IDE :: Flash FLV Movie Not Loading Online

Jan 4, 2005

I'm in the process of building a Flash Electronic Press Kit. Anyways, I converted a Video I had of him from WMV to FLV and then imported into Flash CS3. It played fine when I uploaded it to the server on the computer I had it on. But anyone else who looks at it has told me that they're stuck at the waiting screen for ages and It doesn't load at all. For reference it's located at [URL] under the tab Video.

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IDE :: Full Movie Not Loading - Only Index SWF Load Online

Mar 1, 2009

Setup: I have an html page with an embedded flash object. The object is an "index.swf" with an empty movie clip on it. External swf's load onto the index swf via the empty movie clip when buttons are pushed.

Problem: On my test server in dreamweaver, the swf's load fine. When I put them on my server and test it online only the index swf loads. not the initial swf or any of the other swf's.

Site: [URL]
Files: [URL]
(index page and home page for your reference)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 2 Flash GMaps / Both Loading Locally But Only 1 Loading Online

Apr 11, 2011

I'm building a flash website which uses a google map for a contact section and another one generated via external class for a projects section (for each one of the projects available there will be generated a map and a marker).This website uses SWFAddress and each of the projects receive SWFAddress dynamicaly via xml, pulling in the name of the project.The problem is when I test the website localy, on Flash IDE both the maps are loaded fine, but once I try it online on a webserver just the map on contact section is being loaded.I've tried to use a different key for each other -the contact section map key based on an url.Does anyone know what the problem might be? Is it because I'm using 2 maps on the same website? Is it because the url generated by SWFAddress is too long (I tried to generate a key based on something like URL...

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Not Loading The Xml When Accessed Online

Nov 8, 2010

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The code is given below:

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("


It loads the data during Testing the swf but fails when accessed via the link above.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Presentation Loading Locally But Not Online

Mar 21, 2011

I got this sweet minisite built in Flash that I'm going to load onto facebook for the fan page. Problem? I can't get the XML to load. I don't know the first thing about ActionScript, so I'm upp'ing a copy of the Source Files.

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Flash Mx Movie Published As CS4 Not Visible Online

May 9, 2010

I have not worked with Flash for quite awhile and just finished a personal project in Flash CS4, originally created in Flash MX, but when I uploaded the complete swf and html to the Web, the swf file is not visible at all I see a blank page. The previous version, saved in MX, works just fine online but I no longer have the MX version.

what ActionScript version should I output for the SC4 version, 1 or 2 (I tried version 3 and got an error message)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading In Images Online?

Jun 28, 2009

I'm making a 3d fly-through gallery, which is XML controlled, and loads in thumbnails, and then after loads in the images when you click on the thumbnails.Everything works fine when on my local hard drive, but after testing it on a website, it doesn't work.It loads the XML fine, but it never loads the images, or the thumbnails. The .xml file is in the same directory as the .swf, but the images and thumbnails are each in their own folders ("images" and "thumbnails").The funny thing is that it only does this when I tested it using Mozilla Firefox. I tried with Internet Explorer, and voila, it works magically!

I'm using the Loader class, and URLLoaders to load in everything, including the XML file, so it's either a thing about the different directories, or the fact that it's images...

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Actionscript 3 :: MP3 Player Not Loading Online

Sep 15, 2010

So as I stated in this other post my MP3 Player is not loading online, but works perfectly on my local computer. I was messing around with files today and I finally got flash to give me an error. Could this be why the MP3 player does not load online? Here's the error: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null. at flash.text::TextField/set text() at Mp3Player_fla::MainTimeline/id3Handler()

By the way I have the MP3 on its own swf. Its being called by the main swf. If I place all the code into the main swf could it possibly work? That should'nt make a difference, but maybe because I'm loading large movies as the backgrounds and many other swf's at the same time, its messing it up?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading - Put The Xml Gallery Online

Jun 20, 2007

the problem occurs when I put the xml gallery online, otherwise the gallery loads and works perfectly when its local. When online the thumbnails load no problem but the main image will not, I dont know what is happening?? Here is my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Data Not Loading Online?

Nov 24, 2007

I'm missing something obvious, but it's passing me. I can run the swf "offline" and the following script posts the correct information. However, if I run the swf "online" (ie. on my server). NOTE: website url and security usernames were removed for security reasons.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images Doesn't Work Online?

Aug 23, 2010

But it works fine locally.

I've created an extremely simple flash website. I need it to display some pictures and to keep the filesize down I want to load these images on demand. The images are hosted on my server in folders in the same directory as the website swf and the html file that initializes the swf.

