Media Server :: Switching Not Working In Playlist?

Sep 9, 2011

So recently I have found issues with switching when playing playlists in a player we are developing. So to trouble shoot I built a simple application with buttons to manually switch. The first video in the stream switches just fine. When the player gets to to the second video in the the stream, switch does does not work either with or with out oldStreamName defined in the NetStreamPlayOptions. What happens is the the stream ends prematurely, a few seconds to a few minutes after the the button to switch is clicked. If I just let it pIay with out switching it plays out the whole stream as intended. I can't find any reason for this not to work, so I am wondering if there is an issue with the server.

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Media Server :: Switching Videos In Playlist: OldStreamName

Sep 8, 2011

So I've built a player to play playlists and it uses my own DynamicStream class (not the abobe one). I've ran into an issue with playing the same video multiple times. In this app there will be many occassions when a video may be repeated in the playlist up to 3 times. Here's an example of the problem:

Lets say I have 2 videos in a playlist and they are the exact same video. They both are the low birate version. The fist video dynamically swiches to different bitrates seamlesly as planned. If I fast forward the stream to the begining of the second video it starts playing and if my bandwith is ok it wants to switch to a better bitrate. It swiches but instead of being seemless it plays the second video from the begining again. So, I'm thinking this is where oldStreamName comes in. So I add the oldSteamName and make sure its correct, but the problem with that is if the same video is in playlist more than once then the transition never even happens.

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Media Server :: NetStream.Play.InsufficientBW When Streaming Server Side Playlist?

Sep 23, 2010

I am streaming pre recorded audio files (mp4) to an AIR client. I have tried two different solutions,
streaming the file directly with the"mp4:xxxxx.m4a") and creating a server side playlist, adding the same sound clip and then streaming the playlist. The problem is, when streaming the playlist i get a few NetStream.Play.InsufficientBW, this does not happen when streaming the file direct. Both solutions uses bufferTime=1.0
I would like to use a server side playlist to implement a simple key solution so that the client dont know the full path to the file, but instead sends a key to a custom server side function that looks up the file path and creates a stream for the client.

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Media Server :: Streaming Server 4 - Server Side Playlist?

Jan 26, 2011

The $995.00 version is listed as not supporting server side playlists.  Is it possible to implement internet TV station like functionality using that version?  I would like to have a list of files to play out and have it so those connected are all viewing the same thing.

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Media Server :: Scrubbing Server-side Generated Playlist?

Jun 18, 2010

I am generating a playlist server-side but am having problems when I try and scrub it on the client-side.Here's the contents of main.asc of my application:
application.onConnect = function(client) {
this.testStream = Stream.get("mp4:testplaylist");"mp4:test.f4v", 9, 16);"mp4:test2.f4v", 11, 10, false);

The client calls "getStreamLength" to get the length of the sequence from the server; I do this in order to set the length of the scrub bar correctly.The problem is when I try and scrub - both forwards and backwards - it doesn't work; the stream just pauses then picks up where it last stopped, regardless of the position of the scrub bar.Is it possible to scrub a server-side generated playlist using Flash Media Server?I am using both Flash Player 10 and 10.1 and version 3.5.3 of Flash Media Server.

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Media Server :: Dynamic Stream Switching From Server (not Client) Side

Sep 6, 2010

I understand how clients use bandwidth detection etc to dynamically switch streams via client calls with ns.play2( ... ), but I was wondering if it's possible to only ever use 1 initial ... ) call on the client side, but let FMS server side logic that I write dictate which client sees what content. For example, I have 3 clients connected to my FMS server, all watching a live stream. I then decide I want clientA to see 'recordedMovieA.flv', clientB to continue seeing the live stream, and clientC to watch 'recordedMovieB.flv'.


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Media Server :: How To Loop A Server-side Playlist

Oct 1, 2009

i have a problem with my server-side playlist. I have three incoming live-streams from the FME:

clientStream = Stream.get("New_Stream");"live1", -1, 10, false);"live2", -1, 10, false);"live3", -1, 10, false);

I want that every stream is changed every 10 seconds and that the complete playlist starts again after the last stream was played. So far it works but only for three times. Then the messages "NetStream.Play.Stop" occurs.

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Media Server :: DynamicStreamItem And Playlist?

