IDE :: Selecting Movieclip Dynamically Within A Dynamically Selected Movieclip?
Mar 5, 2010
Lets say you have a bunch of similar movieclips and you want to move anyone of them dynamically. We would use:
Something like that. However, my issue is not selecting a movieclip dynamically, but selecting another movieclip dynamically within a dynamically selected movieclip.
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nml:Number = numpos + 2;
nmr:Number = numpos - 2;
var nmlm:MovieClip = panels.panel(nml)
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trace("-->: "+scrollPane.source.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
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Sep 16, 2009
I know how to attach a movieclip dynamically using flash 8 and cs3 but not in cs4.
I made a movieclip named "box_mc" and i deleted from stage. It's there in library. now i want to display the movieclip "box_mc" dynamically on stage.
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Sep 16, 2009
I know how to attach a movieclip dynamically using flash 8 and cs3 but not in cs4. can u pls help me on this.
I made a movieclip named "box_mc" and i deleted from stage. It's there in library. now i want to display the movieclip "box_mc" dynamically on stage. how to do this using flash cs4 ?
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Oct 28, 2009
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This movieclip - movieclipB duplicates for each item. This works perfect. I also have another movieclip movieclipC The movieclipB is a slideshow and loads the 5 images for an item by a self generated xml file that a php functions produces, depending on the querystring that is the idstring in my actionscript. I mean that inside the movieclipB I do
my_xml.load("findphoto.php?id=" + idstring);
So far the movieclipB works very well standalone...and this means that if I assign the querystring value inside the movieclip (for example idstring=1 and then call the function as above, the slideshow works verywell. How to pass for each item a different idstring into movieclipB and where exactly to put the movieclipB so it can be duplicated with movieclipA and take the correct idstring to do its job. Everything I tried to pass the idstring failed.
In the flash page among other code that I don't believe it's important, I have the following actionscript in the action layer
Main page frame 1:
PHP Code:
total =;
var id:Array = new Array();
var headline:Array = new Array();
var details:Array = new Array();
var thumbnail:Array = new Array();
showPost = new LoadVars();
[Code] .....
VisitorsDetailsClip_mc is the movieclipB I mentioned above. MovieclipA (the one with the thumbnail) and movieclipB are placed on the stage of the main flash page.
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Sep 2, 2008
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function showBox(e:MouseEvent):void {
var raceList:XMLList = xmlData.row.(AreaNum == areaNum
&& RaceID == 484);
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Nov 19, 2009
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Jun 16, 2010
I hv 5 movieclips on stage mc1,mc2,mc3,mc4,mc5. I m trying this code to run random movieclip on stage
function Randvalue(){var randVal=Math.round(Math.random()*4)this[mc+randVal].gotoAndPlay("over")}
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Apr 17, 2011
import flash.display.*;
var myArray:Array = new Array();
var groupArray:Array = new Array();
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Sep 16, 2009
I know how to attach a movieclip dynamically using flash 8 and cs3 but not in cs4.
I made a movieclip named "box_mc" and i deleted from stage. It's there in library. now i want to display the movieclip "box_mc" dynamically on stage. how to do this using flash cs4?
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May 4, 2010
I have a movieclip which is being masked using another movieclip. In one condition I want to unmask the mc. But it seems, mask = null isn't working.can I remove mask dynamically.
a.mask = b;
a.width ++;
if(a.width > 10)
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May 6, 2010
I'm trying to load different images from xml to movieclips by detecting the movieclips name dynamically via xml.
Pratically i have 2 movieclips named "sera" and "diurno".I take the names and the relative urls via xml then i try to add the images to the moviclip that have the same name as the xml, so i know that the "sera" movieclip have the "sera" image.[code]...
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Sep 12, 2011
I am trying to create a small game but would like to do the following:I have four Movie Clips, named rather imaginatively clip1, clip2, clip3, clip4.Now what I would like to do is store those MovieClip names in an array so that I can use them in a for next loop.
a[]=new Array('clip1','clip2','clip3','clip4');
// How do I call the MovieClip so I can manipulate it
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Mar 13, 2009
I would like to dynamically resize and move a MovieClip (quare for example) by dragging either sides or dragging it by clicking anywhere else.I can drag the square around no problem...but would like to know how the sclaing can be done?
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Sep 16, 2009
I made a movieclip named "box_mc" and i deleted from stage. It's there in library. now i want to display the movieclip "box_mc" dynamically on stage. how to do this ??
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Jan 30, 2010
Here's what I want to accomplish, I'm doing a listing of all the shows done by my band, I've written all the info into a XML file ( date, location, venue, info and a URL to get to the gig ) and I made a MovieClip with 4 field text to display the information.
So far I can read the XML file, I can addChild my MovieClip they stack neatly in a column to the problem is, after that, I don't know how to refer to them on the stage to get the url link that I've written in my XML is my AS.
//--- load the gig info ---
var xmlgig:XML;
var showlist:XMLList;
View 5 Replies
Mar 29, 2005
I have a dynamic text field that loads a variable into it (just a simple text file). This text file will be updated on occasion. I also have a movie clip to be positioned below the text field, however I want the movie clip to change position depending on how much text is in the text field so there isnt a large gap and so they dont overlap. Is this possible? I tried the following actionscript to adjust the size of the text field depending on the amount of text.
textField2.autosize = "center";
However I have no idea how to get the y position of the movie clip to adjust accordingly.
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Jul 6, 2007
I was wondering if there is a way to dynamically add a guide to a movieclip, and then let another movieclip follow this guide.
Put another way: i want a "highlight" movieclip to follow the bounds of another movieclip as shown here[url]...
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Apr 9, 2009
bend a movieclip dynamically with actionscript.
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Jun 21, 2009
I've created an object (a person named jop) from a number of other symbols, and I've added the person to the stage manually (i.e. not via AS). One of the symbols, the mouth, has multiple frames, and I would like to stop it from playing at runtime. Here's what I tried:
What I don't understand is why flash sees the mouth as a DisplayObject and not a MovieClip, when I've definitely gone into its properties to make sure it was a MovieClip. It would make a nice shortcut if I were able to handle MovieClips this way, so I hope theres a way...otherwise I guess I'd have to add all the components of poor ol' jop to the stage at runtime to have access to them as movieclips.
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Dec 26, 2009
I want to dynamically create a movieclip and draw a different image (via the functions) onto each of three frames. Eg: I want to draw a red square in frame one, a blue circle in frame two, and a green line in frame three.I can do the drawing just fine, but how to get it into a specific frame, I just don't know.
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