Flash - Picnik-like Signup Form With Realtime Validation?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm about to build an OOP signup form in AS2 with realtime data validation. There are 3 fields 'Username', 'Password' and 'Email' and two of those will check with the server to see if the the username or email is taken. This is almost identical to the signup form on [URL] The way I've experimented with so far is to begin an onEnterFrame event on the textField as it receives focus. This onEnterFrame function checks for spelling, character count etc When the textField loses focus it then sends the data to the server and checks if it already exists. If it doesn't, it will validate. What I've written works rather well (up until the submitting - haven't worked that out yet) but the code is rather unwieldy and seems too long.

What is the best way to go about building this? Are onEnterFrame checkers the best way to go? Should the data send to the server onKillFocus? Should the submit button trigger all the onEnterFrame validation functions to run again (in case the user didn't wait for validation)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Form Validation In Flash?

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Interfaces are out the window, as an interface (say IFormElement) I might set up with getters and setters for label, error message and value, won't be relevant to Flash UI components.

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var senderLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
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// Adds conditional logic for the Submit button that
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[Code] .....

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IDE :: Get An Email Validation Working For The Form?

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This is on my send btn,


on (release) {
if (form.name == null && form.email == null && form.message == null) {
errmsg = "oooh, you didnt write anything";
} else if (form.name == null) {


When live it doesnt allow sending if the criteria arent met, but doesnt display the error messages either,

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I am loading the variables from the text file just fine.

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if(eval("code"+i) == code){


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if (sendername eq "") {  nameerrorTXT.text = "PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME";  }   if (emailfrom.indexOf("@")<0 or emailfrom.indexOf(".")<0) {  emailfromerror.text= "PLEASE USE VALID EMAIL ADDRESS";  emailfromTXT.text =


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mobile Phone Validation Form Script

Jan 24, 2012

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1<br /><b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: userLoggedIn in
<b>C:wampwwwestfernwoodestDisplayClients.php </b> on line <b>83</b><br />.
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Flex :: Form Validation - Delete Error Icon Of Validated Text Input

Feb 29, 2012

I have a form with a horizontal layout and with this TextInput:
<s:TextInput id="platformNameTI" showErrorSkin="true" showErrorTip="true"/>
I have a simple validator that just checks if there is something entered (required field). My problem is as the layout is horizontal, when an error occurred (required file missing), all form items are shifted because of the error icon. Is there a way to delete that annoying icon or force the component to not display it?

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Flex :: Clear Validation On TextInput When Validation Is Not Enabled?

Jul 13, 2009

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Does anyone have any idea how to do this I tried setting the internal validator instance to enabled = false and dispatching a new focusOutEvent as below but the validation error formatting is still applied to the textInput contrl.

_validatorInstance.enabled = false;
//clear the validation errors if any
dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT));


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Flash - Modifying Sound Data (MP3) RealTime

Dec 24, 2009

var sound:Sound = new Sound();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
I want to modify the sound data (an mp3) as it comes in. Specifically, the mp3 will be encrypted using a stream cipher and I want to decrypt the data as it comes in. Is this possible using some type of event?

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Flash :: Realtime Update And Push Data In AS3

Aug 13, 2011

i want to make a real-time update for my flash application. Instead on making it refresh each 30secs, i would prefer the push technology. What is the best way to push data in Actionscript 3?

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Flash - Implementing Realtime Connection Between Players

Oct 11, 2011

I need to implement a realtime connection between 2 or more players, that will play a Flash game. I've read that RTMFP is a good choice to make this connection the best possible (were best=less lag between actions), but, I am quite new to this kind of things, what documentation/tutorial/guide you think would be the best to get started and finally make a good implementation of RTMFP?

(Also, I read that there are differents servers or frameworks that provide the same, like Cirrus, Red5, etc, what pros and contras have this?, taking cost into account). I was reading the adobe documentation, there is an example too, but I'd love to see some more flash game based example, even a very basic one, so I can extend that functionality and start making tests. I got it working, now, I need to know how to make a webservice for the peer ID interconnection.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variables From Flash To The Url Address In Realtime

Mar 28, 2007

Any one know how to (or if it is possible) to send variables from flash to the url address bar in realtime ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Flash With Realtime Sound?

Jun 20, 2008

I was curious if anyone knows of any experiments or API's out there that would allow a user to control flash interaction/display etc...via voice or sound commands in realtime with their cell phone? Let me know.

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Actionscript 3 - Flash 10.1 - Applying Realtime Effects To Microphone?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm trying to write a flash application which takes a Microphone stream and applies realtime effects and outputs this back to the speakers. I'm finding I'm having problems with stuttering when taking the output from the mic, copying this into a ByteArray amd then using a seperate

sound = new Sound();
sound.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, processSound);

to read from this ByteArray and play back the sound.I have noticed that the input from the mic's bytesAvailable changes, and also that the two events (the mic's SAMPLE_DATA and the sound's SAMPLE_DATA) aren't firing A B A B A B A B like would be needed but is more random.

Am I right in thinking that the mic.SAMPLE_DATA event fires at different intervals with different amounts of data and a working implementation would need to read the available data in and buffer the input so that the Sound SampleDataEvent would always have something to play back to avoid the stuffering?

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Flash :: Realtime RTMP Streaming Of User-uploaded Files, As They Upload?

Jan 12, 2010

I want users to be able to upload audio files to my server (say, over HTTP.. mechanism doesn't matter much), and then I'd like to assemble those files into a playlist and stream them out over a live RTMP stream to a Flash widget.The catch is: I'd like to begin streaming the audio files before they completely finish uploading. For example, if a user uploads an hour-long mp3, I'd like it to be able to begin playing on the RTMP stream once, say, the first minute has been uploaded.I'd like to support mp3 and AAC, and would hope to avoid re-encoding the files. Is is there a way to make this work with Wowza, Flash Media Server, or some other clever solution?

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