Flash - Selecting Technology For Web App
May 21, 2011
I want to develop an app, which will have a GUI, and will do real time processing of user input. App should work in most common web browsers, and processing will be client side. Also, the app must only work if user is online and logged in to my website. Something like a "license". People should not be able to hack/reverse engineer the code etc. Is it possible to do what I want using Java Applet or a Flash application? Any other technology?
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Feb 16, 2012
I need some little 3D rendering in my browser application. Unfortunatly the Internet Explorer 8 is not going to support WebGL, Canvas 2D or SVG. And the Windows XP users can't install the IE9 (which supports at least Canvas 2D). What do you think about Plugin-based alternatives?
I mean Silverlight with XNA 3D seems not to be supported any longer.Flash has a bad reputation if I ask Apple. What do you think about Unity3D?Are there others?
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Mar 30, 2012
I am trying to learn the technology stack behind StupeFlix and Animoto. I find the whole process very interesting and it is amazing how both of them are able to create professional looking videos so quickly.
As far as I can tell they use a combination of Flash based animations and after effects. Does anyone know the whole process? ie. if I were to create my own stupeflix, what kind of technology, servers etc would I need?
This question is targeted towards learning new technology so please feel free to modify my question to reflect that better.
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Jan 20, 2004
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Aug 4, 2010
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Nov 24, 2011
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Mar 9, 2012
The question is about the following operation: Flash client sends TeX code (or file) to server. TeX is compiled into picture. Picture is sent back to client As far as I can see the best way to do that is to use flash+java remoting. But, there're several java servers (looks like BlazeDS and Red5 are the most popular). Which one do you advise to use for my purposes? Note that steps 1-3 are not final, picture will be changed after that (e.g. some marks will be made).
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how can I check this?
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Apr 3, 2012
There may be more than one answer to this, but I'd like to know if there's some technology out there that exists to handle Audio Processing / Playback in realtime, so that Flash can:
Interface with the technology / plugin to generate sounds with no delay or lag. Apply DSP effects (Reverb, Delay, Dynamic Range Compression / Expansion, Distortion, etc). Manipulate DSP parameters in realtime (sweeping an EQ filter's band or Q).
The most important thing of all, would be for this technology to be available to most users, as it would likely be used for Gaming environments or online Audio production, even. So far, Flash has a few ways to manipulate Audio Data, such as the SampleDataEvent, Andre Michelle's Popforge library, chiptune libraries like SiON, and possibly some other unheard of libraries.
I'm not really convinced though, that these methods are the optimal ways to create interactive sounds - sounds that change depending on game conditions, sounds that closely responds to the users actions. Nothing (that I've seen so far) easily allows developers to create or communicate with a DSP effect in order to manipulate the sound in this way, in realtime.
I know that Flash has the ability to communicate over sockets / ports, so perhaps there is an existing library that can communicate with an external plugin, and can be easily distributed to users at the same time.
Is there such an audio solution out there?
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Aug 19, 2011
We want to build the web-based softphone using SIP technology And we want to use the Asterisk as the Communication server and Java as primary technology in building the system so we have got following flash based softphone using Adobe Flash,FMG,FMS flex based softphone using Flex , Red5 Server we are also reseraching into MjSIP and PjSIP
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Jan 7, 2011
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I'm ready to give JQuery & JQuery UI a try. I looked at Sencha / ExtJS but it seems we need to maintain two code bases one for normal browsers and the other for mobiles (is that correct?)Single code base, I don't want to suggest to them that multiple code bases for the client need to be maintained. That's a last resort option and would lead to complete ruling out of HTML5 with Flash apps and native apps being developed.Canvas capabilities - I don't want to work with raw canvas and shape tags. This too is a last resort option. Is there any abstraction available?
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Jul 4, 2010
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Jun 10, 2010
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Would anyone have any ideas or tips for me that could get me going in the right direction? I have been researching for tools to help me write this but haven't been able to find anything useful..
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Sep 18, 2009
I've just got back to webbydesign and Flash after a long break! I'm bit concerned about the fact that many public computers do not have updated Flash player in their browsers and therefore can't show content designed with CS4 correctly, or at all!
I can't check this myself right now, but if I select ie. Flash version 8 in publish settings using Flash CS4, will this disable all version 10 functionality while designing my site? As far as i know, v10 supports 3D and whatnot fancies, that I don't need atleast for now.
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Nov 23, 2011
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Oct 11, 2010
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Sep 17, 2003
I have a client for whom I just created an entire Flash MX website. Now, they want to create and identical HTML site for the users that have dial up or do not want to install Flashplayer. They have a lot of very wealthy clients (individuals and companies) and you would think that would mean most would have high speed access. I am quickly learning that this is an incorrect assumption.