Apr 22, 2009

Following the code shown in this example (Examle 6):
var ds:DynamicStream = new DynamicStream( myNetConnection );
//The first item in the playlist
var dsi:DynamicStreamItem = new DynamicStreamItem();


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Sep 9, 2010

ake a script on my server FlashMedia who plays my playlist xml loop. The script works for the first reading of the playlist but I do not know how to play it at infinity.Can you add my script?
application.allowDebug = true;
Define events on application start
 application.onAppStart = function() {[code].........

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Media Server :: Stream Videos (playlist) To A Cdn

Aug 26, 2010

normal I stream a livestream from Fme to a Fms and than to 2 cdn´s like justinTv. Now I´ve got the problem that i want to change the Script that it streams Viedos to the CDNs. Thats the Script I use right now to push the livestream:
var nc1=null; 
var nc2=null; 
var ns1=null;


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Flash :: Media - Create A Playlist In Streaming Server

May 6, 2009

I download the Flash streaming server and install it its work fine.I want know about the following question: how to stream the video using playlist? What is the format of the playlist? can i create a playlist from visual studio.Net and pass the value to the player?

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Mar 25, 2010

I have just successfully installed Adobe FMS on my server. I would now like to know how to program a script to run a continuous live stream, of MP4 videos, from an XML playlist.

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Media Server :: FMS Video Playlist With Different Aspect Ratios?

Jan 31, 2011

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Media Server :: Create One Video Out Of Many Videos On A Playlist?

Aug 31, 2011

As stated above, I wanted to know if I can take a video playlist, say with 4 clips, and have FMIS create a separate file out of the 4 individual clips. Specifically, a user selects 4 (or any number) of clips to create their playlist, then at the end, a 'full length' file is created. If this isn't clear, let me know and I'll try to elaborate.

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Media Server :: FMS Support Live Stream Switching?

Mar 4, 2008

I read a blog article http:(url......)talking about switching between different bit rate video streams of the same video content on fly.But I can not find such ability in RTMP's specification.I am wondering if such function has to be implemented by users with ActionScript?

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Media Server :: Switching In FLA Using New Dynamic Stream Class?

Jun 3, 2009

This is a bump and additional thought. The leap to my 1500k file happens when initial bandwidth detection happens as bandwidth is high. Then the computer can not handle playback of a 1500k file. Is there a way to force the player to actually start playing the 300k stream before making any step up to a higher stream?[URL].. Bitrate of currently playing stream is displayed in big numbers on the page. To see the problem you will need an older laptop or computer which would have trouble playing back a a high bitrate video stream.
the stream is dynamically switching through the DynamicStreamItem list of the same file at different bitrates. It works but the switching seems to take way too long. When the default file at 300k loads, the bandwidth test happens and the 1500k file loads. Then on a slow CPU machine the file switches back down as it sees frames are being dropped. This switching is happening way too slowly, it takes a good 45 seconds to switch its way down through the various files from 1500k to 300k again on an old powerPC laptop which can only play successfully at that rate.

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Media Server :: Switching To Commercial And Back Instantly

Mar 11, 2010

I was just curious as to whether or not it is possible to broadcast a live stream and then be able to push in, let's say for familiarity, a commercial? I have tried to find some information on the Flash Dev Net area, however, I don't think it leans towards what I am aiming for.

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Media Server :: Dynamic Streaming - Switching Failed

Jun 22, 2010

I developed an simple video player based on the osmf with a dynamic streaming.It works fine with the examples from Akamai, but if i take my Live-Streams the first stream loads but as soon as stream should switch to a higher bandwidth i get the error:ERROR : error ID=15 message=Playback failed detail=Failed to play  (stream ID: 1).Has anyone an idea what i do wrong? Or what might be wrong with the videos or streaming?

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Aug 15, 2010

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Media Server :: Switching Bitrate Of Live Content?

Sep 14, 2010

is it possible to receive live stream at bitrate lower than  that which video is being recorded with? How to accomplish that? I know  that play2 from NetStream class allows to switch between recorded  videos at different bitrates, but what about live content? I cannot  simply set bandwidth to lower using FMS because i need to be sure that framerate won't be affected, and there are also other simultaneous  streams playing .

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Media Server :: Livepkgr (HLS) Capable Of Switching Video?

Mar 27, 2012

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Flash :: Media Server With Dynamic Playlist - Play In Flowplayer?

