ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing Circle With Timer Or Tween
Jan 17, 2011
I need to draw a circle in certain amount of time. I found this code but it uses an enter frame. Is there way this could be written so it can be controlled by time?
var speed:Number = 0.05;
var radius:Number = 50;
var angle:Number = 0;
var xpos:Number;
var ypos:Number;
[Code] .....
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import flash.display.Sprite;
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To be even more picky -- I don't *want* to create the half circle in another Sprite and add that to my original drawing.
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// Create an instance of the class in an empty FLA
import com.ronnieswietek.utils.CircleTimer;
var counter:CircleTimer = new CircleTimer(15,0xff0000,0x000000);
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Below is an image of the hairline white border around the black and blue circle.
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import flash.utils.Timer;
// creates a new hundred-second Timer, ticks every 250 milliseconds
var faster_minuteTimer:Timer = new Timer(250, 6);
// designates listeners for the interval and completion events
[Code] .....
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Now what i want to know is that can I increase the radius of the circle by applying tween class?
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ActionScript Code:
// Add Listener to the Rotate Button
mc2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rotateButtonClicked);[code].....
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Jul 11, 2009
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private var shape_points : Array = [ [81,61],[81,46],[84,43],[84,0],[11,0],[0,5],[0,48],[69,48],[81,61 ] ];
Both shapes have the same number of points. I need to tween the points from one shape to the other using tweenlite/max or tweener.
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var mask_tween:Object = new Tween(maskClip, "_yscale", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true);
then you will see the correct placement of the mask rectangle. It just doesn't tween/scale properly.
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Jun 3, 2011
I've seen it before, and I'm unable to properly label what it is..But what I'm looking for is the method to make an imaginary pencil draw on my flash..So if it were a circle (not connecting at the end, just off of meeting) I could use a mask to make it display in any direction but how do I mask the circle going clockwise?
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Jul 10, 2009
I have 2 shapes drawn with the drawing api - the points are stored in an array like this...
private var shape_points : Array = [ [81,61],[81,46],[84,43],[84,0],[11,0],[0,5],[0,48],[69,48],[81,61 ] ];
Both shapes have the same number of points. I need to tween the points from one shape to the other using tweenlite/max or tweener.
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Jul 10, 2009
I have 2 shapes drawn with the drawing api - the points are stored in an array like this... Code: Select allprivate var shape_points : Array = [ [81,61],[81,46],[84,43],[84,0],[11,0],[0,5],[0,48],[69,48],[81,61 ] ]; Both shapes have the same number of points. I need to tween the points from one shape to the other using tweenlite/max or tweener.
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How can i achieve that by using pure actionscript 3, or using source like TweenLite, TweenMax etc...
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