Flash :: Java - Sending Picture Client - Which Technology To Use

Mar 9, 2012

The question is about the following operation: Flash client sends TeX code (or file) to server. TeX is compiled into picture. Picture is sent back to client As far as I can see the best way to do that is to use flash+java remoting. But, there're several java servers (looks like BlazeDS and Red5 are the most popular). Which one do you advise to use for my purposes? Note that steps 1-3 are not final, picture will be changed after that (e.g. some marks will be made).

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Java :: Detect When Flex Client Closes The Connection?

May 13, 2010

I have a Flex application that connects to a BlazeDS server using the StreamingAMF channel. On the server-side the logic is handled by a custom adapter that extends ActionScriptAdapter and implements FlexSessionListener and FlexClientListener interfaces.

I am asking how can I detect which "flex-client" has closed a connection when for example the user is closing the browser? (so I can clean some infos inside the database)

I tried using the following:

1. To manually manage the command messages:

public Object manage(final CommandMessage commandMessage) {
switch (commandMessage.getOperation()) {


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Feb 20, 2011

I'm getting to work with with red5 and am trying to make a basic app that will stream a random video to the client. Let's say I have 3 flvs on my server, I'd like a client to connect to my red5 app and have 1 of these 3 videos streamed to them. The only streaming i've been able to figure out so far uses netStream.play("video.flv"), this doesn't work for me, I want the server to decide on the file to stream rather than the client.

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Java :: Reusing The Client Session Extraction Logic?

Jun 6, 2011

I want to be able to reuse my existing controller logic regardless of whether a request has been sent from a Flex client (using BlazeDS + Spring at the backend), or as a simple HTTP POST/GET request. For simple cases, things work OK, however, there are some occasions when I need to access some session attributes. At first, I almost exclusively used the FlexContext class, but then I realized that when one sends an HTTP request, then the Flex Context is obviously undefined.

My question is, what is the best approach to abstract the session extraction logic,regardless of the type of the request. In other words, I would make a class called SessionManager, which has a method getSession. This class will make a check whether there is a Flex context, if there is, it will return the session of that context. If not, it will simply return the current HTTP session (which I assume is the same as the Flex client session, but I was not sure)

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Dec 8, 2010

I have a ValueObject in Java Source Code with a java.util.Date or java.sql.Date attribute and in Flex-AS3 have a DTO mapped by [RemoteClass] using a Date AS3 Type.When I set a date in Flex with 2010-09-05 format YYYY-MM-DD in DateField component and send it to Java, java shows 2010-09-04 there is a difference of a day from flex to java

I'm using Java EJB Service + GraniteDS + RemoteObject to comunication.

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Java :: Indicate Failed Authentication Reason To Flex Client With JAAS?

Dec 29, 2009

We're using :

JBoss 5
Flex SDK 3.5
BlazeDS 3, with integrated authentication (through JAAS and JBossSX)

Failed login are always indicated to the flex client by the same fault code : Client.Authentication

However, the underlying JAAS LoginModule throws a specific javax.security.auth.login.LoginException subclass.

How can we propagate the failed login reason to the flex client ?

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Java :: Client-side Framework For Web-app With Good Audio Support?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm trying to create a client-side web app that generates music procedurally using some user-input parameters, so I'm looking for a framework (e.g. Flash, Silverlight etc.) that has the capability to play audio at a specified pitch. Whether it is playing a WAV/MP3 file, using MIDI output, or just playing beeps doesn't really matter -- I just need something that will enable me to generate arbitrary music client-side.

I've done a bit of searching and it appears that Flash might have the ability to change pitch with the help of a third-part plugin, but I couldn't find anything similar for Silverlight.

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Java - Connecting Non-flex Client To Server Running BlazeDS?

Aug 27, 2010

I have Flex/AIR app that connects to a tomcat server via BlazeDS. I'm not finding that I have to integrate an old webapp (struts/jsp) and I'd like to keep that webapp untouched except for login, authentication and session handling. Also a 3rd java app that uses httpclient.

Currently I have some blazeDS remote objects to handle login/logout with a few RPC calls. In turn, FlexSession objects are created and handled. Is there a way to use httpclient and javascript to call those blazeds RPCs so I dont have to recode and have 3 different means to handle logins and sessions?

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Java :: Externalizing Client ChannelSet Configuration For Flex Web Application?

Dec 10, 2010

I am looking for an approach that will allow me to (somehow) dynamically pass the server name, server port, and web context to my Flex client so it can create a ChannelSet for it's RemoteObjects to use. These three properties are, of course, readily available to my Java server-side code so I just need a way to get them to the client.

By default, Adobe says you should compile your Flex application against the server configuration file "services-config.xml". This is a highly inflexible practice that Spring says should be avoided (I agree).

One popular approach is to use Flex's http service to download an XML configuration file. I like this idea, but I don't want to hard-code an XML file and keep it inside my WAR file. Is there a way to dynamically generate this from Java code?somehow use flashvars to pass the properties in from the containing HTML page to the SWF file. But again, I don't want to hard code them into the HTML page. Is there a way (maybe with Javascript?) to dynamically set the value of these when the page loads?

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Java :: Load A .properties File From A Client Using Adobe Flex?

Feb 28, 2011

Is it possible to load a .properties file from a client computer using adobe flex? I have a flex app that needs to access a server and multiple URLs but the URLs may change frequently. So I think modifying and loading the URLs from a .properties file would be the easiest way update the URLs

I was able to use florians suggestion and I've added the code below if anyone else is interested. I used the example here URLLoader.

public function URLLoaderDataFormatExample(event:Event):void
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("file:///c:/temp/prop.properties");
var variables:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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Java :: Error #2173 When Sending Gravity Message?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a problem with Map objects, while using Gravity. All messages works ok, except the ones which includes Map objects. They throw the following exception:ArgumentError: Error #2173: Could not read the object in the stream. though lass:org.granite.collections.BasicMap do not implement flash.utils.IExternalizable,but we know that it's Class:externalizable by its alias.I've found that this error occurs when you do not include granite-essentials.swc, but I don't think that's the case, because normal messaging using RemoteObject works fine, even with Map objects

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Java :: Push Data From BlazeDS Without Receive Message From Flex Client?

Dec 9, 2009

I am using BlazeDS for data-push feature in my Flex application project. From the official tutorial, Getting started with BlazeDS, it shows messaging example with producer/consumer from API. but how can I implement server side which doesn't need to be invoke from Flex client, but from within server-side instead. I got some idea but I don't know how to do because I'm a Flex developer, not Java developer In Google, there's a tutorial show about I need to extend ServiceAdapter class in Java-side, which extends Invoke method. Do I need to extend other class instead of this to do what I want?

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