, the bottom 200 pixels being reserved for the reflection of the carousel. The reflection is very subtle and is not considered important information, so we would like to remove vertical scrollbars when the window is high enough to fit the topmost 450 pixels, but not the reflection.

I tried to accomplish this by setting a margin-bottom: -200px to the flash <object> but this only made the container's height shrink 200 pixels, causing the background pattern to cut before the bottom of the page.the Flash itself is still taking up 650 pixels.

Is there some "proper" fix to this, other than hiding/showing the scrollbars actively using javascript?

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Html :: Css - Flash Movie Not Respecting Negative Margin In Container?

Dec 11, 2009

I have to place a flash movie into an existing layout. It is replacing placeholder image of the same size. The DIV holding the image has a negative top margin. When the flash movie is placed in the same spot there is a gap at the top of the DIV equal to the amount of negative margin. I cannot seem to get the movie to move to the top of the DIV (FF3).

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Flash - Dynamically Made Sprite Object Has Margin/Padding On Bottom?

Sep 18, 2010

I'm made an Item class which extends the Sprite class, the Item class basically has a few checkmarks & labels at the moment.

Then what I try to do is run through a for loop of items and create Item classes that I want to place one after each other on the y-axis, so I'm reading the Item.height property to find the y of the next Item in the list.

The problem is for some reason there is always an extra 75 pixels added to the Sprite height at the bottom, no matter how many checkmarks and labels are in each Item class ( varying the height of the Item class ).

Any idea why this is being added and how it can be removed?I'm having trouble figuring this out, I tried dynamicly calculating and setting the Item.height property but when I do that the Sprite is simply cropped.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Align A Movieclip To The Left Bottom Of Fullscreen Window (margin 20px)

Feb 23, 2010

I'm planning to provide the visitors of my website an option to toggle between their normal window and an optional fullscreen window. I just don't know how to align a simple movieclip to the left bottom of my fullscreen window (margin 20px). I can't use static parameters because it has to be adjusted to everyone's personal screen resolution. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Flash :: Css - Firefox Putting Gap / Margin Under Header?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a flash header on my site - nothing crazy, just a short clip. It works in safari and opera on the mac and all IE versions on PC. It will not work properly on firefox on either PC or Mac. Firefox seems to be putting a gap of 10-20px under the flash I have looked up many fixes for this as it seems to be a known problem. I have seen people say it's because the "object" element it treated like letters in FF, so it allows room for the "tails" on a G and Y etc (not sure if I explained that well enough, hopefully you get the idea). I have tried margin:0; padding:0; line-height:0; font-size:0;

float:left; vertical-align:middle; and clear;both; - not at the same time, I have tried many combinations and got most of these ideas from other threads/articles where people had found a solution. I have tried this CSS on an id attached to the object, on the element object and on the parent div - I just can't seem to fix it! Also, as a side note - I've noticed the flash looks good in IE6, IE7 but IE8 makes it looks awful - can anyone explain why or confirm that is what they see? Im a mac user so borrow a laptop to test, it would be good to hear if anyone else see's this problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Word In Rectangle Right Aligned To The Right Margin Of The Flash Movie And 100px From Top

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check If A Negative Number Is Less Than Another Negative Number?

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check if a negative number is less than another negative number. The if condition logic seems to be in order as far as i can tell but it doesent work for some reason :

public function minuscheck(testnumber:int):void
if (testnumber < -1)


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IDE :: Forcing Flash Player 10?

Apr 25, 2009

I just finished a website that requires Flash player 10, and I published in for Flash player 10, but earlier flash players still try to run it.Does anyone know where I can find a script that hides my flash movie and asks the user to upgrade, along with a link to upgrade? the link would start the upgrade installation right there so that users dont have to worry about navigating adobe's website.

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Javascript :: Forcing Redraw Of Flash Content In IE 7?

Dec 19, 2011

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<object width="565" height="300" >
<param name="movie" value="/swf/Sample-Elf.swf">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
<embed src="/swf/Sample-Elf.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" width="565" height="300"></embed>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Forcing The Flash Animation To Stop Loading?

May 30, 2003

I have created an opening animation for the webpage. It works well, a main movie loading in all the component parts, to keep the overall filesize down.Except this seems to cause me a problem: the animation sits in a normal html page, which has links to other pages. As the animation loads in, the little percentage checker ticking away in the corner, it is either impossible or at best slow whenever you click on any of the html links. It wants to keep loading the bits in rather than stop and do what the browser wants.IS there anyway of forcing the flash animation to stop loading?I notice on macromedia's site that most of there navigation is controlled by other flash movies, rather than html links, altho the html links do seem to interrupt the main animatin loading and then navigating on.

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Flash - Fastest Way To Get Negative Numbers?

Jun 10, 2011

Is there any Fastest way for this line?
ballAngelRadianVector = -ballAngelRadianVector;
And also this:
ballDegree = fee - ballDegree ;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Forcing Browser Or Flash To Cache Loaded Images?

