How To Get "highlight Effect" In Flash
Jan 14, 2010
I'm trying to get and effect similar to this on this website
Click on Collection and you will see picture of man and women. When you scroll mouse over image image of a men or women gets highlighted..... How to achive such thing?
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I have uploaded the fla files into a zip.
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May 1, 2010
need a logia something like to paint some Objects: simply put some MCs. When the Mcs (are out of the Box range) and neat its easy to colour. see the Zip files attached:
Please see: paint_Non_Overlaping_MC_Works.fla paint_Non_Overlaping_MC_Works.swf When the Movie clips are overlapping or one placed above the other MC the objects are hard to paint. It Recognizes the Obeject as One, the Imported png converted to a MC. Please see: paint_Overlaping_MC_Not_Works.fla paint_Overlaping_MC_Not_Works.swf
Is there a possibility to make this work, like to make the MC Highlight on Mouse over and distinguish the objects when Overlapping? That's to say to colour the MCs when overlapping? What initially came to my mind is when mouse over the MC's to highlight so that we can drop the colour on it. In the ZIp file contains all the as2 codes.
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and here is the .fla using the repel effect using pre-made mc:
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myValidator.source = empName1; = "text";
if(myValidator.validate().type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID)
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Aug 26, 2011
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why to make text in a text field highlighted(beckground color)?
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