Selecting New Layer In Flash?
Jul 4, 2010
When you add a new layer to flash it shows you that little black ball on the first when I add a new layer into flash it only shows an empty ball in the first frame, it's not filled with black. how do i fix this?
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May 21, 2011
I want to develop an app, which will have a GUI, and will do real time processing of user input. App should work in most common web browsers, and processing will be client side. Also, the app must only work if user is online and logged in to my website. Something like a "license". People should not be able to hack/reverse engineer the code etc. Is it possible to do what I want using Java Applet or a Flash application? Any other technology?
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Jun 10, 2010
I am trying to write a flash app that will allow a user to select various regions of an image, similar to that of the selection tool in photoshop where a square region can be stretched and selected.
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Sep 18, 2009
I've just got back to webbydesign and Flash after a long break! I'm bit concerned about the fact that many public computers do not have updated Flash player in their browsers and therefore can't show content designed with CS4 correctly, or at all!
I can't check this myself right now, but if I select ie. Flash version 8 in publish settings using Flash CS4, will this disable all version 10 functionality while designing my site? As far as i know, v10 supports 3D and whatnot fancies, that I don't need atleast for now.
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Nov 19, 2009
I am doing some research on creating clcikTags. I read a few places that the clcikTag should be on the top layer. That has been fine, but now I want to loop it and I usually put my actions in the top layer. Will this cause a problem? Am I better off just putting my loop action on the last key frame of the clcikTag layer?
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Aug 9, 2010
Im creating a program that is designed to allow the used to select 3 pictures (movie clips) and print them off on a single peace of paper.
The program works by allowing the user to select 3 graphics (the graphics are actually instructions for various exercises) and then moving the desired movieclips onto the stage. This all happens on a layer named "Content"
So far the program will allow the user to select the movieclips and will move them into place on the Content layer as well as move smaller versions of the pictures into a preview box the only thing it does not do is print. (the most important bit)
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Mar 22, 2012
Is it possible to create multiple layer masks over a single layer using Actionscript3?Below is the flash effect I wanted to create with masks.First it starts from A and goes to B and C simultaneously.Then from B it goes to H and D simultaneously (the same applies to C).This is how the end result will look I need my background to be transparent. I'm embedding it into a web page later.
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Oct 11, 2010
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Sep 17, 2003
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My suggestion to them was to create a simple HTML splash page which would allow the user to select either the Flash or HTML site. This was shot down and what they are looking for is the ability for the website to detect the Flashplayer (and possibly the access speed, yeah right) and send the user to the appropriate version of the site. Does this sound doable?
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Feb 11, 2010
I can't seem to go to a master edit file that is supposed to show both the body (layer 1) and wing (layer 2) of a flying bird animation. Is there a way to merge these two since I'm planning on shrinking it down and making a lot of birds?He merged the two layers at 14:24 of the video without even explaining how he went to this so called "Edit Master Movie Clip" that seems non-existent on Adobe Flash CS4.
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Jan 11, 2010
I want to create a simple mask. A white oval on a second layer on top of a bottom layer that just has a word of type. I want the oval to travel from the upper left down to cover up the type. When I create the second layer, create the oval, and choose a distant frame for the "end" of the oval's positioning, my type in the first layer disappears as soon as I press F6 on that second layer. Why? Why is it nuking my first layer?
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Aug 17, 2010
I have a container MovieClip called Drags where I can drag stamps (other MovieClips)--they are added to the Drags container via addChild. I have a second container MovieClip above that one (display order-wise) call Paint that contains a bmp, and some sprites used for adding a layer of paint.
My question is this: I need to be able to click on the Paint layer when I am above a draggable MovieClip and trigger the MouseEvent for the correct object to drag it around, but the item must always remain below the Paint layer.
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Sep 2, 2010
What i'm trying to do is creating an array of objects, little squares that are positioned in a grid with coordinates and when i click on the coordinates i need to select only the elements which fit with the value. So, what i'm trying to do now is to pass a value to each element of the array but it doesn't work:
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Nov 5, 2009
I'm trying to do a little comic comedy type video in Flash. I've done an outline sketch with the pen tool of my first character, now I want to color it BUT I want to keep the colors and the outline sketch separated on two different layers. Is there a way I can select the path (outline) on layer A and then colorize it with the bucket tool on layer B? The problem I'm having is that every object I select it automatically jumps to that corresponding layer.
One reason why I want to do it this way is I still want to continue working freely on the outline sketch since it's not fully finished, so that I just can blend the colors out and keep working on the outline, at the same time I want to color it while I go just to see where it's going and to make sure that I'm not wasting my time unnecessarily with trying to do a outline just to find out that it won't work out at the end.
how to do a comic type animation, how to create the characters, how to make them move and talk? It can be a free or paid resource.
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Aug 11, 2011
This is the first time i am working in action script. I have seen a flash programmer working with it. since i know javascript i was able to work in action script. I am creating a file upload component for my php projects. Until now i have advanced to show the file dialog box using the FileReference api. The select event is not firing for me. and i did not get any error.
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Dec 12, 2011
Why this code doesn`t work?
tip_052.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,ove rSub);function overSub(evtObj:MouseEvent) {
tip_052.visible = true;
appear this error "Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 3', Frame 1, Line 291083: Syntax error: else is unexpected.
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Jul 27, 2004
this is the END of the code:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("pos", total);
pos.moveTo(radius.b, 0);
pos.beginGradientFill("radial", [0xCCCCCC, 0x999999], [100, 100], [0, 255], {matrixType:"box", x:-radius.b-radius.b/2, y:-radius.b-radius.b/2, w:radius.b*2, h:radius.b*2, r:0});
for (var radians = 0; radians
I get a error for the last line. The error is this:
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 11: ';' expected
for (var radians = 0; radians
I cant get it working.. I have flash mx 2004 pro..
