Java :: Sending Date From Flex To EJB Service?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a ValueObject in Java Source Code with a java.util.Date or java.sql.Date attribute and in Flex-AS3 have a DTO mapped by [RemoteClass] using a Date AS3 Type.When I set a date in Flex with 2010-09-05 format YYYY-MM-DD in DateField component and send it to Java, java shows 2010-09-04 there is a difference of a day from flex to java

I'm using Java EJB Service + GraniteDS + RemoteObject to comunication.

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var token:AsyncToken = services.requestService.commit(new Array(model.currentRequestDetail));
responder = new AsyncResponder(resultHandler, faultHandler, token);


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Java :: Flex - Date Not Serializing Using BlazeDS

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public class myVO {
public var label:String;
public var endDate:Date;
[Code] .....

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Apr 7, 2009

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Error opening URL 'http://localhost/Trial/DAService.asmx' Load failed: HTTP Status = 500 Load failed: IO error: Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://localhost/Trial/DAService.asmx
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I can add the services to the Data Services panel but I have two strange things:

1) when I want to configure the return type he doesn't let me create a new ValueObject type, I only get the bottom datagrid which states: Properties returned by the operation: Property: country_Id, provence_Id, city_Id, id_cdpc, district_Id with the related values on the right side. Why can't I create a new data type on the top?

2) When I accept this and want to add the service call to a button (drag&drop) I get the following error: Error occurred while generating code. Make sure that there are no compiler eroors and try again after reopening the file. Componentn type services.cdpc.CDPC not found... (ps: When I perform a Test Operation everything seems to be ok, I get the expected output values)

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Flash :: Java - Sending Picture Client - Which Technology To Use

Mar 9, 2012

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Java :: Error #2173 When Sending Gravity Message?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a problem with Map objects, while using Gravity. All messages works ok, except the ones which includes Map objects. They throw the following exception:ArgumentError: Error #2173: Could not read the object in the stream. though lass:org.granite.collections.BasicMap do not implement flash.utils.IExternalizable,but we know that it's Class:externalizable by its alias.I've found that this error occurs when you do not include granite-essentials.swc, but I don't think that's the case, because normal messaging using RemoteObject works fine, even with Map objects

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Oct 29, 2010

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Nov 25, 2010

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<destination id="FriendNotifierGateway">
<adapter ref="friendNotifierAdapter" />


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Php :: Split Date Form Date Of String Formate Using Flex?

Nov 30, 2009

my date of string like (2009-12-03 21:05:00) date with time . so i used to store var newdate:Date=new Date(Date.parse(startdate)); but shows some errors.and also i tried to split string(date) used date function likevar datenumber:Number= (new Date(Date.parse(startdate))).getDate();

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Date Serialization - Render A Null Date Value

Aug 24, 2010

Does anyone know how to get actionscript to render a null date value '000:00:00T00:00:00'? I am calling a web service that expects date fields in the SOAP xml. I need some of these dates to serialize as null and I can't see how to produce null. The closest value I can get is '1899-11-30T00:00:00Z'. Below is the code I am using:


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Java :: Intercepting Date Objects Coming From BlazeDS And Adjusting For Timezone Differences?

Oct 27, 2010

I am working on an application that is near the end of its development cycle and has mostly passed user testing. We recently realized that having flex convert dates to the client's local timezone is not desired, as all of our dates are in EST and contain no time data. Since BlazeDS sends dates in UTC, this results in the dates being converted to the day before in timezones west of EST.

The best solution is to go in and refactor all dates to adjust for the timezone offset, but that is just not doable at this stage. Since all dates in our application don't care about time, I would really like to be able to intercept all Date objects that come across BlazeDS and adjust for the timezone offset.

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Flex :: Create A Timeline From Date To Date In AS3?

Aug 25, 2009

I need to create a timeline between 2 given dates, ie:2006-01-20 - 2009-02-14

The timeline must be drawn on a given width (can be altered), ie: 600px

But I need to add markers, one on year beginning, and others 4 times during the year (each 73 days aprox)

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Flex :: Date Displaying Wrong Date?

Sep 29, 2009

I am experiencing a very strange behavoiour of Flex Date object. My web service is written in .Net 3.5 and all object which I am retriving or updating have Creation Date (Date Type) in .Net code.

But when I am calling .Net web service and displaying data in Flex, Flex displaying a different Date than what stored in web service. When I update my object using Flex UI, every time update time is very different than actual update time set by .Net code.

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Java :: Flex - Max Upload File Size For Java Using Remote Object (BlazDS)?

Jul 16, 2010

I tried with flex and java in the backend. In this, I am able to upload files till 100 MB using remote object (blazeDs) where we will read the file as byte array and send it to the java method. If the file size exceeds after that, then I get the run time error in IE.

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Java :: Flex - Unable To Send MIDI File Name To Java To Playback Music?

Oct 27, 2010

I could play MIDI file where "filename" is a String type with "asd.mid" value. However, I tried to sent AIR's nativeprocess command to Java, it shown "could not read" error.


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