JSFL - Detecting When Element Has Been Flipped

Oct 3, 2011

I'm writing an exporter in JSFL, to export Flash animations into a format that can be replayed in a custom player. The exporter basically iterates through the timeline and through all the elements at each keyframe, and writes out the element's name, position, rotation, scale and a local offset. These are read into the custom player which feeds the data to a sprite engine to recreate each frame of the animation. What I want to be able to do is detect whether a given Element has been flipped (i.e. in Flash you Select the element (a symbol), then Modify->Transform->Flip Horizontal) so that the exporter can include that information too, allowing the sprite engine in the player to flip the UVs of the texture to replicate what's happening in Flash.

This would be useful for (say) using one symbol for a character's right hand, and just flipping it to be their left hand, rather than having to create a whole new symbol. Unfortunately I can't see any way of finding this information out. None of the information I have available for the Elements seems to imply that any kind of flipping has occurred. How can I detect flipping? If it can't be done algorithmically, I'd settle for the animator having to manually indicate that a symbol had been flipped (by creating some kind of plugin that gives them a tick-box which writes a value into the Element with setPersistentData(), for example), but I don't know how to make that sort of plugin either.

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<function name="lala">
<metadata name="foo" />


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var doc = MMExecute( "fl.getDocumentDOM()._root;" );

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Use the following syntax (you can concatenate several commands into one string): MMExecute(Javascript command string);

I wanted to know if this opends the possibility of having a swf file, that when run, can execute jsfl script that will create a folder on the user's computer?

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Nov 25, 2009

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// draw rectangle
doc.addNewLine({x:0, y:0}, {x:2000, y:0});
doc.addNewLine({x:2000, y:0}, {x:2000, y:500});[code]....

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IDE :: Repositioning Everything On The Stage (across All Frames) With JSFL?

Dec 16, 2011

I have a bunch of old FLAs with one set of dimensions, including a 60 pixel offset along the y axis. I'm writing a jsfl script to resize the stage (works), delete some unneeded layers (works), and reposition everything (doesn't work) What I'm using is:

fl.getDocumentDOM().moveSelectionBy({x:46, y:-60});

When I run my script, the items do in fact get moved, but on tweened clips, they get "doubled dipped," it seems: if I compare the new x and y values of, say, the end keyframe of a clip (only tweened for alpha, for example) is exactly 46 pixels farther right and 60 pixels higher up than it should be.Is there a better way to reposition everything that avoids this "double dipping" among tweens? I'd love to know! There's got to be a way, and I feel like I'm so close, but not quite there. (Of course, I'm probably way offEdit: I've performed the steps manually by turning onionskinning on for multiple frames, selecting all frames, then dragging a selection rectangle across everything on the stage, then moving everything by the desired amount, which works: when I look at the history and view the js for those steps, they look exactly like what I've typed into my script.

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What am I missing ?

// adobe's exemple
var nameToSearchFor = "test";[code]........

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Mar 24, 2011

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I want it to listen for it as long as it is open, but when it's closed it should clean up after itself because trying to read metadata every time a new document is selected is not a very nice thing to do.

I have tried to listen for all kind of events in the panel to detect when the user closes it, but with no success.

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Sep 6, 2011

I am trying to run a JSFL script from within a C# project, where the JSFL script opens up a .fla file, modifies it n times, and exports n .swf files before closing. From the C# project, I am starting up the JSFL script through the Process class. I try to wait for the JSFL process to finish through the myProcess.WaitForExit() command, but it doesn't work. The remainder of my code C# executes before the JSFL process finishes exporting its .swf files. Is there any way I can throw something that the C# project can catch from the JSFL file or some other solution?

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Sep 16, 2011

I'm trying to have a jsfl script import a video into my .fla project and export the entire thing as a .swf automatically Is it possible to disable the video wizard when importing videos? I'd hate to have to manually confirm all the options every single time. The video is in .flv format if that makes any difference

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