ActionScript 3.0 :: Inserting 2 Movie Clips Into One Movie Clip?
Sep 3, 2011
I have a movie clip which as some images arranged horizontally. The final dimensions are 300 x 100. I would like to duplicate this clip, then add both copies to a new movie clip and align the two clips side-by-side to create one movie clip with dimensions of 600 x 100. Sounds simple, but I can't figure it out!
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Jun 5, 2010
CS3 Flash - Complete newbie to Flash and I'm trying to change an existing flash piece.It consists of 4 different text statements that appear on a Black background - the first appears and stays on-screen for 10 secs, then it starts to blur and fade away in about a sec, and then the next statement appears, etc, etc., and the whole lot loops.The 4 statements appear as Video Clips (Symbols?) in the library.I need to add a new statement, which means there will be 5 statements. I duplicated one of the library items and renamed it, which seems to have worked fine... but I cannot then work out how I insert that video clip into the Timeline and still have the same visual effects and timing as the existing ones? I can insert a blank frame, but then I can only drop the new video clip text onto that one frame.I've tried copying and pasting a whole set of frames, and then go in and change the text. Which I thought had worked, but then discovered that it also changed the original frames.... now understand that's because they are just instances and any change will affect the master Video Clip!
So can anyone advise if I can insert my newly added and renamed video clip into the timeframe and create the same effect as the others?Please keep any advice as idiot-proof as possible as this is my first venture into Flash... not finding it as intuitive as I hoped, spent 6hrs to date just trying trial and error without any real success.
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loadMovie ("1.swf", ir);
and nothing happened.
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i shot from the hip and tried this code, but didnt have any luck:
mc_LCD_loader.attachMovie("hilight", "g", 1), ("header", "X", 1); mc_LCD_loader.g._x = 0; mc_LCD_loader.g._y = 1000;
mc_LCD_loader.X._x = 0; mc_LCD_loader.X._y = 1000;
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Jun 20, 2006
i'm trying to play several movie clips, one after the other from one main movie clip.i've got 8 movie clips, "m1.swf", "m2.swf", etc. "m8.swf", and one main movie clip, "play.swf".i've tried using loadMovie, but it only plays the last movie clip. this is what i've got. in the main movie clip, i've put a play button, and the actionscript i have in the button is:
is this wrong? how can i get this to work correctly.
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Sep 19, 2011
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Dec 6, 2009
I have my flash document set up in the following way: On the main timeline I have my buttons that I want to play movie clips embedded inside a movie clip on the main timeline.However, when I click each different button, the current movie clip stops playing and then the movie clip corresponding to the button plays.
I want them all to be able to play at once. So for example you push button 1 and the alien plays, but half way through you could click button 2 and the alien clip would keep playing, but also the helicopter clip would begin to play as well.Here is the code I have so far:
building_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, alien);
building_btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, helicopter);
function helicopter(e:MouseEvent):void {[code]......
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Sep 14, 2010
I have a menu bar that has 2 Drop down menus. Each drop down is a separate movie clip, with 3 buttons inside that are separate movie clips. I have a class set to the buttons that are movie clips for a roll over effect. But when I mouse over it does not work. Also on the main time line I tried to add a like to a web page but it did not work. But I only have this problem with the movie clips that are inside the drop down movie clips.
Why is this? How do I add roll over actions and external links to movie clips that are inside of another movie clip? I really need some help this is a problem I have been having for about a month or more. I am still a AS3 newb and this is my first time using classes. The other classes I have work with everything else, Im just having trouble with the movie clips that are inside movie clips.
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Oct 6, 2009
At step four, it says to
4- Inside another Movie Clip named "Limits" place "Pads" and "Wall". Pads' instance name should be "Pads" and Wall's instance named "Border". We put the Wall and Pads inside the same Movie Clip, to use it to know when the ball collided. And we couldn't put everything together because the ball behaves different if hits the Wall instead of the Pads.
How do I create this movie clip and put the other movie clips "inside it"? Also, if anyone can find out, where do I put this movie clip? Do i put it at the same spot as the wall?
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Feb 14, 2009
i made a game with all the levels put into a movieclip named "game". Every level is put into a different frame and i want to make a pause and play button.I found this code but dont know how to use it:
on (release) {
for (var i in mc) {
typeof (mc[i]) == "movieclip" ? mc[i].stop() : trace("mm");
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Feb 24, 2006
Is there a way to do stop/pause all the movie clips inside a Big movie clip? I wanna control the movie clips as well with a slider. Yes i can control the Big movie clip yet i couldn't control those movie clips lie inside that Big movie clip.
