IDE :: Draw Lines With Exact Length?
Apr 15, 2010
I would like to have a possibility, where a user could draw simple lines, but with exact length (5000mm, 3150mm, 3950mm etc).where a user could just click and see the lines. Together these lines would make a floor plan for a house. These lines don't have to have thickness, because it will be just a sketch where walls are located. After user has drawn the sketch i would need the program to generate a text file with coordinates of the lines.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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for( ... )
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have made three lines.
if I want line 1 to draw.... then..... line 2.... then line 3
do I put the script on three separate frames ?
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<mx:Canvas id="panelContentECG" width="100%" height="400" backgroundAlpha="0.5" styleName="miCanvas" borderStyle="solid" cornerRadius="20" borderColor="0xFCFE00" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
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Attachments: (686 bytes)
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_root.attachMovie("Audiogram_Chart","Show_Audiogram",100000); //this is my MC that will hold the graphics
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Jun 17, 2011
I made this one poor class that has a public function which draws with a single loop a shape with curveTo() function (I tested one option to draw straight lines with lineTo() and only curved lines with curveTo() function but in my opinion, that lineTo function where a bit slower, at least in my implementations of testin speeds).I sent to it four parameters (anchor points and the control points) as many times as there were some corners to draw and everything seemed to go well untill I checked which way is faster to draw single rounded rect. Flashs own way beats my version up with huge 120 m/s distance already in some 100 000 iterations. The format of data I tested to send to my class function to draw that goddamned thing were numbers in arrays, numbers in objects and numbers in my own class objects like linked list and the file that holds just four numbers included in arrays or linked list. And two separate arrays, one for anchor points and one for the control points, with just Point Objects were fastest (if I remember correct) way but still that 120 m/s slower than Drawing API in Flash.My function in the class where something like:
ActionScript Code:
public function drawShape(points1:Array, points2:Array, lineOn:Boolean = false, fillOn:boolean = false, lineThickness:Number = 1, lineColor:uint = 0, lineAlpha:Number = 1, fillColor:uint = 0xff, fillAlpha:Number = 1):void{[code]..........
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square.fla is the original file
lineCurve.fla is the file in which I tried to add curves.
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Apr 11, 2011
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Feb 20, 2012
I've had a look at the Graphics class in AS3 and come up with a dynamic mouse trail. It works, but it's pretty rough and ready. I wonder if anyone could give it a once-over and see if there is a more elegant and efficient way to accomplish this?[code]is it possible to draw the trail with curves rather than straight lines, so that the curves mimic the path the trail would take to smooth out the jagged lines drawn when the cursor is moving quickly?
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