I've received a number of graphics from an Illustrator user - they imported as symbols containing drawing objects. When I opened one of these symbols and tried to tween (fade out) the drawing object, I don't have the Alpha option. I don't use Illustrator myself and I had to install CS4 so I'm not used to that either.
Basically I've got a reasonably complex drawing object in a fla and I want to reproduce it in a class definition using the drawing api. However obviously this is a tedious task, so is there some trick or automated method of doing this?
Last time I needed to do this it was a drawing of an arrow and I ended up writing down x,y,width,height values for everything but this one has curves in it which I don't have experience with drawing anyway.
I'm trying to create a rectangular mask - located at x:0, y:173 (1 pixel high ) - that will be stretched (_yscale) to the bottom of the image using the Flash Tween Class. Trouble is, the entire rectangle moves as if if were using "_y" instead of "_yscale". Tweening "_height" doesn't work any better. Can someone spot the problem with this file? If you comment out this line
var mask_tween:Object = new Tween(maskClip, "_yscale", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true);
then you will see the correct placement of the mask rectangle. It just doesn't tween/scale properly.
I need to draw a circle in certain amount of time. I found this code but it uses an enter frame. Is there way this could be written so it can be controlled by time? Code: var speed:Number = 0.05; var radius:Number = 50; var angle:Number = 0; var xpos:Number; var ypos:Number; [Code] .....
I have 2 shapes drawn with the drawing api - the points are stored in an array like this... Code: Select allprivate var shape_points : Array = [ [81,61],[81,46],[84,43],[84,0],[11,0],[0,5],[0,48],[69,48],[81,61 ] ]; Both shapes have the same number of points. I need to tween the points from one shape to the other using tweenlite/max or tweener.
I am trying to do a apply a tween for the width property on a MovieClip Object but every time it changes the width and the position too, and I don't want that. I want to change the width going to one side without changing the x and y of the object.
I tried both of thes and they gave the same result.
var c:Tween = new Tween(left, "scaleX", Strong.easeOut, 1, 1.5,20,true); var c:Tween = new Tween(left, "width", Strong.easeOut, 20, 200,20,true);
I think it is applying the transformation according to a center of the movie clip. but I don't know how it can be changed.
I'm trying to dynamically addChild a Sprite to an already tweened MovieClip (tweened on the Flash timeline). Let's say ObjectA is the tweened object, I published it in my swc and linked it to my Actionscript project in Flash Builder. I make an instance of ObjectA in my class, and then try to do the following:
var objectA:ObjectA = new ObjectA(); var objectB:ObjectB = new ObjectB(); objectA.addChild(objectB); addChild(objectA);
Now, the problem is, objectB doesn't tween along with objectA. Is there any logical solution to this?
I'm having a hard time with strokes. First I selected a stroke and the properties panel would not let me change it's thickness. How to add a stroke to an object. We used to have a tool that allowed us to apply a stroke to an object. That is gone now. How we attach a line to an object now?? It looks like Adobe has changed Flash CS4 to be more like Photoshop. It is about as intuitive as a tax form.
Well, I've been using flash a while, but I just ran into a newbie problem.. I must have hit some sort of hotkey, but I can't figure out how to undo it or anything in the preferences. Anyways, I'm running Flash CS4 and normally when you draw a shape and select that shape it selects the fill and it looks like little dots all over the shape when its selected. Now when I click on a shape it has a border around it and I can't just select a piece of the shape. Also, what's bothering me is that when you draw two shapes on top of each other, Flash used to merge those shapes automatically, but now they are staying separate unless I manually Union them. It still says they're drawing objects, its not converting them to symbols or anything, but they are kind of acting like symbols in the way I can interact with them. How can I turn this setting off?
In my movie I have a round drawing object, which I wish to view enlarged (about 2000% of original size). While editing it looks fine and round but after publishing all the roundness is lost and instead I get visible angles. I attach 2 images to visualize, one from the editing stage and the other after publishing. Is there any way I can get around that strange effect? I created the image from some text i "broke apart" to a drawing object. Attachments: edit.png (2.5 K) published.png (1.3 K)
Whenever I draw a shape with Object Drawing turned on the blue bounding box that appears whenever it is selected isn't aligned properly to the outer edgers of the shape. Like this:
Admittedly it isn't a major problem it's just a bit irritating especially when people I'm teaching to use Flash ask me why it looks the way it does. Does anyone else have this problem?