I use the most rudimentary way of loading an image, it looks like this:

var loadStart:Loader = new Loader();

When I upload the website to the server it simply does not display the image, it's not loaded, the place where it's supposed to be is blank.

I've searched the site and there have been some threads with similar issues but the answers given just don't seem relevant. Something about cross domain policies, but all my images are on the same domain as the website swf.

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Show The Loading Indicator That Appears While Playing A Flv Video Online?

May 3, 2009

I want to show the loading indicator that appears while playing an flv video online.. like the indicator of the downloaded part of movie that appears on


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Actionscript 2.0 :: XML Data Not Loading Online, Works Fine When Testing?

Mar 27, 2010

I spent probably 12 hours today trying to make this mp3 player work with my limited AS2 knowledge and finally got something that looks and works the way I want it to! Hooray! Except when I uploaded it, it didn't work anymore. Where the XML data is supposed to be, it just says "undefined." I've searched everywhere for an answer and am not finding anything that fixes it. I've tried moving the files around so they're in the same folder, renaming them, making the path absolute, using gskinner's XML2 classI don't know what else to do[URL]As I was writing this, the site on my desktop where I've been working decided it would load the xml after all...but my laptop is still not cooperating, so there's still something wrong. Maybe it's not loading the xml until the songs are all downloaded?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Disappear After Loading From Xml Online But Work Fine On Machine?

Aug 9, 2007

i am using flash 8 professional and making my portfolio site using xml with flash. when you click the red buttons on the right, thumbnails appear on the left (and when you click those, more thumbnails appear, and then you click those and the image appears.) on my machine it works properly, BUT when i upload it, the thumbnails appear and then erase themselves (all except the first two). it's inconsistent and totally weird. i changed some of the code, tried messing with the publishing settings, and re-uploaded and nothing changed. a friend who works at an actionscript company said it doenst make sense that it works differently on my machine than online. she also confirmed that the way i embedded the swf in the html is correct

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SWF Movie Behaves Differently Online And Offline

Dec 24, 2010

I have an SWF file that works great when I publish it or view it in the Flash Player. However, when I use Simulate Download, all the buttons' functionality gets messed up - for some reason, clicking them results in the playhead going to other frames than it's supposed to. I've tried uploading the file to my website and the buttons don't work well there either. Is there any reason for this to happen?

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Page To Have A 30 Sec Movie On It That People Have To Watch In Order To Get Online?

Mar 25, 2009

We are a Wireless ISP and we have portal page at a local airport. We offer free wifi there because of sponsorship. We would like the page to have a 30 sec movie on it that people have to watch in order to get online. I have 2 ideas on how to do this. 1. watch the movie and when movie is over automatically call to our login script and then log the user in through our network device. 2. have a get online button grayed out until the movie is over after the movie is over button becomes clickable and then the button after clicked calls to the script that logs my users in through my device.

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Flash Movie Not Loading In IE?

Mar 30, 2009

A flash movie that is embedded in a web page I've created refuses to play in IE.

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Flash 8 :: My Movie Not Loading

Dec 12, 2009

My movie not loading[code]...

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Flash Movie Does Not Loading In Webpage

Nov 3, 2010

I found a flash movie on the internet and I modified it to meet my needs and works perfectly, but when I uploaded to my website it doesn't load correctly: it should have load the spiral carousel photoslide but instead it loads only the background photo. The flash movie is inside a folder with all the flash files included including the actionscript files, I uploaded that folder to my website and in my index.html page I've put my flash movie.

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Flash Photo Gallery - Loading First Movie?

Sep 19, 2009

I have a movie gallery (they are basically images with a fading effect), and I got it setup, and working, but I cannot get right the action script to make the first movie load when the page opens. The only thing I get to see is the scroll bar with the thumbnails, and after I click on the images I can see the full size. I would like the full size image of the first thumbnail to show up as default when the page opens. And then, if you click on the thumbnails the other images will appear.This is the action script for a typical Thumbnail (setup as a button):
on (release) {
loadMovie("clip0.swf", "_root.screen");

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Flash :: Loading Articulate Swf File Into Movie?

Jan 19, 2011

My boss made a quiz for the Flash movie I'm doing, using the Articulate Quizmaker software, and he saved it as a swf file.  It plays great in Flash Player and through Flash. Now, I'm trying to use my main Flash file to call the quiz swf file and play it at the end of my movie.  The main Flash file is set up as a swf array, calling the different swf files I want it to play in order.  I want that quiz swf file to play at the end.
However, when I do that and I publish the file, I just get a blank screen when it tries to load the quiz swf file and a bunch of code in Flash that pops up.  What's going on?  How can I load the quiz swf file into my Flash movie?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Movie Into A Flash Swf File?

