Flash :: Professional - Movie Not Working In IE On PC

Nov 18, 2010

I am putting together a site which includes a simple Flash movie. The movie is working fine in all browsers on the Mac (though I can't confirm whether or not this includes IE as I wouldn't have it on my system even if it was still supported by Microfsoft!). On our Windows PC, however, although the movie is fine in Firefox, it will not work in IE 8. The strange thing is, I've visited other sites in IE and it does run Flash movies - just not this Flash movie.

I'm using Flash CS3 on a Mac and I've saved the movie in both Flash Player 8 and Flash Player 9 without success. The file uses ActionScript 2.0. I've uninstalled Flash on the PC and then reinstalled the latest versions, again without success.

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digitalbut.onRelease = function() {disableBtns();_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container",1);loadMovie("Digital/Digital_2.swf","container");container._x = -22 ;container._y = 40 ;

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OS: Windows 7 64
Flash CS4

I have performed the following troubleshooting steps:
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2. Reset the Registry Key -> same issue
3. Tested on Windows XP 32 (Same machine [dual-boot]) -> works
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The problem is that on the main time line, the button is clickable but doesnt do anything

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GET http://sagebridgedigital.com/client/michelangelos/index.php/Clear_Skin_1.swf 404 (Not Found) in chrome.

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The site is up at [URL]
It is a horizontal layout and when you click on certain buttons it side scrolls to that specific area. The buttons don't execute the actionscript that I need them to not to mention that some images are missing.
Also, are there any bulk packaging publisher settings like InDesign has? I think there may be a problem in the location of some files and I think Flash may not be locating them properly.

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Jun 22, 2010

I've created a Flash animation and inserted the SWF file (created in Flash 8) into my Dreamweaver CS2 file. It all works fine in preview (both in Flash and Dreamweaver). But on any of the browsers the public file doesn't show the flash animation.
I have a transparent layer in Dreamweaver over the SWF file so that I could put hotspots which are working.
Here is the link to the website:[URL]
I've updated AC_RunActiveContent and downloaded a trial FlashCS5 but still no luck.

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Professional :: Simple Mask Not Working In Flash CS4?

Jul 27, 2010

I am creating a very simple mask using motion tweening. I created some text on a layer and made it a masked layer. Then I created a mask layer which consists of a circle that will span across the text. When I play the movie the circle does not show up at all in the frames the mask layer spans (it's purple on a black background) and the circle does not move across the text like I told it to with the motion tweening. I don't know why it's not working. For some reason the circle isn't showing on the stage at all and it's not moving across the text. I don't know if I have it set up wrong on the timeline or what. Here's the steps I followed to create the mask:

1.insert a new layer in which I named it mask and click frame 1 on this layer

2. select the oval tools on the tools panel and set the stroke to none

3. set the fill color to purple

4. draw a circle and click the selection tool and drag a marquee around the circle to select it.

5. click insert on the menu bar, click motion tween then click ok in dialog box about converting it to a symbol to be tweened

6. click the last frame in the mask layer and drag the circle to the end of the line of text

7.click mask on the timeline to select the mask layer, click modify on the menu bar, point to timeline then click layer properties

8. verify the show check box is selected in the name section, click the lock check box to select it, click the mask option button in he type section, then click ok.

9. play the movie in which the circle object covers the text on the masked layer as it moves across the stage.

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Professional :: Flash Links Not Working In HTML

Aug 28, 2010

I am building a website through flash. For the past couple of weeks all of the links have been working fine up until now. I have no idea what I could have possibly done to make this happen. In HTML none of the links work. They are all linked up fine, I even re-linked some of them. Nothing happens. The buttons do nothing.

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Professional :: Flash 8 Links Stop Working?

Aug 31, 2010

I use Flash 8.I'm making this very simple Nav Box where on certain links open in a new window/tab. Those links work great.But most of the links are set to open in the same window that the Nav Box is on. When saving the SWF and HTML, the links work great.
The problem comes when I place it on other pages/sites. The "Self" links never work. Here are samples.

Neither page nor link in the Nav Box requires a Iframe nor anything "special" to work.Here are to version of the AS2 code I've tried (Using the Day Of Victory Ministries link as a sample)
on (release) {getURL("http://www.dovm.org/DOVM_AVP.html");
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------


Unless I'm mistaken, the way flash works, it matters not which server it is on so long as it's directory is public. This enables the flash to be placed on any page (via it's root link / Embedding code) and still have it's buttons work.

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Professional :: Animated Flash Buttons Not Working Right?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm updating my website and my menu buttons have an animation on the mouseOver. A simple animated button with the "Up", "Over", "Down" and "Hit" keyframes.
www.brenda-nies.com will show the effect of my menu buttons and the effect I want to keep. Part of my updates are switching to AS3 and that's where my problem comes in. You can't see it on the website I gave you, but in my working file, when I test it (in IE8), everything starts out fine when I first rollover my button, the animation runs through it's cycle and stops. However, if I press down on the mouse button, the animation starts over. The same when I release the mouse button, the animation starts over. I want the animation to run through 1 cycle and stop, then stay stopped until I roll off the button.

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Sep 15, 2010

I am facing the problem "Adobe Flash CS5 has stopped working " Installation of CS5 is done. But when I open a flash file the above error occures.

Windows 7 Pro -32 bit
Intel core 2duo 2.93GHz
MSI MOther Board
1GBNvidia Graphics Card
Am Updated all Drivers  and windows also . I have 30 User Flash cs5 license getting same error ..Faulting application name: Flash.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4badda9dFaulting module name: ntdll.dll, version:[code]....

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Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to make a Flash lyrics with music following this tutorial: url...I know nothing about creating Flash animation but I have been following it to the letter. So, I start up Flash CS5, press F9 to get into AS3 command box. Then, I paste the code (lyrics.xml and mp3 is already prepared). However, I am getting compiler errors:[code]What do I have to do to make this work? Is there any easier tutorial for lyrics in Flash?

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Professional :: Flash 'Home' Button Not Working?

Nov 27, 2010

So I've just embedded a .swf file as a header to my blog and the home button, the logo, is not working.Everything is linked up correctly. When I test it in Flash, it brings up my blog. However, when I'm actually on the site, the button does nothing.

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