IDE :: How To Restrict SWF

Mar 27, 2009

to be loaded by just one .html ??I have one book which was converted page to swf. Each swf will be inside one .html, pag1.html contains pag1.swf, I'd like to avoid the direct url reference to pag1.swf.Any way of detecting the URL of html the swf file is embedded in?

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Nov 23, 2009

As this involves assorted dragging interactions to understand this explanation take a look at the should work like the last item on this page, called exploring kite interactive Url...I have a mc which includes 5 dots that can be dragged in various ways.each one needs to be limited to the stage area when it is being dragged.The limit should only apply to the dot when being dragged. If a dot being dragged causes another to exit the stage area that is fine.I have tried a few ways, none work too smoothly.One issue is that a dot which stops dragging at the edge can be hard to pick again.Another issue is that if you drag really fast you can drag a dot offstage. This is usually when the top or bottom dot is dragged quickly from where it has stopped at the edge and the mouse is released just outside the stage.FLA is attached.

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Restrict The Number Of Users On Live Or Vod Applications?

Jul 7, 2011

You can restrict the number of users on a flash server applications using server-side scripting.Here is how.

1. Go to the flash server root/documentation/samples (Lets say its a live streaming aplication).

2. Copy the livestreams folder to your flash server root/applications and paste it inside the folder.

3. Open the main.asc file that is inside the folder you just pasted.

4. At the end of the code paste the following code:


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Jul 25, 2011

I am facing one problem that i want to restrict my boundary while my object is moving around a area.So i want to move my black color ball only one position left/right/bottom or topEventhoung if my ball presents in the left side edgeit should move left side. same thing for upper side, bottom side and right side.right nowi m using Mouse Down for DragMouseUP for DropInbetween MouseMove for finding its co-ordinates

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Php - Restrict File Types For A User In A Web Browser?

Nov 29, 2010

i have a question that is almost like other questions but with a small but very important difference. how can i restrict file types for user with a popup showed in the browser.

The standard file input of html can limit that with a command but it does not work in all browser so it is not an option. I do not want to validate the file extension after the user has chosen a file but before that, when he is choosing.[URL].. but it uploads the file after the user has chosen it, i do not want to do that, i want to upload it after the user submits the form.

So the problem looks like this that there are some ways of not letting the user send a not valid file but they are not good because, one is that i validate after the user have chosen the file and the other is that i upload the file before the user submits the form.

I just want a simple thing to not letting to "chose" a not valid file, it does not matter if it will be made with java script or flash, just let it work.

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