Make Copy Of A Symbol Without Affecting Instance?

May 10, 2011

I have a symbol that I have already used and I would like to use the same symbol in another frame(s), except that when i edit the symbol the original object also edits, for example if i delete a part of it, it also deletes in the object that I have already placed, I have tried the 'duplicate symbol' method but nonetheless my symbol still gets modified and changes the way I want it to show it in certain frames.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A New Instance Of An Existing Symbol (movie Clip Or Graphic)?

Aug 22, 2011

I want to make a new instance of an existing symbol (movie clip or graphic) when an object hits the side of the stage. I have the code to figure out if it hit the side of the stage, i just need to know how to make a new instance and make it show up where the ball hit. I also want to be able to have multiple of these instances on screen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Dynamic Text Field Which Write The Instance Name Of The Symbol When The Cursor Is Over One

May 1, 2011

I would like to make a dynamic text field wich write the instance name of the symbol when the cursor is over one. I have more than 1300 symbols so it would be a really big help if I wouldn't have to write thousands of lines.

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Flash :: Change Visibility Of Symbol Instance From Inside Another Symbol's Script

Nov 22, 2011

I have a project in Flash Professional CS5 and ActionScript 3.

I have a movieclip symbol (referred herein as "background" with scripts on various keyframes inside of that symbol. I need to hide or show another symbol (referred herein as "object") sharing a stage with "background".

To put it another way, I need "object" to be hidden when "background" reaches a certain internal keyframe. However, as "object" and "background" are both children of the same stage, how do I do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Symbol/instance "bounce" Off A Wall

Jan 19, 2010

Attached is the red blood cell (rbc) animation. Each rbc is derived from the same symbol under multiple instances. And they all move randomly in the same x direction at random speeds. Unfortunately, I am unable to code for an arterial wall (ie. a boundary) so some of the rbc's end up leaving the animation at the wrong point (eg. from the top and bottom, instead of the right side).

I have two boundaries (named "top" and "bottom") but would like some help with AS2.0 to make these boundaries active rather than a part of the background. The code is inserted below, however it may be better to take a look at the actual fla:

amountOfrbcs = 220;
rbcsize = 240;
rbcWidth = Stage.width +10;


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Professional :: Make Symbol/instance "transperent"?

Aug 21, 2010

My problem is quite simple but I havent found a way to solve it yet. I want to make my symbol/instances (dont know the difference) transperent. And, when I have a button, I want only the button itself to be clickable not a bit of the white space around.

When I draw something directly in Flash it seems to work fine just as I want it, but I work in paint for the moment and will be using Photoshop too, so then I cant use just Flash's tools.

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Copy And Edit Symbol?

Feb 7, 2010

Is it possible to have a symbol, copy it, and change the copy without affecting the other?

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Professional :: How To Copy A Symbol Layer

Mar 7, 2011

I have a layer with a bullet (graphic symbol) that flys out from the right and stops mid- stage, I am trying to copy this layer and have it do the same thing 3 times, to make 4 bullets that will be the BG for 4 text buttons I will make later, but I want to stagger their timing so they go with a sound effect.I am essentially trying to do exactly like the Duplicate Layer command in After Effects. Is there anything like this in Flash? I have even tried to do the more time consuming process of dragging another instance of my symbol from the library, but I keep getting the message "Do you wish to replace the existing tween target object", which also happens if I try to copy and paste the symbol.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: View / Edit Button Symbol's Instance Name After Have Made Button Symbol?

Nov 5, 2011

How do you view and edit a button symbol's instance name after you have made the button symbol?

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Actionscript 3 :: Symbol Binding - Each Copy Of The Anonymous Function Gets Bound To A Single Reference To F?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm new to AS3, and can't figure out why this loop isn't behaving the way it "should."


How can I give each anonymous function a reference to each object represented by f, rather than a simple reference to f each time? Specifically, why is it that each copy of the anonymous function gets bound to a single reference to f? How (I should say why) exactly does AS3 differ from JavaScript in this regard?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ENTER_FRAME Multiple Copy Of One Instance?

Dec 11, 2009

i would like to add multiple copies of one instance "mytocka_mc" to stage using ENTER_FRAME

here is the code that does all i need except leaving multiple copies of myTocka_mc on stage

I was googling and found it got something to do with arrays i think i should create an array and on every ENTER_FRAME copy my original instance, push copied instance to array and at the end add whole array to the stage but i really dont know how to do that

kreni_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, kreniClick);
stani_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, staniClick);
var go:Boolean = true;


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[AS2] Hitting Different Instance Of The Same Symbol?

