Get Flash Related Source Files From Swf File?

Jun 11, 2010

I have a small flash project. I created a SWF from the flash sources.Unfortunately all my flash sources related to the project are deleted.

I left with the SWF file. Is there any way that I can retrieve all the flash source files from the swf file ?

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Photo Gallery


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var tf:TextFormat=new TextFormat();
var t:TextField=new TextField();


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ActionScript Code:
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;//import tween class
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;//define how stage scales


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Jan 27, 2012

I am using Flash Media server 4.5 and i read the tutorial if i want to stream the live feed, i may need to use the media live encoder.
but what i found in media encoder is i have to manually setup everything and it only support camera devices. But in my case i have multiple video files keep received from another program and place it on file system (server),my goal is use the Flash Media server to perform a live boardcasting with these video file one by one. That means when client watching a live streaming, they will not notice the server is playing mov1, then mov2, then mov3, then mov4... and so on.
You can imagine i am trying to boardcast a live footage say for 60sec, but the video file will not recorded entirely after 60sec, instead for every 10sec i will save a new video file, so that when client watching the live by HLS [URL]when the time reach to 10sec, a mov1 video file available and FMS should boardcast this video on live123.when the time reach to 20sec, a mov2 video file available and FMS should Immediately follow the mov1 boardcast on live123.and so on...Also can FMS dynamically create a new streaming session (invoke by code), so that when client A uploading some video files to the server, the FMS open a new streaming session only stream cilent A video files?the configuration to boardcasting like screen size, bit rate, etc should be pre-defined on the server.  [URL]

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Apr 10, 2010

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Change The Settings So That The Flash File Looks For As. Files In A Certain File?

Aug 28, 2010

how do I change the settings so that the flash file looks for as. files in a certain file.

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Online Teaching Resource Not Exactly Flash Related

Dec 10, 2011

I haven't been here for a while but as a resource of excellent ideas I am back to ask something that I feel you guys would know about.I am a teacher thinking of going self employed and I want to set up an online business charging for access to resources I create myself online to any students that would be interested.I can figure out how to set up password protected areas on my website where access is given when payment is made.

Of course this is for a limited period, say a week and then the password would automatically and randomly change.

I would give the password to those that had paid for access for the agreed period for access.As I aim to have more than one person at a time, this needs to be self regulating. Is this at all possible?Online teaching resource not exactly flash related!

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Flash :: Array That Holds An Object And A Related Value?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm writing a game that involves cargo, and I plan to have a large number of cargo types. Currently I have a Cargo class, and a ship carrying cargo has an array of the Cargos it is holding. I'd really rather not have each ship with a bunch of objects when all I really want to know is how much of which cargoes each ship has. Especially when these ships will be created and discarded a lot.

I'm sure the thing I'm looking for is so basic I'll look dumb for even asking, but I know there's something similar to an array that holds an object and a related value. I want to use that to reference the Cargo type from the static array, and hold the quantity.

What's it called? How would I use it (ie what are common functions used for it)? Some code snippets and terminology would be ideal.

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Sep 20, 2010

I am a programmer who is working with a client's flash designers.  Most of my client's personnel have CS3.  I recently upgraded to CS5 due to another contract that I am working on for a different client.  Will I be able to modify my CS3 designer's .fla file, save and hand back to them to finish designing??  Will they be able to open up my modified document?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compile Package File - Error: A File Found In A Source-path Must Have The Same Package Structure?

Dec 19, 2011

I have an actionscript file,it has a package name,it locate C:demo directory,like follows:

package demo{
import flash.display.*;
public class ABC extends Sprite{[code]............

Then I compile above code like following command,but it raise following error:

Loading configuration file C:sdkframeworksflex-config.xml Error: A file found in a source-path must have the same package structure '', as the definition's package, 'demo'.Where is wrong above command?

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Professional :: How To Really Edit Source In .fla File

Sep 30, 2010

I am a Java programmer and I can read and edit most anything I get my hands on. I don't work much with flash and when  I do there is no reason to look at any sort of source.I received a file from someone to add to a project and the instructions were to open the .fla in CS5 and edit certain lines to pioint to directories . The file is and interactive app type.I have tried doing this but I am at a loss. I had thought that I would just be able to view some source in the file and edit those lines and export the ,swf, but I can see nothing like that.

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Actionscript 3 :: Source From External Folder (linked Source) Not Appearing In Flex?

Aug 26, 2010

i have a Air Project in which i have added three extenal source folders. but when i reopen project or strat flash builder again i get icon on those folder like this but when i open the configuration for that project and try to validate the path and adding it again i get message like this but the path is valid. proof is this pic what could be possible error,,, is there any way that i when ever re-open project i get no warning and able to navigate through the linked source code. now i am doing it

1- deleting on of the linked folder

2- again adding that folder.

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