IDE :: Write Japanese Character Using Unicode?

Apr 9, 2009

how to write japanese character using unicode if i read the unicode data ("u3042") from XML?because i only can write it using :

var str:String="u3042";

its work, but if i read it from xml and write it, it's not work..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Japanese Fonts - Embed A Font Like "Arial Unicode MS" With The Kanji Character?

Oct 9, 2010

I am tasked with created a site that handles Japanese characters, and am looking for any insight you can offer for this.My main issue right now is the size spike the site will get if I embed a font like "Arial Unicode MS" with the Kanji character set which has 3174 glyphs. When I compiled an fla with only a textfield and these Japanese characters embed it stands at 731k. So I am looking for options to either eliminate the need to embed the Kanji characters or find a way to limit the number of characters needed to handle the Kanji character set.

1. Which fonts if any come pre-installed on Wins & Mac that natively handle Kanji characters.

2. If there is such a font for Win & Mac does this mean I don't need to embed the Kanji glyphs for the font in a swf, and can be sure any user viewing the site will be able to see the Janji characters, because their OS already can handle displaying Janji characters. For example if I go to a webpage on the internet that has Japanese characters I am able to view the Japanese characters, is this because the browsers themselves have these fonts embedded or is it pulling from my OS to display the Japanese font?

3. If I do need to embed a font to handle the Janji characters do I need to include all 3174 glyphs to cover all possible English equivalents. I read that you can specify a unicode range for a font, believe this only works with CS4 though. I don't know much about unicode ranges let allow the ranges I need for Japanese characters.

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Feb 7, 2010

I'm working with IPA Character embedding in Flash CS4. I can get almost all the characters to display properly, but "U+2C71" is giving me a problem.This works:

ActionScript Code:
txt.text = "u0294";
This displays "u2C71":
ActionScript Code:
txt.text = "u2C71";

It's like it's not even trying to find the Unicode character. Adobe says that everything up to uFFFF is supported, so I don't have any idea why it would be doing that

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [CS4] Flash Library Font Unicode Character Embedding?

Aug 20, 2009

This is a rather advanced problem but apparently I'm not the only one having it.So far I've been using external font loading in all my projects. A Tahoma.swf with a Tahoma Font library item and basically two lines of code:ActionScript Code:import flash.text.Font;Font.registerFont(TahomaSmooth);As soon as I load the font in my application it's ready for use. This is Jesse Freeman's method, in case it looks familiar.The problem is Flash CS4 doesn't embed polish fonts. And clients dnt lke t read tet that hs mssng chrcters. Unfortunately for anyone who isn't english Adobe didn't forsee that people might actually want to specify the character set when embeding Fonts. This strikes me as odd, as supposedly the whole font was supposed to be imported, at least that's how it originally worked, AFAIK.

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Aug 13, 2010

var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray;

trace(bytes.length); // prints 4
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Sep 3, 2009

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function my_clean_char(x) { var okchars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ天平七年随我朝使帰朝不獲一簣玄蕃頭従五位上袁晋卿賜姓清村宿禰亦所不顧" okchars += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz天平七年随我朝使帰朝不獲一簣玄蕃頭従五位上袁晋卿賜姓清村宿禰亦所不顧" okchars += "0123456789" okchars += "-, ()." if(okchars.indexOf(x) >= 0) { return true } else { return false }}

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Embedding Japanese Characters At Runtime?

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Flash :: Embedding And Displaying Chinese/japanese

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8月 2011年 to 2011年 8月.

Code I used to do that,

dateFrom.dayNames = ['日', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', '土'];
dateFrom.monthNames = ['1月','2月','3月','4月','5月','6月','7月','8月','9月','10月','11月','12月'];
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scrp.contentPath = "scrollMovieClip";


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eg. All A-Z and a-z.

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Actionscript :: Read XML And Write On List Write?

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Add Unicode Fonts Into Flash?

Apr 1, 2009

The fonts I want to add is Tai le, .

And the unicode range is U+1970 - U+1974, I've tried to embed the font, but did not work. I only got "ᥐᥐᥐᥐ".

how can I use Tai le font in the Flash?

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