Jun 21, 2010

well, i want to make an event occurred when object X hits any instance from a certain symbol Y lets say there's 10 instance of symbol Y rather than naming each of the instance obj1, obj2, etc and making a hitTest event for each of the instance, is there a way to make this event occurred when object X hits any instance of the symbol Y?

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Editing A Symbol Instance?

May 7, 2009

i'm trying to change the color of a graphic symbol instance, several times across the movie clip timeline. (the symbol is also rotating across the timeline.) for each keyframe, when i double-click on the graphic symbol, break apart and then change the color in the properties panel, then go back to the movieclip timeline, ALL the keyframes with that symbol has changed colors and not just the one instance on the keyframe that i'm on.

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Professional :: Only One Instance Of A Symbol Used?

Jul 29, 2010

that symbols dramatically reduce the document file size.  But, what if only one instance of a graphic symbol is to be used?  Can I just use pure bitmap graphics from the library and not symbols in that case?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Instance Name VS Symbol Name

Apr 12, 2005

I'm just starting out with flash and I have a pretty simple question (I think). I was looking at this tutorial: [URL] ...th_slider2.htm and.. I was wondering why would we reference a symbol name sometimes and then other times we would reference a instance name. For example, in the example above in the actions layer we have this:


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Professional :: Animate An Instance Of The Symbol?

Oct 30, 2010

Are symbols only supposed to be used when you need 100% exact copies of an object? So if you need to animate an instance of the symbol you can't use the symbol? Is that correct?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Create An Instance Of A Symbol?

Jun 23, 2009

using AS to draw a shape, or loading in external files to a MC, etc. Basically, they're all overcomplicating it, as far as I'm concerned.

All I want to to is create an instance of a symbol on my stage.Let's say the symbol's name in the library is "picture_mc".How can I create an instance of that on-stage using AS2?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Symbol And Every Instance Of It At Once

Jul 9, 2003

I have a variable called "framenumber" and a movieclip(drawing) with six frames. Each frame of the movieclip has another drawing in it.In the main movie, this movieclip exists over several frames and keyframes. I even do a motion tween with the clip. Now what I want to do, is change the value of framenumber (for example 2) and then do a drawing.gotoandstop(framenumber). So then, the drawing in frame 2 of the movieclip should be shown. But here comes the problem. If I do that,the drawing (in frame 2 of the movieclip) only appears in the frame of the main movie where I put the drawing.gotoandstop(framenumber) command. But in the other frames of the main movie, the initial drawing is kept. How can I let the drawing change everywhere where the movieclip exists? So actually I want to know how I can change every instance of a movieclip, no matter where it is in the movie. Or maybe there's a way to change the (library) symbol itself, so that every instance of it changes along with the library symbol?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing An Instance Of A Symbol?

May 11, 2010

I have a symbol (of type movie clip) which is exported for action with AS3 as, say clsAux. From an AS file, I extend this class to program some methods to interact with it The movie clip has, inside, an instance of another symbol, and the instance is called objAux2. The problem I have is that, from code, from the class which is extending clsAux, I can't figure out how to access objAux2. I have tried, from clsAux, to make the movie clip gotoAndStop the frame where objAux2 is instantiated (where the keyframe where it is created is) and then access it like this.objAux2 (error), this[objAux2] (error)... is there any way I can access the instance of a symbol from code?

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PNG Sequence - Motion Tween Of Symbol Instance

Jul 14, 2005

I use a .png sequence for a sprite (primarily because it has the alpha channel) I will use in flash... its a walking animation of several frames. I make an empty symbol, load the frames into it. I put the symbol in the canvas. It animates fine and the alpha channel is working. Now I try to make a motion tween of the symbol instance, so as to simulate the walking movement, from one point to another. I playback [ENTER] its working fine, just as I want it.

Now if I do the [ctrl+ENTER] preview or export, the motion tween is working, the sprite is moving from point a to point b BUT the walk animation is NOT WORKING. Its just showing the first frame in the image sequence! Am I missing out something to make the image sequence animation work like it should? I tried to do the exact same thing to a movie clip (MOV) it works... but with the png image sequence I am really puzzled.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Serialize Graphic Symbol Instance?

