ActionScript 2.0 :: Selecting First Value In Combobox
Oct 26, 2009
I'm using a combobox component that I'm populating with a five-element array, as follows:
0 All
1 Bakery
2 Diary
3 Deli
4 Drink
And because I don't want "All" displaying in the text box, I've added the line
dropDown.text = "Select here..."
once the combobox is populated. Unfortunately, when I test the combobox and open the list, "All" is at the top of the list but already selected, so that when I click it, nothing happens. The rest of the items work fine.
Could someone tell me how to disable the first item, so that it's not automatically selected when the list opens and therefore can be clicked?
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dartSelected = dartTowerForReal[l];
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import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*;
//Roll over and out button actions
var buttonArray:Array =
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> - <categories> - <category name="Categorie1">
<image name="cat1Pic1.jpg" /> <image name="cat1Pic2.jpg" /> </category> - <category name="Categorie2">
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for each (var categoryNAME:XML in categoryAttributes){
trace("categoryNAME:" + categoryNAME);
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ActionScript 3 Code:
var categoryAttributes:XMLList = galleryInput.category.attributes();
for each (var categoryNAME:XML in categoryAttributes) {
trace("Hier komt de categoryNAME:" + categoryNAME);
// Get the right pictures
[Code] .....
And if I use AS3 states that there are more than one value (of course). Now I have 2 questions: How do I limit the selection to just the images belonging to the "current" category? Is this the right approach? Or should I design it all different?
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<mx:FormItem label="Select your Channel : " x="296" y="0">
<s:DropDownList id="channelSelection"
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Sep 29, 2009
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Dec 9, 2010
So you start off with all of the items in the inventory. You do not have to collect them.I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class.What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP)it goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true.but when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.[code]I thought this. called on every movieclip of the Rebound class?So instead of this. if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead. If there is such thing.
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Jan 13, 2011
Im going to have multiple items in this game im making, and i want these items to be selectable. And i would have to be able to trace which was was currently selected.
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Apr 20, 2011
I'm trying to dynamically move the desired MovieClip depending on how many times the right or left button is pressed.
I've written this:
nml:Number = numpos + 2;
nmr:Number = numpos - 2;
var nmlm:MovieClip = panels.panel(nml)
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Nov 28, 2006
What is the actionscript for selecting a key on the keyboard such as 'down' arrow, and the movieclip moves to frame 60?
View 4 Replies
Dec 9, 2010
So you start off with all of the items in the inventory. You do not have to collect them.
I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class.
What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP)
it goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true.
but when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.
here's the class
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
I thought this. called on every movieclip of the Rebound class?
So instead of this. if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead. If there is such thing.
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Aug 18, 2009
I've written the following code to load images in a datagridcomponent by using a listcomponent. What code do i use to automatically select the first item.[code]
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