My suggestion to them was to create a simple HTML splash page which would allow the user to select either the Flash or HTML site. This was shot down and what they are looking for is the ability for the website to detect the Flashplayer (and possibly the access speed, yeah right) and send the user to the appropriate version of the site. Does this sound doable?
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Sep 2, 2010
What i'm trying to do is creating an array of objects, little squares that are positioned in a grid with coordinates and when i click on the coordinates i need to select only the elements which fit with the value. So, what i'm trying to do now is to pass a value to each element of the array but it doesn't work:
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Dec 23, 2009
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Aug 11, 2011
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Mar 9, 2010
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Mar 7, 2012
For a new application I need to make a decision on what frontend technology to use. I know this question has been asked before and I've found several studies, blogs and other references discussing Flash vs. Silverlight vs HTML5 vs JavaFX, but in my case there is a business requirement that complicates the situation.The application must run as an offline, stand-alone desktop application and as an online client-server application and perhaps in the future it needs to run on tablets as well. And to minimise maintenance we would like to have just one code-base. The server side should preferably run on Linux.
From earlier projects we have experience with Java and Flex for the client-server configuration, but I haven't found out if it is possible to package this into a stand-alone application. Java and JavaFX would be an alternative, but JavaFX still seems to be immature and lacking development tools. If we go for Silverlight we would more or less have to switch to C# or C++ for the backend, or use something like JNBridge, which would make the stand-alone installation more complicated. And HTML5 would be the choice for the future, but less suited for a complex application and we might run into browser-dependencies.So I haven't found the ideal solution yet and could use some help. Perhaps we need to limit the one code-base requirement only for the server/backend side and accept different front-ends for different usages.
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Jan 19, 2010
I'm working on a application that requires a feature-rich media view, including images, videos, and smooth sequencing based on capture time. The backend is currently written in Rails.
What's currently the best, most mature option for implementing RIAs with Rails on the backend? I've looked at Flex, Laszlo, and ExtJS. ExtJS is interesting to me because I'm really not a fan of pure Flash UIs, but it seems highly targeted towards business apps, not entertainment applications like this.
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Apr 6, 2010
For an internship, I'm gonna have to develop a desktop application. The focus is creating a rich UI ( cool effects, sound etc ). Which tech should I go with ?
- Flash ? ( in this case, shoud I go with a flex project ? AIR ? what is the gain between this and a simple raw flash project )
- C#/Silverlight ?
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Dec 2, 2010
I'm developing a Rich Internet Application. So far, I have been working on the database and middle-tier .Net for the application. I'm now starting to work on the front-end UI and was planning to use Silverlight, which I'm currently learning. However, based on recent news it looks like Silverlight might be a bad choice for a long-term application.
The application will be a complex user-interface based around social networking, but will involve a lot of animated elements, funky UI pieces and video/audio. what is the best technology to 'buy into' for this, given that it needs to be backed by a .Net 3-tier system?
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Mar 18, 2011
the only information i found online is that RTMFP uses 128-bit cypher. Does anyone know what exact encryption technology is used?
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Jun 6, 2011
I just saw the McDonald's commercial which I have linked to below and I would like to try developing something similar for a festival. We have been talking about making a game in which the user has to use their iPhone and something like what McDonald's has done would be great.My question is if anyone have an idea how I can send the data and what technology they might have used? I imagine making two websites. One on which the game itself is shown and one which is the controller but how would I make sure that the data is sent and handled fast enough?I am familiar with JavaScript and PHP. I have been working a bit with flash and ActionScript and I am wondering if that might be best for the game (obviously not the controller)You can see the McDonald's commercial on the link below. Basically, the user visits a webpage which is the controller and then they are able to play the ping-pong game on the big screen.
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Jan 14, 2012
I am trying to find the IP address using as3 in adobe Flash professional cs5.5 and I think it is not possible from AS3 without using any server side technology(maybe I am wrong).But I don't know any server side technology like PHP..etc.
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Jan 31, 2012
I'd like to port my Zuma-like game to browsers. It's not really complex 2D arcade game, just some animations and particle systems - really similar in complexity to the one I linked to.I'm wondering what technology should I use. I'm thinking about Java, Flash or maybe some solution working without a plugin (SVG, Canvas?). The cost of the technology is also really important to me (I'd prefer a free solution of course, but don't know if it's possible).It's really probable that I'll also port the game to Anrdoid and iPhone. Maybe if I picked Java, I could write one version that would work on both: browsers and Android phones?
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