Feb 11, 2010

Can a Flash graphic symbol instance be serialized (or equivalent) for use in an XML.send or an XMLSocket.send call?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Breaking Symbol Without Removing The Instance Name?

Dec 16, 2010

I selected all my stuffs & make them into a symbol and when i break the symbol up all the instance name was removed. Is there a way to break up the symbol without removing the instance name?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Declare Variable For Symbol Instance

Jun 8, 2011

I want to declare a variable in a class for an instance of an object that was added in the Flash IDE.

I have symbols for several types of panels that all subclass Panel.
To each panel symbol in the library, I add a button and give it an instance name "defaultButton."

This is really convenient, however, I want a defaultButton property for for my Panel class, and cannot find a way to do it. If I try adding a defaultButton property it throws errors:

ActionScript Code:
public class Panel: extends MovieClip{
public var defaultButton:Button; //as an example. Getters and setters also don't work

I also cannot check for the existence of defaultButton in code:
ActionScript Code:
public function GetDefaultButton():Button {
return this.defaultButton;

Throw new Error("Panels are supposed to have a Button instance named 'defaultButton' added using the Flash IDE");
...possibly undefined error.

Is there any way for my class to enforce/ recognise the existence of the defaultButton instance added using the IDE in my Class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set An Instance Name Of A Symbol That Is Dragged To The Scene?

Apr 16, 2006

How can I set an instance name of a symbol that is dragged to the scene from the library panel (or created by convert to symbol)?

In my case they're all named instance1, instance2...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Using Symbol And Instance Names

Jul 10, 2008

I'm building a platforming game using AS2. I just got collision detection working between my character and multiple instances of an object. the different collisions (top, left, right, and bottom of platform blocks) are determined by a single symbol with 4 instances named for the different sides. this is good if i only want to have one block. is there a way to reference the symbol name in the actionscript or to have multliple instances of the same name to actually work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Instance Of Symbol To Stage?

Jul 29, 2009

I know this is one of the most basic things, but I am having trouble adding an instance of a symbol to the stage with action script in Flash CS4. I have a "fireball" symbol and at the beginning of my code I say:
var myFireball:MovieClip = new fireball;
But it says : "1180: Call to a possibly undefined method fireball."

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Instance Of A Symbol - Get A Reference Error

Oct 9, 2011

So I have a button on which I create an instance of a symbol, I'd like to have a listener for the new symbol but I get a reference error because it compiles the listener before I get to create the instance. What do I do?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Symbol Instance On The Stage In An External Package?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a symbol called s1 in the library and I also created an instance of it on the stage on the first frame, its name is myS01Before I linked the document to a class (this was for youtube player) I was able to add event listeners, such as mousevents, onto this instance in my actions panel. But, after I linked my document to the external class in a package without a name, I cannot add any code into Actions panel, because it gives me all kinds of weird problems.Instead I am trying to use this symbol and add listeners to it in my external class file (the one linked to the document) with no external class file looks like:

package {  import flash.display.Sprite;  import flash.display.Stage;  import flash.display.StageAlign;  import flash.display.StageScaleMode;  import;  import*; 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Inside Symbol Not Recognized On Stage

Nov 11, 2011

I bought Flash recently and I'm getting started on making a game, a platform shooter game, thing. What I have, is a button on the main stage that I want to activate a function in an instance. But that instance is inside a symbol. So it's Stage->Character->Gun. But if I put down:

Shoot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Fire);
//Shoot is the button on the stage
function Fire(evt:MouseEvent):void{
Derp(); //This being the function I want to be activated

This is the code in the Gun instance:
function Derp():void{
//epic code goes here

It will give me an error saying "1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Derp." So basically it's telling me it can't get to this code because it's not on the same stage. How can I get an instance to be recognized by all code in my project, regardless of we're it is in the project? I want to keep all my symbols where they are, so external ActionScript file won't be good if I have to recreate the object on the stage.

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Professional :: Instance Name Not Work - Create A Symbol Dynamically?

Mar 16, 2012

This is a very basic question.  I'm rather new.  Just wondering how one creates and manipulates dynamic objects, when they were designed in the library- not dynamically.
I want to make symbols in the library (linked to classes) and then dynamically create them and manipulate them in the actionscript code.  But when I create them in the code, any instance names of sub-symbols cannot be referenced...
The instance name is "instance244" and not "leaf_text" which I set under [properties>instance name]

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