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Oct 25, 2005
What is the code I use to find out how many movie clips are inside a movie clip and then remove them?
clips = some_mc.numberOfClipsAtThisLocation;
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Jun 14, 2007
i got a school flash project where i need to access the _y properties of many movie clips buttons that set with name like sel 1 sel2 sel 3 and so on the problem is i have 2 sets of those, one on the main timeline which i can access with "for" looped _root["sel"+i]._y and one which is inside another movieclip problem is i don't know how to access the later using for loop? this is the script that i used to access the _y on the _root.selx
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Sep 22, 2009
Okay, SO i have a movie clip, and to stop it i use
and to stop the main timeline I use
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Nov 24, 2009
I am making a grid based game with movie clips of 4 colors. Till now I have completed to populate the clips on the stage randomly. I can trace their names like this
public function clickCard(event:MouseEvent)
var thisCard:Card = (event.currentTarget as Card); // what card?
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Sep 15, 2010
i'm kinda new to actionscript but im trying to find out how to realise a banner i am making.I have 1 big movieclip thats about 5x larger then what is shown, i have 4 movieclips each on each side of the movieclip, left, right, up and down.The idea is that when i hover on 1 of the movieclips the big movie clip moves that way until the mouse isn't hovering above it or when the movieclip reaches the end of the side.I have given a mouse listener event to each movieclip on the side, the trace works well, but i i don't know how to make the big movieclip move when i hover the side, i hope someone can give me some pointers on how to proceed.
function move_left(event_object:MouseEvent) {
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Dec 6, 2010
I have a flash file which contains two movie clips, one is on frame 1 which contains a button which will navigate you to the other movie clip which is on frame 10 with a frame label that i would like to target.
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Apr 26, 2009
I'm trying to make a flash website that has clickable buttons that will play different movie clips. But I dont know how to make it to just play the movie clip with the button you click without playing all the movie clips on the main timeline.
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Jun 20, 2006
I'm trying to attach several movie clips into another movie clip. I can add the movie clips successfully . However, the movie clips start from the middle of the main movie clip that I used as the background layer for the other movie clips. Is there any way to make it located to the top left? Here is the code I used:
Layer_Movie.attachMovie("NumberTop","num",depth,{ _x: scol + (col * 32), _y: scol - 32 });
scol and srow are the attributes that represents the starting locations from the left and top. (I used 10 for the variables scol and srow the movie should be located 10 pixels away from the top and left) 32 is the height and also width of the movie clip to be added.
(I know sometimes actionscript is not so powerful to implement such kind of processes. Since I have not time to wait for the another version of actionscript
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Sep 13, 2009
I'd like to control a movie clips current frame by another movie clips action script.I realise the following controls the outside (root) frame time line:
but I'm not sure how to apply that to my other movie clip. I'm guessing it would be something like this:
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Feb 12, 2009
I Have 3 Movies:MAIN.SWF, contains loading movie actions for Nav.swf and Home.swf.NAV.SWF, contains navagation menu loaded on Level 2 in Main HOME.SWF, contains slideshow for home page loaded on Level 1 in Main In NAV.SWF, there is a MOVIE CLIP "graphmc", which contains a BUTTON "graphicbtn", When this button is clicked, I'd like the HOME.SWF (which is loaded into Main.swf on Level 1) to fade out and unload, and load and fade in Graphics.SWF in place of it.
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Jun 5, 2011
As most of you don't know, I've been creating an rpg game. And, after several tries of art making, etc, I have finally moved back into coding the game. And now, I'm stuck on the equipment system idea. At first, I thought I would just place a bunch of goToAndStop's for each movie clip to go to a frame that has that certain armor piece. This was my first idea for an equipment system. However, after doing some research, and realizing how much lines of code could be saved, I started looking into simply adding and removing movie clips from the character as my new equipment system idea. Now.... on to the problem.
Basic want/ overall achievement wanted: Create an equipment system, which will basically attach movie clips (items) onto characters, which themselves will already be attached movie clips on the stage.
Problem: What is the exact code to do this? And Is there a better way to do this for an equipment system (a less laggy or more efficient way perhaps that I'm not seeing; Check the code below to get a better idea of what I'm talking about)?
Part of the code (or basic idea of code; see comments for extra details
//Don't worry I have an OnEnterFrame function here;
//attachedObj= the character; figure= the MC name of the character;
attachedObj = attachMovie("figure", "figure"+1, 1);
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