Actionscript 3 :: Push Message To AIR App From Java Server?

May 23, 2011

We are planning to make a POC for Desktop Alert application. We will have a desktop AIR app that will connect to a Java Server. The server will need to notify Desktop App when it has a notification which will be displayed on the screen.A couple of options that we have discovered are :

1. Keep a persistent connection between the AIR app and the Server, using some sockets and listen to any changes.

2. Poll the Server at intervals to check if some new data has come.

Since these options don't seem optimal (persistent connection) or seems performance wise (polling) better.

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Mar 1, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Server Shows Error Message In Flex Side

Jan 4, 2011

I am using AIR with tomcat..(blaze ds as bridge) but i changed in service.config also in server side but i got the following error.. how to rectify this problem Result : [RPC Fault faultString="Send failed" faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend" faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 404: url:

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Media Server :: Getting Message Connection Has Been Rejected Due To License Limit In Flash

Aug 4, 2011

We are getting message "Connection has been rejected due to license limit" in flash media server 2.0.5 at the time of connecting to the server. Previuosly that server works fine but today when we tried got above message. May be some changes occur on the system as we dont have controll for that system. But we can check FMS 2.0.5 on that system through managment console of FMS.  Please suggest us in which direction we have to look.

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Media Server :: Sending Error Message: Method Not Found (FCSubscribe)?

Nov 26, 2011

Accepted a connection from IP:, referrer:", pageurl: "http:/ ream&type=liveSending error message: Method not found (FCSubscribe).

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Flex :: Server Client Communication - Display Emergency Alert Message

Oct 1, 2010

I have 12 display monitors installed in different floors in a building. These monitors display announcements that will be update once in a day. I'm retrieving these announcements from db and storing in an array and displaying it all day long. In addition to this, I have a requirement to display emergency alert messages on the monitors. My Server is a windows 2000 server. I'm using asp for creating the JSON object.

For the emergency alert I am thinking of doing this:
Create a page in asp that lets user to enter emergency msg and save to db.
Create a page in asp that will check if there an emergency msg in db and show it in a asp page in json.
Create a timer that pings this json page every 1 second. If it's available then show it.
Is there any other sophisticated method available to poll the server or to send messages from server to client?

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Why am not able to connect? But when specify remoteObject in the declaration tags and call the methods it works fine.

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Nov 10, 2009

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