I got a europe map designed in flash (1 movieclip, 1 frame, really simple), which contains the map as drawing objects directly inside the scene and in addition some specific countries as clickable buttons. So far it's working fine. What I need now is to make all the other drawing objects clickable without having to edit and script each object. I'm thinking about something like this (pseudo code):
I'm trying to debug AS3 code on production. I have no access to trace(), can't write to disk or open a socket. What I want is to display something on screen.
With AS2 I could just access _root and create a text field with my trace data.
how I can pull this off with AS3? My class extends Object, it is not a sprite and is never added to a parent display object.
I'm doing this project, about 2 lines intersecting each other(the 2 lines are not always on the same position). I try to find the intersections point using collision detection method but how do I place an object on the intersections point? if(line1.hitTestObject(line2)) // So this is how we find the intersection point but we do not know how to draw / place an object on the intersection point.
I have a movieclip containing a vector drawing, can I dynamically change the color of the fill and line in AS2, or do I need to use setRGB and divide the movieclip?
I have the following display hierarchy:- - container- - - objectI need to draw 'object' to a BitmapData instance which matches object.getBounds(stage) rectangle area. So the first part is easy:
ActionScript Code: var rect:Rectangle = object.getBounds(stage); var bmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(rect.width, rect.height, true, 0x00000000);
I'm creating a flash based dynamic electrical circuit board and have come across a problem. I have a function that is a fired from ENTER_FRAME event that loops though an array where each element contains the following:
To Clarify - A line should be drawn from ChildObject1 to ChildObject2 in the saved colour. The above is a string. I slice at each '#', which is working. Each object gets added through my created toolbox so added dynamically.I can get the DisplayOBject of the parents by using - var obj1:displayObject = getChildByName(sliced[1]);
But cannot do the same for the Child object by - var subobj1:displayObject = obj1.getChildByName(sliced[2]);The reason for this is that each parent can be dragged so I would like the drawn line to move with the children.how to find the child objects
I'm trying to understand how the Flex framework draws objects (Button, Label, Image, etc.). The Button class seems to draw itself by addChild()ing its ProgrammaticSkin. However, where in the framework is the Graphics object being passed around in the hierarchy to achieve the drawing. I want to get to the level of 2D API.
Right now I can create a straight line from mouse down to mouse up. What I can't quite get is a preview of that line. does anyone know of a simple way to show a preview of the line while the mouse is still down and the user is moving the mouse?
What I have now: Code: var clip:Shape = new Shape(); addChild(clip); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startLine); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drawLine); function startLine(evt:MouseEvent) { clip.graphics.moveTo(mouseX, mouseY); } function drawLine(evt:MouseEvent) { clip.graphics.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY); clip.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xff9933); }
i am trying to take photos using webcamera from online web application and i got sample code from [URL] It is working fine to take photos online with the attached web camera and saving it into server for future purpose. Here my problem is i want to keep horizontal and vertical lines on top of the camera area but what ever line i am placing all displaying behind the video area and camera area is displaying ontop of all layers.
make a drawing object move around the browser randomly and incresing it's size from 100% to 200% at anytime. Plus changing it's alpha.. all those with actionscript.
i am trying to make a drawing board(like colouring book) where when i click and MOVE THE MOUSE it colours the object(more like a brush and not as a paint bucket)i would like to know how to colour objects individually(without coloring background) and the most IMPORTANT is there any way to detect what percentage of object had been colored(like if 100% of object coloured something happens!)
I am trying to shape tween from a simple vector object to a number of complex vector objects, but the same problem occurs when trying to go from one simple object to two.
Instead of slowly/smoothly splitting the initial object into two, it just copies them and they move apart from each until reaching the final two object forms. As if this wasn't bad enough, they are also connected by a random straight line. Ugly.
I guess I can understand why this happens, but is there no way to tell it to make the transition in another way? Shape hints tend to make the problem even worse.