Flash :: Speech Recognition With Silverlight?
Apr 30, 2010
I'm developing a web user interface to enter some information that is not very complex but needs to be loaded in real time. I think that the application could make use of speech recognition to facilitate the task.
Te core of the interface is being built with Javascript and jQuery, but can easily include a flash or silverlight component. I believe thatīs probably the way to go. I don't need to recognize everything that the user says, but only a few prerecorded commands. Also, I don't want the user to click on a button to specify the begining and the end of the spoken command. It should be detected live.
Is there anything that does this? I would be grateful if anyone tells me about a complete solution, free or commercial, as well as any advice on capturing a sound stream from the mic and process it with flash or sliverlight.
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