ActionScript 3.0 :: ENTER_FRAME Multiple Copy Of One Instance?
Dec 11, 2009
i would like to add multiple copies of one instance "mytocka_mc" to stage using ENTER_FRAME
here is the code that does all i need except leaving multiple copies of myTocka_mc on stage
I was googling and found it got something to do with arrays i think i should create an array and on every ENTER_FRAME copy my original instance, push copied instance to array and at the end add whole array to the stage but i really dont know how to do that
kreni_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, kreniClick);
stani_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, staniClick);
var go:Boolean = true;
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ang = 0
spd = 2
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//constructor of this "" class
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Feb 4, 2010
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Nov 17, 2010
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function menu_btn_over() {
myTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut,, 0, inspeed);
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" <and> btn2 <and> btn3 <and> etc.onRollOut = function() {"
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Jun 2, 2010
This is the code that I have written so far and it works fine.
var orng:ColorTransform = transform.colorTransform;
orng.color = 0xFF9900;
map.spain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, orange);
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Aug 12, 2008
Got 9 MCs which I want a rollover effect for. I made 1, copied it and it's instance name 9 times. And made this script:
But it only works for one of the buttons. The one I made the copies from. I figured you could do this since it's the same MC? I could be wrong though. If that is the case, is there some way I can make the same action for every button without having to make a bunch of calls for each one? for example:
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May 17, 2009
- I tried, when I first started making this site, to load all of the artwork images into an array and then copy the array before resizing them for their specific functions (being seen as thumbnails or as full size pics.) Unfortunately, I ran into the well known issue of Array cloning only creating a pointer to the same group of items. I tried the newArray = oldArray.slice() trick, but it didn't seem to work. Finally, I just loaded the images twice into two separate arrays, and it works, but I hate this solution. Anyone got a better one?
- I'm trying to maintain some sort of connection between the two sets of Arrays so that, for example, when someone clicks on Thumbnail 15, Fullsize Image 15 will open up but I couldn't find anything that worked. Renaming the Instance Name dynamically didn't seem to work and adding an Instance Variable dynamically doesn't seem possible either as I can't make the Class I am working with (Sprite, in this case) dynamic ahead of time. I'm sure there's a simple method for this.opens up, the different animations seem to interfere with each other and slow each other down (they also seem to get interference from the time taken to load the image Arrays.)
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Jun 13, 2009
Is it possible to iterate through MV copies with the same instance name? It would be very useful for my project.
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Mar 26, 2010
I have a tab button in a movieclip with 3 different states keyframed - popup, hover and up. I use the textfield on each state to show tab title - the problem is I cannot use the same position for the textfield on each keyframe, so I keyframed the textfield's position. And in both keyframes for the textfield it has an instance name tabText. And when I assign text to it - it changes on one keyframe only. How should I resolve this situation without adding the textfield programmatically?
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May 30, 2011
If I have one MovieClip which has two frame, each frame has a 1K Bitmap.When I create three instance of this MovieClip, Is these three instance share the same memory which will only cost 2K memory or they has their own memory which will cost 2K * 3 memory?
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Feb 6, 2009
how would i use the same event for the collision of one thing against multiple objects from the same movie clip without having to name every single one differently, and make an event for every single one? i'm making a game where a box bounces off obstacles.
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Jun 27, 2009
I am pulling data and attempting to assign it to multiple buttons on the _root of my project. Currently, the buttons are positioning themselves really nicely in the proper position, all with the EXACT SAME value.
Here is the script... OMG I am going nuts trying to get this to work.. I mostly do PHP, so AS is... well, different.
HTML Code:
function loadBookmarks() {
// Return the number of items from the text field variable NumItems (it's in the myData object).
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Mar 28, 2005
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this works ok but the question is... multiple targets, how could I do something like this: setProperty((form1; form2), _alpha, 50); although I know this doesn't work... how could I setProperty of more than one instance?
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Mar 20, 2009
Does creating a new instance of an Object that uses an identical name to an older instance, delete the previous instance? Or should the original instance be deleted first? The code uses a ridiculous amount of XML vars. Isn't it less memory intensive to parse the XML and save the properties to an Object, and then delete the XML Object, rather than keep the XML Object around and reference it's child nodes directly? Is it better form to break up a huge XML file (>600lines/3200vars) into smaller chunks?
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