Feb 1, 2010

I've uploaded my slideshow swf to my WIP website (CSS files got overwritten ) Everything is working great. It's looping, I have a preloader animation, ect. The problem I now want to resolve is getting the loader to cache the image files. When the slideshow is told to go back to image[0], it reloads it again. As the whole point of this project was to work around my free web hosting's bandwidth limits, as well as getting more experience working with XML, this simply wont do. Imagine if someone browsing my site left the main page running for a few hours! What I need it to do is to somehow force the browser to cache the images once they are loaded, or at least I think this is what I need to do? Here's the code again:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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Flash :: Group Width When Elements At Negative Coordinates?

Apr 27, 2011

<s:Group id="g1">
<s:Group id="g2" width="100" x="-40"/>

I have a group that contains elements placed at negative coordinate values. I would like to get the total width of the group including parts of elements placed at negative values. In the example above g1.width returns 60 (100-40) but i like to get the value 100. In the example bellow g3.width returns 0 and still i like to get the value 100. How can I do this.I have debugged the application and no property of g1 or g3 is 100.I get the values I want if I use the Box class instead but how do I get the values i want with the Group class?

<s:Group id="g3">
<s:Group id="g4" width="100" x="-150"/>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash StartDrag Setting Negative Bounds?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a large movieclip (2336 x 1752) and a stage of 800 x 600. I want to be able to drag the movieclip around the stage so no white is visible:

minimum x before I get whitespace: -1536
minimum y before I get whitespace: -1152
maximum x before I get whitespace: 0
maximum y before I get whitespace: 0

I have tried this:

var mcBounds = new Rectangle(-1536, -1152, 0, 0);
mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);


But it doesn't drag at all...when I try it just moves it to it's maximum position and stays there.Is it because the rectangle can't have negative values?

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TextField Setting Top Margin - Some Chars Cut Out

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to figure out why some letters (like the norwegian Ã… (Ã…)) are cutted out in the middle of the top "o":

My code is this:
var titleFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
titleFormat.size = textSize;
// this is embedded font, and exported for action script, declared
titleFormat.font = myFontBold.fontName;
titleFormat.bold = true;
[Code] .....

So, I have tried different things like setting height hardcoded and bigger than text, but top us cutted again, I have tried with css but no success. Why the letter is not showed fully and why if I zoom in the swf (2-3 zoom ins) it shows up normal (and what i try to achieve) like this: I think it has to do with the topMargin, but unfortunately I didn't find something like that in as3 documentation.

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IDE :: Modify TextField's Margin / Padding?

Jan 28, 2009

When dealing with TextFields, Flash always adds some sort of margin/padding around the outside of your TextField, so that if you set the X and Y of your TextField to 0, then your text would still sit about +4 pixels in.

If you create a TextField and set 'border=true', you will see what i mean - the border is drawn right on the edge of the TextField, but the actual text itself sits within a padding of about 4 pixels.

Is there any way at all to get the text of a TextField to sit hard-up against the border?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Small & Negative X / Y Coordinates Gliding And Creeping

Nov 11, 2010

I noticed this when testing a (physics) project where particles are moved across the screen by adding their velocity to their x/y coordinates.[code]The problem is that the sprite gets moved with steps of approx one twip (0.05 pixel) even at ridiculously low values of vx/vy like "-6.0277093305460 02e- 10". This only happens when the amounts that get added to the x/y coordinates (vx/vy in this case) are negative. No problem with positive numbers. The creeping stops when the square hits a stage edge.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Field- Top Margin?

Mar 2, 2010

I've got some text that is crashing my text box border, and I was wondering if there was any way to set a top margin? I saw values for left/right, but nothing that seemed to indicate I could bump the text down a bit...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unwanted 20px Margin In Flex Application

Apr 21, 2009

how to remove what appears to be an invisible 20px margin within my actionscript 3 application, written using flex builder.  When I add movieclips and set x = 0, they appear about 20px over from the left hand side of the screen.  If I set their x = -20, then they appear flush with the left side of the app.  Is there any way to get around this/remove this margin?
In the attached picture, the green rectangle is at x = 0, yet it is not flush with the left hand side of the app.

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Actionscript 3 :: Draws Bigger Sprite Than I Have Set (padding/margin?

Mar 30, 2012

i created my own Button which simply extends from Sprite.Its able to show 3 different text fading in and out using a timer.In my draw function i first draw a rectangle with the Sprites graphics object representing the background of the button.I added a function to set the button width. This property is used to draw the rectangle. I know that the sprites's size is updated after the rectangle drawing. But for some reason the sprite's width is always more than what i have set via my "setButtonWidth" function.Now i have a simple sprite acting as a button having a graphics.drawRectangle part drawing a simple rect. with lets say 500px width. But when i trace the width of that button it is always about 10% more. Where are these 10% coming from?I read about calling validateNow(). But this is only for Labels, or Checkboxes. For some reason i cannot access the library for Label. This must work somehow with TextFields. But how?

