ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Progressive Lines With Length Limit / Direction Control?

Sep 19, 2011

How can i make an object draw progressive lines by limiting the length of the line and the controlling the direction in which it must be drawn??

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IDE :: Draw Lines With Exact Length?

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I would like to have a possibility, where a user could draw simple lines, but with exact length (5000mm, 3150mm, 3950mm etc).where a user could just click and see the lines. Together these lines would make a floor plan for a house. These lines don't have to have thickness, because it will be just a sketch where walls are located. After user has drawn the sketch i would need the program to generate a text file with coordinates of the lines.

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for( ... )

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Limit On An FLV's Length?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limit To ByteArray Length?

Apr 16, 2009

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Jun 23, 2009

I have a function ( basically its the click on a reset buttons ) that sets back quite a loooooot of variables and text boxes. But after ( I think 200 lines ) , actionscript simply stops with that particular function and doesnt even give me an error.So it looks like there is a lines per function limit or something like that.I also tried it with an external .as but its the same.Creating functions for all these commands didnt work either.The only thing I can do is move a few lines up so that they get processed earlier.... ( but the last few still don't work )I even tried to make a function with 300 lines of myTextField.text = "hello"and a line: myTextField.text = "how are you" at the endDidnt work... it stayed at hello.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw Lines With It?

Oct 8, 2003

I am trying to have a line draw in my movie with actionScript...

have made three lines.

if I want line 1 to draw.... then..... line 2.... then line 3

do I put the script on three separate frames ?

and.... right now... they are just there...

how do I make it like an animation where the line starts at the edge of my movie draws line 2 changes direction draws line 2 changes direction draws line 3 then stops.

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Mar 1, 2010

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<mx:Canvas id="panelContentECG" width="100%" height="400" backgroundAlpha="0.5" styleName="miCanvas" borderStyle="solid" cornerRadius="20" borderColor="0xFCFE00" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">


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Jan 14, 2010

I cannot get the lines to draw onto the top of the MovieClip box_mc.At this pojnt, my solution is to change the alpha of box_mc to 0. Now I can see my drawings which are under the box_mc but keep within the boundries of the MovieClip.Maybe my thinking is too concrete, but I was trying to get the drawing lines to stay on top of the MovieClip box_mc like it was a small drawing board.I have tried place a reference to the stage in various places and use addChildAt() in order to see f I can change the MovieClip's place in the hierarchy but so far nothing has worked.

Attachments: (686 bytes)

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This question was posted in response to the following article: [URL]..

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Feb 20, 2012

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Oct 22, 2007

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw The Lines At Runtime In Flash

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw Lines That Show On Top Of An Image?

Oct 21, 2004

OK I have an empty MC. I want to draw lines that show on top of an image, but everything I try draws the lines below my image.This code is ran from the main timeline.This is my code so far.

_root.attachMovie("Audiogram_Chart","Show_Audiogram",100000); //this is my MC that will hold the graphics


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw Lines Or Rectangles With A Commandline?

Jul 17, 2002

Is there any possibility to draw lines or rectangles with a commandline in ActionScript?

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