Inserting Analog Clock To Flash Movie

Oct 3, 2011

I made a flash movie. I create a analog clock separately with AS3 which worked perfectly - hour and minute hand is moving. I need to import the analog clock into my movie. After import, the clock hour and minute hand does no move anymore - I believe AS3 is not executed. May I know what is the proper way to insert a AS3 object such as an analog clock into a movie scene that last for eg. 10 secs? (the hour and minute hand move in this 10sec frame before the whole clock disappear).

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this.addEventListener("enterFrame",clockHandler); false, 0, true;
function clockHandler(e:Event)

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {time = new Date();mil = time.getMilliseconds();s = time.getSeconds();m = time.getMinutes();h = time.getHours();seconds._rotation = s*6+(mil/(1000/6));minutes._rotation = m*6+(s/10);hours._rotation = h*30+(m/2);}

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I don't know how to do it. Check it out

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Here is my function code:

function color():void
/* AM PM, if hours is greater than 11, that is 12 and 12 is PM */
if (hours<12)


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time=new Date(); // time object
seconds = time.getSeconds()
minutes = time.getMinutes()


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ActionScript Code:
// import the Delegate class
import mx.utils.Delegate;
// hide clock elements whilst initial loading of data occurs


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Professional :: Duplicating Movie Clip Or Inserting New Movie Clip With Effect

Jun 5, 2010

CS3 Flash - Complete newbie to Flash and I'm trying to change an existing flash piece.It consists of 4 different text statements that appear on a Black background - the first appears and stays on-screen for 10 secs, then it starts to blur and fade away in about a sec, and then the next statement appears, etc, etc., and the whole lot loops.The 4 statements appear as Video Clips (Symbols?) in the library.I need to add a new statement, which means there will be 5 statements. I duplicated one of the library items and renamed it, which seems to have worked fine... but I cannot then work out how I insert that video clip into the Timeline and still have the same visual effects and timing as the existing ones? I can insert a blank frame, but then I can only drop the new video clip text onto that one frame.I've tried copying and pasting a whole set of frames, and then go in and change the text. Which I thought had worked, but then discovered that it also changed the original frames.... now understand that's because they are just instances and any change will affect the master Video Clip!

So can anyone advise if I can insert my newly added and renamed video clip into the timeframe and create the same effect as the others?Please keep any advice as idiot-proof as possible as this is my first venture into Flash... not finding it as intuitive as I hoped, spent 6hrs to date just trying trial and error without any real success.

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// Adding mouse event to our movieclip!myMovieClip.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, rotateMoveClip);
// the rotateMoveClip functionfunction rotateMoveClip(e:Event){  // is the


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can you tell me if it is possible to detect if an object is rotating anti clockwise or not? at present i get x,y co-ords and use the code below to rotate it which is fine. now i could write an if statement to check if rotation is negative or positive but because rotation can be negative and positive when rotating clockwise and anti clockwise this wouldnt work.


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Apr 3, 2005

at present i get x,y co-ords and use the code below to rotate it which is fine. now i could write an if statement to check if rotation is negative or positive but because rotation can be negative and positive when rotating clockwise and anti clockwise this wouldnt work.

theAngle = Math.atan2(diffy , diffx);
this._rotation = theAngle*360/(2*Math.PI);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Analog 2 Minute Timer?

Jun 25, 2009

I have been looking at tutorials and forums for almost three hours now. I am building an analog timer that goes to two minutes. I've setup a timer and have attempted to get the second hand to rotate as the timer continues. So far all it does is move that initial rotation. It looks like only 15 degrees or so. and it doesn't seem to matter what numbers I change it only goes to that 15 degrees.

Here is my code so far:

ActionScript Code:
var twoMinuteTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000, 120);
function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Analog Meter?

Jul 28, 2006

I'm trying to figure out how to bring in a number from xml into this analog meter so that it will display the number in the meter. I believe I'm supposed to use LoadVars object but not sure where to implement it.

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (load) {

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Oct 14, 2009

im just looked analog clock tutorial URL...its showing time which we having on our machine.i want 4 clock with different countries

2.New York
3. Sydney

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CS3 Inserting HTM Files Into Flash?

Apr 6, 2009

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Inserting Data From Flash To Xml?

Aug 6, 2009

everywhere i look i come accross with tutorials about how to load data from XML file to flash, but i havnt found any article how u insert or update data in xml from flash. how is it done? i need to insert texts from a textbox in flash into xml file after i press a submit botton.

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IDE :: Inserting Links Into A Flash Banner?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a banner I created with scrolling thumbnails across the bottom. I'd like to put a link on all the seperate thumbnails. Can i do that in flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Inserting A Name On A Card

Sep 6, 2011

This is what I need to do, I need to design an access card where the user would type his/her name in the textbox, press a submit button, and then have their name on the card so that the card can be printed with their name on it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Simple Animated Analog Meter?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple animated Analog Meter that responds to my input slider control. Is any inbuilt component available for flash pro cs5?

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Inserting HTML Code Into Flash Website?

Mar 24, 2009

I'm currently designing a flash website, I need to embed the following html code in one of the sections of the site

<iframe name="ifmCalendar" id="ifmCalendar" frameborder="no" src="" width="800" height="430"></iframe>

how can i do so, i have a dynamic text box created and I want it in that box?

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Professional :: Inserting Flash File Into HTTP

Jun 21, 2010

I have been trying to insert flash file but I keep getting error messages that:
Not Found
The requested URL /annimations/Snow.html was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I firstly publish flash into both swf and http files. Then, I opened view source of the http file and pasted the code onto the dreamwaever file.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" width="700" height="500" id="Snow" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
<param name="movie" value="Snow.swf" />
[Code] .....

In addition, I deleted code that swfobject.registerObject(FlashID) on the http file. The dreamweaver gave an error message that the code swfobject.registerObject(FlashID) can cause error when downloading the flash. Finally all http, swf and flash files were uploaded. But I still got the error message above. In the past, I managed to upload flash using the method above, although I did not get any message regarding swfobject.registerObject(FlashID).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Inserting Data Into A Database Using Flash?

Nov 27, 2004

I have a little application with five text fields and a submit button that i want to put the inputted data from into a database. i have my database done and everything, and here is the code for the PHP file i'm using:

PHP Code:

$server = "localhost";
$username = "reintro_matt";


i'm not very good with PHP but after doing some research and reading some tutorials i think that is good to go. my text fields in flash have the variables that i'm using in the POST_VARS commands in PHP and similar instance names. how would i go about writing the actionscript to collect this data and insert it into the database in flash (or make corrections to the PHP i already have if it isn't ready).

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