ActionScript 3.0 :: Realtime Audio Recognition In Flash?

Sep 20, 2009

i am currently working on a audio visualizer in flash but is stuggling to get flash to detect sound off my onboard sound card. Is it even possible now with flash 10? Something like an audio fft but in flash.

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The most important thing of all, would be for this technology to be available to most users, as it would likely be used for Gaming environments or online Audio production, even. So far, Flash has a few ways to manipulate Audio Data, such as the SampleDataEvent, Andre Michelle's Popforge library, chiptune libraries like SiON, and possibly some other unheard of libraries.

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var sound:Sound = new Sound();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
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Nov 7, 2010

I'm about to build an OOP signup form in AS2 with realtime data validation. There are 3 fields 'Username', 'Password' and 'Email' and two of those will check with the server to see if the the username or email is taken. This is almost identical to the signup form on [URL] The way I've experimented with so far is to begin an onEnterFrame event on the textField as it receives focus. This onEnterFrame function checks for spelling, character count etc When the textField loses focus it then sends the data to the server and checks if it already exists. If it doesn't, it will validate. What I've written works rather well (up until the submitting - haven't worked that out yet) but the code is rather unwieldy and seems too long.

What is the best way to go about building this? Are onEnterFrame checkers the best way to go? Should the data send to the server onKillFocus? Should the submit button trigger all the onEnterFrame validation functions to run again (in case the user didn't wait for validation)

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Actionscript 3 - Flash 10.1 - Applying Realtime Effects To Microphone?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm trying to write a flash application which takes a Microphone stream and applies realtime effects and outputs this back to the speakers. I'm finding I'm having problems with stuttering when taking the output from the mic, copying this into a ByteArray amd then using a seperate

sound = new Sound();
sound.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, processSound);;

to read from this ByteArray and play back the sound.I have noticed that the input from the mic's bytesAvailable changes, and also that the two events (the mic's SAMPLE_DATA and the sound's SAMPLE_DATA) aren't firing A B A B A B A B like would be needed but is more random.

Am I right in thinking that the mic.SAMPLE_DATA event fires at different intervals with different amounts of data and a working implementation would need to read the available data in and buffer the input so that the Sound SampleDataEvent would always have something to play back to avoid the stuffering?

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Flash :: Realtime RTMP Streaming Of User-uploaded Files, As They Upload?

Jan 12, 2010

I want users to be able to upload audio files to my server (say, over HTTP.. mechanism doesn't matter much), and then I'd like to assemble those files into a playlist and stream them out over a live RTMP stream to a Flash widget.The catch is: I'd like to begin streaming the audio files before they completely finish uploading. For example, if a user uploads an hour-long mp3, I'd like it to be able to begin playing on the RTMP stream once, say, the first minute has been uploaded.I'd like to support mp3 and AAC, and would hope to avoid re-encoding the files. Is is there a way to make this work with Wowza, Flash Media Server, or some other clever solution?

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Flash :: Audio Player That Can Play Binary Audio Streams?

Apr 13, 2011

My server is streaming binary audio data (mostly mp3 files) to a client (a browser). This client stores the audio data in memory.

What I'm looking for is a flash audio player that I can input the binary audio data so that it can play the audio file.

Preferably, the flash client is merely a bridge to Javascript so that I can handle everything in Javascript and simply use Flash's audio features, but this is not a requirement.

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Flash :: Start And Stop Audio From The Middle Of Audio Track?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a single audio file, I'd like to avoid cutting it up.

I know I can use the sound class,, to start at 150ms but haven't come across a way to stop the audio say after 500ms or at 650ms.

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Html :: Flash Audio Player For M4a (AAC) Audio File Embedded?

May 15, 2007

I'm looking for a (free) flash player that I can embed in my site and use to play a .m4a (.mp4 with AAC audio) file that will be obtained using a URL (i.e. it's not local to the server hosting the web page).I've tried searching on google for one, but either I'm searching wrong or no one has made such a thing. Ideally this would be very simple (small user interface with play button and maybe a progress bar) and it would be easy to have multiple instances of on an html page (can create the player with an <object> tag).

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Android :: Capture Video And Stream It To Flash Server On Realtime In Android?

Mar 14, 2012

I working on a project where the client side need to capture video and audio from the camera, use some library (proberly ffmpeg) to convert from mp4 to flv and send it to flash server on realtime,in the other side the client need to get flv and convert it to video type of android on real time. Is it possible to do?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Packaged Class Recognition?

Jan 26, 2009

I don't know if the topic describes the problem correctly, but here's the situation:I created a folder structure so I could work with packages, which I named com/gamistry/someproject"Then I created several .as files. "", "", ""EggLoader is a class that shows a basic progress bar, and is also the Document class. It is defined as being in the package "com.gamistry.someproject". Once it's done loading the swf, it creates an instance of "Main" (not having imported anything), and passes its stage property as the only argument. This all works perfectly.

Then the Main class starts running, and attempts to create an instance of "Egg", not having imported anything just like the previous example. It attempts to pass the single argument (defined as floor:int in Egg's constructor), but for some reason I get a compilor error 1136 "Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 0."It furthermore seems to know of none of Egg's public functions. Has anybody come across something like this before? Perhaps I am misunderstanding the purpose of packages?I've tried importing com.gamistry.someproject.*, but to no effect. If I explicitly define the myEgg instance as a "com.gamistry.someproject.Egg", and then call the new operator as a "new com.gamistry.someproject.Egg( floor )", the error disappears, but the program still does not execute as expected. No instance is visibly created on the stage, as it was when I was working with the exact same code base from the root package.Here's code samples (I omitted a lot of irrelevant code):

ActionScript Code:
package com.gamistry.someproject {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrollbar & Mp3 Player With ID3 Tag Recognition

Feb 2, 2008

[URL] Scrollbar & Mp3 Player with ID3 tag recognition

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Implementing Own Bitmap Recognition / Tracking?

May 15, 2009

I am working on an augmented reality project and I cannot use FLARToolkit because the marker I tracking is a company logo, The logo is a black T-shape with white writing inside and I cannot use any part of it to create a marker that FLARToolkit will recognise. I decided to implement my own tracking / bitmap recognition which follows the following process...

1) Convert to B&W
2) Color all possible regions in different colors
3) Find the best candidate from the colored regions

Here is the tracking code so far: [URL]. It works but it is suffering form a few problems; It's slow, sometimes a dark area is mistaken for the logo, it isn't aware of orientation, it is affected by different lighting conditions.

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