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Oct 22, 2008
Is it possible to add layers, re-order layers, move movieclips from layer to layer or specify which layer a duplicate movieclip appears on at runtime with AS3?I am aware of the depth properties and the functions associated with that but it would be easier to have a concept of a layer because I am dealing with masks.I have a nasty feeling I'm gonna be told that layers don't really exist within an swf and that depths and setmask are all there is to work with.
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Mar 19, 2011
I've used this site as a resource leading up to this, not particularly sure if I worded this correctly I have a class "Block" which is just a square (will be something else later on in the process) I want each block to have controls to add an additional block in either direction so I have another class BlockButtons which has my buttons for each direction.
And another class GlobalVar where I keep all my variables for funsies
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Feb 27, 2010
After browsing for the images, and selecting them. How can I display a preview of the image in the datagrid? I am able to display the file name, file size, but was unable to display the image. Below are the codes I have written, it is not a complete code but just enough to make it understandable.
// variables used
var list:Array = new Array();
var listDP:Array = new Array();
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Sep 14, 2010
There is a flash application that I want to embed on my site. On top of that flash application there should be a div layer.
But what happens is that the flash movie always appears over the layer.
place the div layer over that flash application?
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Nov 9, 2011
A project I'm involved in has a specific requirement where a layer must be added on top of an existing SWF. The SWF is created by converting a PDF using SWFTools pdf2swf. This layer will be used to add interactive elements like videos or sound on top of the existing text content in the SWF.
My problem is, when I try to import the SWF into Flash Pro, it sort of breaks up and it's not possible to see the SWF or its elements correctly.
I've tried making the SWF a MovieClip symbol after importing and called its play() and gotoAndPlay(i) methods to no avail. Using an external SWF with a loader works, but the SWF should be internal so the whole project can be compiled to iOS and Android in one go.
Are there any other methods I could use to interact with a SWF and make it work inside my FLA project?
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May 20, 2011
I need to catch a hover event on top of a flash object, so I set the wmode and created an invisible div on top of it to attach the event listeners to. Thing is, I can't click the flash object. The cover is swallowing the clicks, and the things I've tried to go around this have made a mess of the hover events. This is the 30th problem I ran into in 2 days time and it's driving me crazy xD.
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Apr 29, 2009
am creating a little game... It is about selecting some items...If 2 right items are selected on frame 1, the "next" button will appear for the user to click on it to go to frame 2.
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Nov 8, 2009
I have a tower defence that i am making, and what i am trying to accomplish is to upgrade the tower selected, but it is only upgrading the last tower built. Here is my upgrading code:
ActionScript Code:
function everything() {
for (l=0; l<dtn; l++) {
dartSelected = dartTowerForReal[l];
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Jul 21, 2009
I have this file [URL] with this code
import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*;
//Roll over and out button actions
var buttonArray:Array =
1. Rather than using removeChildAt(5) how can I change this so I don't have to hard code in a number? As when I use this in my main project I get an out of bounds error.
2. How do I get my store text to match the pin that has been rolled over, so if pin 1 has been rolled over I get store one etc. At the moment I only know how to say storesArray[0]; which obviously isn't working for me.
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Oct 26, 2009
I'm using a combobox component that I'm populating with a five-element array, as follows:
0 All
1 Bakery
2 Diary
3 Deli
4 Drink
And because I don't want "All" displaying in the text box, I've added the line
dropDown.text = "Select here..."
once the combobox is populated. Unfortunately, when I test the combobox and open the list, "All" is at the top of the list but already selected, so that when I click it, nothing happens. The rest of the items work fine.
Could someone tell me how to disable the first item, so that it's not automatically selected when the list opens and therefore can be clicked?
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Sep 13, 2010
I'm trying to create an gallery application that reads the pics from the server per category (= directory). I do this using a PHP that creates the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> - <categories> - <category name="Categorie1">
<image name="cat1Pic1.jpg" /> <image name="cat1Pic2.jpg" /> </category> - <category name="Categorie2">
<image name="cat2Pic1.jpg" /> <image name="cat2Pic2.jpg" /> <image name="cat2Pic3.jpg" /> <image name="cat2Pic4.jpg" /> </category></categories>
Now I can get to the categories(= directories) using this code:
ActionScript 3 Code:
var categoryAttributes:XMLList = galleryInput.category.attributes();
for each (var categoryNAME:XML in categoryAttributes){
trace("categoryNAME:" + categoryNAME);
This works, I get the directory names and create labels on stage and hang eventlisteners on them to handle user input. The next step is to select the corresponding pictures (that are in the "current" directory) and I just can't get it to work. My best effort so far is the following, but this code gives me ALL pictures, not a selection....
ActionScript 3 Code:
var categoryAttributes:XMLList = galleryInput.category.attributes();
for each (var categoryNAME:XML in categoryAttributes) {
trace("Hier komt de categoryNAME:" + categoryNAME);
// Get the right pictures
[Code] .....
And if I use AS3 states that there are more than one value (of course). Now I have 2 questions: How do I limit the selection to just the images belonging to the "current" category? Is this the right approach? Or should I design it all different?
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Aug 19, 2009
I have rollover JS/CSS menus that drop down over a Flash feature with several rollover behaviors. When I'm in one of the menu divs overtop, the Flash rollover behaviors behind the layer I'm on keep firing. Is there a way to tell Flash not to react while I'm moused over a non-Flash layer on top?
UPDATE: This seems to only happen on the Mac (FF & Safari) but not the PC.
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