// this function is part of MyButtonClass.as file
function drawButton()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Modifying TextField Margin (Ascend/Descend/etc)?

Jan 28, 2009

My first post, yay! Ok, here's what's been bugging me for a long time. When dealing with TextFields, Flash always adds some sort of margin/padding around the outside of your TextField, so that if you set the X and Y of your TextField to 0, then your text would still sit about +4 pixels in.

If you create a TextField and set 'border=true', you will see what i mean - the border is drawn right on the edge of the TextField, but the actual text itself sits within a padding of about 4 pixels.

Is there any way at all to get the text of a TextField to sit hard-up against the border?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Right-Margin To Whole Dynamic Text Box With External Css File?

Aug 19, 2009

How to set right-margin to whole dynamic text box with external .css file

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Consistent Value From Top Margin / Padding Of TextField To Top Of Actual Text

Jan 11, 2011

How can I get a consistent value from the top margin/padding of a TextField to the top of the actual text.According to the docs (link below), the text field has a 2px gutter on all sides. But there seems to be another gutter that seems to increase / decrease with the size of the text.Using times new roman for a default font size, I can get the baseline of some random text using what we know: I know that there is a 2px gutter all the way around the text field and we can get the ascent through textfield.getLineMetrics(0).ascent. If I draw a line at that position I'll get a line about 2 px below the actual text. Works fine.Now if I want to draw another line at the TOP of the text it's a guessing game. At 36pt text it's 8px from the top of the textfield. At 72pt text it's more like 12px from the top, and at 144pt text it's more like 20px from the top.URL...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Forcing A Failure Because T1 <> T2?

Apr 5, 2009

Simulating Validators, how do I programmatically invalidate a TextInput because it doesn't match some external criteria? (even though it passes regexp/other internal validator tests).e.g. on lost focus, point out to the user that "confirm email" doesn't match "email" (even though both are valid email addresses). I've got a regex validator on a cell phone TextInput field that ensures the user enters with the international prefix e.g. 0044 for the UK Then I have a confirm_mobile field but I want to check the mobile TextInput against confirm_mobile TextInput.

The input on confirm_mobile could always be a valid phone number and pass the regexp test but I need to ensure field 2 == field 1 and if not then invalidate field 2 (or at least simulate the Validator behavior) to tell the user the fields don't match. I can catch this at the end via a trigger on the form submit button but still need to know how to throw a red box round "confirm_mobile" using a validator.

Code: Select allprivate function check_mobile2(evt :FocusEvent)
if (strings_match(confirm_mobile.text , mobile.text))


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Forcing XML Refresh?

Nov 30, 2010

I am having the (apparently common) problem, where my flash file won't update its XML source when I make changes. I've research this, and learned that I need to add a unique reference to the loader, to "fool" the browser into reloading the XML each time.

However, I'm not sure exactly where to put the unique variable. Here's my XML loading code.


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IDE :: Bottom Of My Flash Is Cut Off

May 22, 2007

I got a problem and i don't know how to fix. i published my flash movie as a html and for some reason the bottom is cut off and the default browser scroller is not there? my flash file is 800x900 px

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Forcing An Update Of Textfield?

May 1, 2009

Currently I have a for loop which goes through and draws a really long list of objects.  Each object is contained in its own sprite and as it draws them I wanted to have a text box saying "Ojects" + nObjectsTotalLoaded + " of " + nObjectsTotal + " have been Loaded."  Right now I am timing out because my loops takes so long, but i figured that if I have a textbox updating as it creates each object that it will also fix my problem with timeout. 

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Flex :: Forcing Extension On A File Name?

Jul 28, 2009

In flex when I allow user to download a file using :

dwFile = new FileReference();
dwFile.download(downloadURL, dwFileName);

Is there a way to ensure that the downloaded file always ends up with the extension .tar or any other extension for that matter? By default I give it a name like xyz.tar, but as of now the user can tamper with filename, including its extension. Can I prevent him from doing so?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML, Forcing Attributes To Have Namespaces?

Aug 6, 2009

I'm writing some actionscript to provide a flash frontend to an MS Excel spreadsheet. The idea is that the user will be able to press buttons in a flash application, and that will enter data into the spreadsheet (which will be read and written as XML).

The XML of an MS Excel document looks like this:

<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Forcing A Class To Compile?

Feb 22, 2012

Through researching, i've discovered that the problem with using getDefinitionByName is that the compiler believes that my classes aren't being used, unless they're explicitly referenced in the code, and thus isn't compiling them into the swf.I'm having no luck finding an amicable solution to this problem though. So far the only thing that i've found which works, is explicitly mentioning the name of the class, somewhere in my code. This creates huge problems as it forces me to manually edit an additional part of the code. And really, harcoding anything is horribly sloppy.this isn't an acceptable solution as i'm designing a game with potentially hundreds of weapons, and two classes for each one. I need some way to automate this, and force them to compile.

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