Java :: Error #2173 When Sending Gravity Message?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a problem with Map objects, while using Gravity. All messages works ok, except the ones which includes Map objects. They throw the following exception:ArgumentError: Error #2173: Could not read the object in the stream. though lass:org.granite.collections.BasicMap do not implement flash.utils.IExternalizable,but we know that it's Class:externalizable by its alias.I've found that this error occurs when you do not include granite-essentials.swc, but I don't think that's the case, because normal messaging using RemoteObject works fine, even with Map objects

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[Code] .....

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<destination id="FriendNotifierGateway">
<adapter ref="friendNotifierAdapter" />


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I've been working on some actionscript 3 system. And all of a sudden, it wouldn't execute anymore. When I pushed CTRL-Enter in Flash CS3, a white screen would open up (instead of the normal flash program) and no trace-output would be given.

Three hours later I found the cause of this weird problem.It's (simplified) the line:

var value:Number = -(true ? 1 : 0); // This one doesn't work.

Put this line in your script, and your entire program won't execute. And without any error message! I was wondering, why is that? By the way, the following lines do work[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling New MP3 URL But Getting Error Message

Feb 21, 2009

On the first frame of my timeline is the code for an MP3 player that exists in the 4 following frames, which are separated by frame labels. I am trying to call a different Mp3 URL in each different frame, but am getting this error msg: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null.

Here is the code on the 1st frame:
var sndObject:Sound= new Sound();
var chaObject:SoundChannel= new SoundChannel() ;
var sndTransform:SoundTransform= new SoundTransform();
var reqObject:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
var sndBytes:ByteArray= new ByteArray();
var intPosition:int = 0;
var bolStop:Boolean= true;
function initMP3Player(reqObject:String):void {
[Code] .....

And this is how I am calling it on 4 following frames:

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What Appears To Be A Bogus Error Message

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Any work-arounds to what appears to be a bogus error message?Multiple buttons to control a movie and one (defined with the exact same process/steps as the others) results in the 1120 error.[code]No syntax error, but test run results in 1120 error on the P_button event.Instances are established for both and the names are spelled correctly.  Is there some undocumented feature about what characters can't be used in instances and button/movie definitions?

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Professional :: An Error Message When Trying To Use Components?

Jun 4, 2010

it seems that I have installed wrong or corrupted component files, because every time i open Flash and try to use any component, there come error messages like "Unexpected file format"  and Flash closes inmediatly after that... I reinstalled Fash , but it is still displaying that error... so I guess there must be a file where I can delete all the previous components installed, and make it work from scratch... how do i do it

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Set An Error Message For Custom Validator

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I have custom validator apllied to many comboboxes in different tabs of application. Its is performing the same validation for all the comboboxes. The only difference is for ecah combobox the custom validator should return a different error messagae. How can error message be specified.?like some error property in mxml or by somehow passing the error message as parameters to custom validator class, as I dont want to have one custom validator for each component.

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ActionScript Code:
package { 
import flash.display.Sprite;


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MovieClip.prototype.shiver = function(xScale, yScale, strength, weight) {
var xScaleStep = 0;
var yScaleStep = 0;[code].....

I don't get an error message but on stage nothing happens when I roll the mouse over the mc.

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