Jun 20, 2010

I'm doing a project like youtube. After some try, I can run FMS, dynamic playlist and flowplayer (I think this is what I need, am I right?) However, when I try to combine them, I discover a lot of problems. I follow this [URL] beginner_dynstre am_fms.html to learn about FMS, this [URL] to learn about dynamic playlist, this [URL] to learn about flowplayer. In the tutorial, the dynamic playlist cant run with FMS (even the tutorial says can, but when I try it, it cant!), and it is using Flash and as(AS3), the flowplayer is using html and js, I really cont know how to combine these 3 things together.

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Media Server :: Switching From Live Streaming To Pre-recorded Instantly?

Feb 24, 2010

I am having troubles finding a way to switch videos during a live stream.  For example,  broadcasting a show and switching to a commercial and then back to the live feed.

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Media Server :: Dynamic Bitrate Switching On Live Stream?

Jun 23, 2010

I have FMIS 3.5.I've installed it with pretty much all the default values.I haven't changed any of the settings in either the LIVE or the VOD applications.Dynamic Bitrate Switching is working well for VOD, but not working at all for LIVE streams.Doing a regular bandwidth detection on both the LIVE and the VOD applications give similar, high bandwidth results. However, the LIVE application  NetStreamInfo.maxBytesPerSecond is showing a very low bandwidth capability of around maxBytesPerSecond = 19016, where as for the VOD its achieving around 637110.I can play a single LIVE stream of a high quality smoothly without any error.

I don't know if this is relevent but I'm getting some error messages occassionally in the log of the live application saying : Dropping application (live/_definst_) message. Clients not allowed to broadcast message.These messages aren't consistent, and don't coincide with trying to use bitrate switching.I have tried downloading the Adobe sample StreamSwitching. fla and it won't play the LIVE streams at all.Using the opensource Longtail Video player it just always defaults to the lowest stream.Here is an example: http:[url]....

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Media Server :: Client Side Playlist With Dynamically Streamed Items Possible?

Apr 7, 2011

is there a way to define a client side playlist like this:[code]but instead of a single videofiles for each playlistentry use dynamic streaming?I know how the DynamicStream class is working and how to set it up but i can't find any information if it is possible to combined those two techniques.

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Media Server :: Client Side Playlist With Using Start Offset Causing Jerky Cuts

Dec 1, 2009

I have a series of mp4 videos (H.236 @ 22 fps) streaming from an akamai FMS serve via RTMP protocol in flash player 9+ with AS 3.My goal is to create client side playlists that smoothly switch from one stream to another. I am creating these playlists using a series of netStream. play (filename,start,len) methods. If I don't use an offset for the start parameter, then the stream switches smoothly from one video to the next with not noticeable jump or jerkiness. However if I introduce a start offset, say a few seconds in, I start to see a quick little hiccup or pause between the seams as it switches from one playlist stream to the next.

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Media Server :: Live Switching With Live Media Encoder?

Jan 3, 2010

I would like to know if there is a solution available that allows me to plug 2 HDV cameras into a laptop and live switch between the 2 cameras while uploading the live stream via adobe flash media live encoder to the adobe streaming server? the scenario is I want to offer live streaming of corporate seminars that I normally shoot with 2 cameras.

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server Stopped Working?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a FMS and HTTP server on one machine A and all my swf's were kept there. I had one more machine B in a network, from which I was testing the swf's on Machine A.Everything was running fine, until suddenly I could not access the swfs from Machine B.Moreover, when i checked the Admin console in machine A, there was no cent (referring Machine B) was connected to the FM Development Server.hat could have happened sosuddenly. In the swf that i tried connecting from Machine B, I debugged and found out that the swf was not able to connect to the FMS. (NetConnection.Connect.Failure)

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Media Server :: Create Videos In A Playlist That Can Limit The Views To 10 Videos Per User?

Nov 1, 2011

Is there a way to create videos in a playlist that i can limit the views to 10 videos per user?

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Media Server :: Flash Media Live Encoder Authentication Add-In Not Working?

Mar 30, 2011

I have installed the Authentication Add-In on a FMS 3.5.5 Development version, running Windows 2008 Server.I can easily get to the users.exe command prompt and add users with no problem.BUT, when I open the Flash Media Live Encoder and go to enter a username/password when connecting to the server, I keep getting "User Not Found".I've went back several times using users.exe and tested for my user credentials and it always states that the user is there.

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