IDE :: Clean Way To Style Text Links?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm quite annoyed by the lack of link graphic management of the flash ide, don't you? In a web application like flash, it's quite surprising that I can link a static text but I cannot easily style it's hover/out state like html, nor simply get it underlined.Yes, I know, use the StyleSheet class and dynamic text fileds, yes... But no, that's not the way I want.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ComboBox Style: Can't Style Text

Oct 23, 2009

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import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting Style Code From Classic Text To TLF Text?

Jan 10, 2011

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Currently this works by getting the keyword from the XML, finding its length, finding the index of where it starts, splicing the main string, and then setting TextFormat to the number of chars in keyword, which changes the font size and colour for just that keyword in the sentence.

This works great for the classic dynamic text boxes. It doesn't however work with TLF text, it just applies the new format to the entire text field. I don't have any experience with TLF text as I've just upgraded to CS5 and now need to make this work in Hebrew.The code snippet for the keyword colour change looks like this:Where screen01Norm & screen01Key are things pulled from XML & screen_01.txt_box_combined is the text field.

var newFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
newFormat.color = 0x319aca;
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Flex :: Underline Style For Text/labels?

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Update: 02/072012 I'm using Flex SDK 3.5 so I cant use the spark solution for now. Im using Label component and setting the textfield's style.

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Dec 13, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Text Loads But CSS Won't Style?

Aug 8, 2009

Can't get the CSS to style an external txt. Copy loads as supposed to and thru a trace I can see that the css stylesheet is recognized but it won't actually style the text. For instance, <span class="header"> Heading</span>stays at the original font size instead of getting bigger. I'm stumped. Have tried so many things to get this to work. What have I missed?Instance name of dynamic text field = upcom_txt. Text field is on stage. Html,check. Multiline, check.the css style sheet = "CSSs/news.css"my text = "TXTs/upcom.txt"Font = "Alte Haas Grotesk". The font is a font symbol exported from the library of the FLA. (I've tried using a system font, but it still doesn't work)CSS FILE:

p {
color: #ffffff;


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titlefield.embedFonts = true;
titlefield.stylesheet = sheet;

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Jul 28, 2010

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var styles = new TextField.StyleSheet();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timed Text Style Tags Not Working?

Jun 16, 2010

Using an FLV playback component, I am reading subtitles into a dynamic text box. I'm essentially using the same XML code seen here:URL]..Only problem is, the style tags aren't working for me.  They do nothing, and the font style options selected on the stage in the FLA seem to override any style tags.
I'm wondering - does the text box need to be created in Action Script (as opposed to on the stage)? [FYI, I just tried this, this did not seem to work either].  What else could it be?
(Note that I can achieve styling through using CDATA tags, which makes matters more confusing to me.  I'd prefer to use the timed text ones if they can work, as they are a little better for readability).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Font Style In Text Field?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Htm File Show Exactly Like Swf's Text Style?

Jul 7, 2009

From a textfiled, I traced htmlText and got below textformat, <P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Courier" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FF0000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"><U>this is a test</U></FONT></P>" Then i save the above text as a htm file, but I opened it and found things changed, say the words become bigger. I do not why. I am not good at html languages. is there anyone can help me out a way to make the htm display the exact same style to swf?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Possible To Change The Style Of Single Words In A Text?

Jan 9, 2011

I have a question about textfields and I'm wondering if it is possible to change text styles of single words or lines within a textfield with actionscript.I use an empty textfield and add my text to that field in actionscript with the following code:
myTfield.text = "insert text here"the text contains multiple lines and I want some of them to be bold, italic or a bigger font size. The reason why I am adding my text to my textfield this way is because I need the text in the textfield to change when some buttons are pressed. Text will be added or removed from the textfield if buttons are pressed by the user and the current way I'm changing the text is by simply re-using the code above with new text in it. (it makes the code quite long though, but I guess I'll have to deal with that)But because I'm adding text this way I am not sure how to change the style of different parts of the text.

On a related note, with CS5 there are now a number of options for textfields. There is TLF text and classic text. I've searched around for the differences but I don't find the awnsers very clear. What option should I use for my textfield if I want it to look sharp like the text I'm typing here (its just regular text, no headers or anything). Some options just give blurry text because of the anti-alias and some settings don't seem to change a thing. And at times embedding fonts looks nice but sometimes it makes it worse. There are so many options to choose from, but it is unclear what would work best for regular text. (my text won't animate, it does move with a scrollbar, but I only care about how it looks when the scrollbar is still)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Create Text Ticker Like 3D Style Roller

Feb 25, 2005

I am curious how I would go about creating a headline ticker that would have a 3d look? I am trying to make it look like a drum roller. The part I am having trouble with is the dynamic text and how to give it a 3d look.

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Anyway To Clean Ram With As3?

Jul 22, 2010

is there anyway to clean ram with as3?

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Coding Style Round Corners For Text Input In Flash

Jun 24, 2010

i im using the text input component in flash as2,but i need text input with round corners, is there a script that can do it? or somthing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Custom Bullets With Html Text With Out Style Sheet?

Nov 29, 2009

So as far as I can tell list-style-image (or any list-style at that) is not one of the available css properties enabled with a TextField.I want to have a list of items with bullets in front of them, but using a custom png image for the bullet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField - Text To Go Away And Change The Style To Black / Unitalicized

Dec 23, 2009

I have an input text field, it's grey and italic - it says "Enter album name here". When it's clicked I want the text to go away, and change the style to black/unitalicized so the user can enter some text. Here is my event function that triggers on mouse up. The text format changes properly if I set the text to "hi", but *not* if I set the text to the empty string... Is this a bug? My experiences with Flash thus far have been far from impressive for such an expensive piece of software. Maybe I am overlooking something...


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