Apr 11, 2011

I am currently creating a mockup website for a school project and i had the actionscript for the pages all worked out which functioned by changing the visible on/off properties as the buttons were pressed (the home page and it's animations would be able to be seen behind the information page so doing the pages on layers is the only way i can think of doing it)The problem with the way i have coded the webpage however is that even when the pages are invisible they're infront of the home page meaning that aspects which i wanted to add such as a hover over animation don't work as the hover over isn't registered (the nav bar is a seperate layer and above all the others) What my question was, was

a) would it (in your opinion) be better to make it so that the movie clips of the pages were loaded from the library when the buttons were pressed or to make the layers re arrange themselved when the buttons were pressed thus showing the page that i want to show. and b) how would i be able to achieve this? i work on Adobe flash cs4 with actionscript three and am favouring the first option (loading the page from the library)

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JQuery :: Loading Flash Movie Using SWFObject

Feb 22, 2011

Im trying to load a flash movie using swfobject which I have been successful in doing so however the flash movie takes a few seconds to load I wanted to show a simple loading animation however the animation never displays. I commented out the code that embeds the movie and found that the animation does get displayed.

$FlashWrapper.html("<div id='PopUpLoader'>" + "<img src='images/PopUpAjaxLoader.gif' alt='Ajax Loading Gif' />" + "<p>Loading...</p>" + "</div>").flash({
swf: 'Panos/Test.swf',
allowFullScreen: true

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Flash - ActionScript 2 Not Loading Movie On First Click

Jun 14, 2011

This is my code when the user click on a button to load a movie.

loadMovie("pages/Page8.swf", 2);

You have to click on the button twice for the movie to start playing.

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Flash :: Event For Movie Clip Loading?

Oct 7, 2011

Is there an event for when a movieClip loads that I can have other aspects of my flash movie react to? I would like to add an event listener for when movieClipOne loads that can trigger a different function in my actionscript (dim the rest of the stage).movieClipOne.addEventListener(Event.NAME, dimFunction);

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Actionscript 2 :: Loading A Movie Clip In Flash CS5.5?

Dec 11, 2011

I'm loading a movieclip into an empty movieclip on the stage and what I want is for the clip to 'zoom up' to 100% ( from say 30% size ).

I have been trying along these lines ( script attached to empty movieclip) :

onClipEvent(load) {
scaleAmt = 10;
this._alpha = 0;


This nearly does it, but the clip loading in scales from the left to right - I want it to scale up centrally?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamic Jpg's Into An Flash Movie?

May 17, 2003

i'm buzy with my portfolio, and i made this script for loading dynamic jpg's into an flash movie, with only assigning an number of pictures


it create's an empty mc (pic_1 to pic_5) and load the assigned jpg into it (images/portfolio_1 to _5), and assigning the possitions next to each other (pictures are 50x50) with 5 space between them...

script looks alright, and the trace output is as i xpected, but it dozn't seem to work correctly, it gives no errors at all, and i can only c picture 1... no more, no less, and _x of the mc isn't as it should be..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Movie Keeps Loading & Replaying At The Same Time?

Sep 4, 2010

I recently downloaded a template for Flash that didn't have any type of video included. I decided to include video in my completed project and for the last two months (working in CS5), I have tried to get assistance in making it work correctly...even contacting the company who MADE the template and they told me they couldn't assist because I changed the entire template & I guess they didn't want to figure it out.Here's my problem and if this has already been answered, maybe someone can just post the link directly and I'll follow it.hen the page opens up, the video starts automatically and seems to work fine and then another instance and another begin to play but not the video, just the audio. I have two videos in my movie and both do this.

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Flash Movie Loading In Dynamic Content Which Is Controlled By A CMS?

May 31, 2011

The images are uploaded with an html form onto the server and their path names are loaded into a .txt file for my flash AS to use.The problem I am having seems to be either server lag or browser issues (catching perhaps?).I manage my content via the CMS and once returning to the flash movie it is either old content, half working or just doesn't work, period.What is interesting is that once I locate the text file and view/refresh it manually, it works 100% fine. Now, it's obviously not a very useful set up if I have to manually refresh my txt files so is there a way, (php?, Java? etc?) to refresh these files?

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Actionscript 3 :: Run A Function Once Flash Movie Has Finished Loading?

Aug 11, 2010

Is it possible to set a listener or something like it to run a function once the flash movie itself has finished loading?So something like:When this flash movie has finished loading, activate function.Btw. I'm not trying to do this with a swf file loaded into another flash movie. I need this to be done by the movie once it self has finished loading.

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