Get Random Row(flash Banner Ad) From Mysql With Even Distribution?

Feb 15, 2012

I have created a banner ad mechanism for a website. Banner clicktag, url etc. are stored in mysql database. At the moment I'm just getting random banner from all available and display it on a website.But how can I implement some sort of mechanism so that all banners get displayed evenly but in random order?

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var items1:Array = [
{myClass:"SCI101", question:"What color is the sky?"},
{myClass:"MATH110", question:"What is the square root of 81?"},[code].....

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< param name="movie" value="<?php echo $row['video_path']; ?>" />

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I am reading one tutorial :- But I can't understand what is "Gateway.php" and all such things. I am a beginner in Flash.

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