Media Server :: Play A FLV File Located In A Second FMS?

Jun 23, 2009

How to play a FLV file located in a second FMS not directly accessible by the flash client?

- I am publishing an audio stream from the flash client to a FMS;- This FMS then publishes the stream to a second FMS, which records the stream to a FLV;

How can I play in the client the FLV audio file that I recorded in the second FMS?

- The first FMS is accessible by the flash client, but the second FMS is only accessible by the first FMS.

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Q1. I have 2 web servers, 1 FMS server, 1 File Server. Files when uploaded, will be stored in File Server. I need to play the file from client system, please let what configurations shall i make so that the request will be sent tot FMS from Client and From FMS to File Server and back to FMS and then to client as a stream. scenario: I want to play a video. Request will go sent from client to FMS Server, FMS server will fetch the file from File Server and Stream it to the client. Q2. In Flash PLayer, I need to play all types of videos including the videos which will require conversion to .FLV. I have to convert the vedio at the time of upload, Please let me know few conversion APIs which i will use in my system.

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info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Starti.e. I was missing the play.reset and play.start event.I further checked and confirmed that the FMLE was publishing all three channels fine to the server. I was able to view the "FMLE_channel1" from flash clients, but not the republished "channel1". the version is FMS 3.5.0.

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Apr 30, 2010

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#Version: 1.0
#Start-Date: 2011-03-01 00:08:40
#Software: Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5.1 r516


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Sep 18, 2009

Does anyone knows if it's possible to write some bytes received from an AIR or Flex client in a server side file using the File class ? I have been trying for hours without any result.My goal is to store on the server side a swf file sended by a client in a ByateArray.Here is the code I have ended with, assuming that myfile.swf alreadey exists on the server prior to the code execution, and is at the right place, and that pBytes is a ByteArray received from the client which contains a swf file :

function writeFile( pBytes )
var myFile = new File( "myFile.swf" );


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Media Server :: Dynamicstream.f4m Not Working From Index File Of New Install Of 4.03 Server?

Oct 17, 2011

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Where do i need to look to start confiriming where this issue may be coming from?I've made made sure I can reach all the test videos by making flash players for them, calling them via rtmp... no problems.It's got to be something dumb with either the f4m file, or the way it's being served   (btw, i have added all the mime types to iis , including .f4m as video/mp4....which is one of two ways I've seen it added).

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Media Server :: Run FMS On Same Dedicated Server As Regular File Hosting?

Apr 17, 2010

Im picking up a dedicated server it will be CentOS and be well above the minimum req for FMS 3.5 Interactive.
Question: I want to use my dedicated server for more then just the FMS. Is this possible? Basically I want to use the same server for FMS and for the file hosting of my site. Obviously I would give it a different IP but am not sure what I will need to do specifically

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Media Server :: "RTMFP" Connected To The FMS Server,but May Not Play Multicast Video?

Sep 23, 2011

the question is,a client which can use "rtmfp" to connect to a FMS server,and the connecting success,Whether Can not guarantee that the client can play the Multicast video? because the client may be behind a Special firewall So he may connect to the FMS server ,but can not  use P2P to connect to the  members those are in the group?
If the answer is "yes",Whether i should make a check function that make these client  back to "RTMP"?

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Media Server :: Play TV On Flash Player?

Mar 18, 2010

I would like to show the live TV video on Flash player from my TV tunner. Is it possible to do it without FMS like using Webcam?
It will not be running on the internet/network and only for a computer that have TV tunner. (Ideally: open a swf and you can watch a TV tunner by flash player). But i cannot find any information if i can do it without FMS.

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Mar 19, 2010

Created a SWF 65kb in CS3. It plays the SWF fine offline. followed the CS4 classroom in a book scenario & copied it to CS4 thinking it might fix any errors. The CS3 version would play on IE screen but not on my server (server supports flash). CS4 plays it on the screen but not on IE. The Scripts/install & object files were uploaded to my server.

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Media Server :: DVR Player Play From The Vod Folder?

Mar 30, 2010

I've setup a simple DVR player using the DVRCast application and Adobe FLVPlayback 2.5 from Adobe tools. I'm able to use it to play a recorded live stream which is recorded by Flash Media Live Encoder.
I'm wandering if I can now use the DVR player to play a video within the vod application?
To start with I just want to copy the f4v file created by Live Encoder to the vod directory and then use the DVR player to play it.

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