Media Server :: Stop Random Disconnection Method

Jan 21, 2010

I have a FMS application that contains a chat room. I'm finding that my on disconnect method is firing randomly when I still haven't disconnected. I've gathered from various other forums that this is a pretty common issue.

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Media Server :: 2.0.5 Client Disconnection

Mar 24, 2009

1. The basic problem I would like to solve is detecting when a connection to the Flash Media Server fails.Our client-side application establishes a persistent NetConnection and publishes a number of video/audio streams to the FMS.After publishing some videos, some clients find that recording no longer works. I need to add code to let them know that there's a connection problem. I've studied the NetConnection class and can't find an built-in method that can help alert the user if the connection is broken.

2. Also, I'm having trouble tracking these events in the FMS logs. Are there any key statements I should look for that would tell me if the FMS has experienced a sudden loss of connectivity with a client?I was thinking of using the onAppShutdown (?) event to detect when an application closes normally, so I can then get an idea of when it's closed down in other circumstances.

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Media Server :: Sophos Antivirus Can Stop Taking Connection By Flash Media Server?

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Php :: Detect Disconnection Of Flash Client From Server?

Jul 24, 2011

How can the disconnection or Closure of the flash client be detected while using a php backend which ensures that only active client usernames are present in the datbase. My approaches were to use some polling method - where the client sends some message to the server periodically else the server deletes the client's name from the DB assuming it is closed - or to use some augmenting javascript code that informs the backend of a closure event.

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Media Server :: Straightforward Method To Stream Videos From Another Server?

Mar 6, 2010

I've got:- FMS already installed on a XP server with IIS- FLV Videos residing in a folder on another serverHow do I:Stream videos from the other server where the videos reside?

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Media Server :: Connector SDK - How To Call Server Method

Feb 17, 2011

I am using the FMS Connector C++ to do some publishing work. And I am required to call a server side method. I have tried to use the INetConnection::call() method, but it don't seems successful.
The FMS server spec told me to do, server method,"FCPublish" null, streamname);
2. implement a callback function onFCPublsih
nc.onFCPublish = function (info ) {...}
How can I implement these with FMS Connector C++?
The FMS Connector document include too few topic on calling server side method.

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Media Server :: How To Call A Method In Another Class

Mar 18, 2010

how can i use getUserID method in my 
package com {
public class NetConnectionClient extends EventDispatcher {


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Media Server :: FMS - PHP And POST Method Forms

Aug 30, 2010

I've installed free FMS developper version on a vista OS, using the embeded Apache server. I added PHP 5.13 and everything seems to work except that : when I try to manage HTML forms, using the 'post' method, the result is a prompt windows, asking me for downloading the php file (corresponding to that pointed in the 'action' attribute. It acts as if Apache did not recognize the type php. My httpd.conf includes everyting to make php works fine. The clue is, when I change the form 'method' to 'GET', the php script works well! My FMS is configured to tunnel the HTTP request, listening to ports 80 and 1935 ant proxying HTTP to port 8134 (defaults) When I override this tunneling, by requesting the php file from my web browser directly to port 8134, it works fine too ! Now, I know that the problem comes from FMS and HTTP tunneling, but I have no idea how to solve it...

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Media Server :: SetMode Method Of Camera

Oct 14, 2010

Sets the camera capture mode to the native mode that best meets the specified requirements. If the camera does not have a native mode that matches all the parameters you pass, Flash Player selects a capture mode that most closely synthesizes the requested mode. This manipulation may involve cropping the image and dropping frames.Does it mean that the frames captured is not necessarily the same as required by setMode(width:int, height:int, fps:Number, favorArea:Boolean = true) ? The actual frame captured may be either wider/ narrower,higher/lower in size and have higher/lower frequency than required ,is this true?

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Media Server :: Doesn't Seem To Trigger OnID3 Method

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to get the id3 information from an mp3 being streamed from FMS.I followed the samples I found online and am using the following client-[code]As a note the above code works fine to play the actual file (substituting mp3: for id3:, of course) it just doesn't seem to trigger the onID3 method (I've tried onId3 which is what the samples use).I am also able to view the id3 information from windows explorer and other external readers.The platform I'm ultimately targeting is Flash Lite 3.1 AS2, but I've tried various configurations and haven't had any success.

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Media Server :: Unable To Call OnFCPublish Method

Sep 2, 2010

I am trying to develop a server-side application(splitterApp) using FMS 3.5.2 which would accept an incoming stream from 3rd Party encoders and publish the stream using FCPublish method to an application(edgeApp) on our edge servers. The splitterApp contains 3 classes for performing the activity. So whenever a incoming stream is received by the splitterApp, the main.asc would create an object of type IncomingStream() and push into unPublished array. A timer based job then picks the unpublished stream from the array and invokes StreamController.PublishStream(). The StreamController.PublishStream() method then creates a new PublishedStream() initialised with incoming stream. The method thereafter calls PublishedStream.PublishStream() to initiate net connection to the edge server application(edgeApp). After successful net connection, I call " ("FCPublish", null,".

The edgeApp accepts the publish and therefore performs:


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Media Server :: Call And Accept Method In P2P Connection

Jan 11, 2012

call and accept method in P2P connection.

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Media Server :: Error Message: Method Not Found(getStreamlength)?

Mar 1, 2010

ok, so I got the broadcast running as SE suggested, everything is running smooth local and live except for one thing.every 45 seconds or so, I the encoder displays an error while broadcasting. the broadcast however continues, so I went to the error log in application.00.log. and this is what was there:I'm assuming it has something to do with the length of the file, when I look in the folder that saves the broadcast, is dozens of files that have approx size 1 mb. As the broadcast goes, I see the file being created, and then when it reaches about 1 mb, a new one is born. it ?

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Media Server :: Error: Failed To Execute Method (NetStream)

Oct 29, 2010

I've googled this and come up empty. All I am trying to do is create a netstream and assign a group to it like so:
var netstream;
var groupSpec;
groupSpec = new GroupSpecifier("foo");
trace("groupSpec: "+ groupSpec);


If I remove the groupSpec optional parameter I successfully connect the NetStream. According to the docs [on this page] I should be able to identify a GroupSpecifier in the NetStream constructor.
Is this a bug? Is there another way to do this?

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Media Server :: Sending Error Message: Method Not Found (FCSubscribe)?

Nov 26, 2011

Accepted a connection from IP:, referrer:", pageurl: "http:/ ream&type=liveSending error message: Method not found (FCSubscribe).

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Media Server :: Stop .flv From Caching?

Nov 9, 2009

I have a flv file that is being played and then after its finished another file with the same name has been recorded the problem is that when the new file is played if the browser window hasn't been closed then the old file gets played......How do I stop the browser from cacheing .flv??

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Media Server :: 3.5.5, May Stop Every 20 Days

Nov 28, 2010

Live streams which are played for longer than 20 days may stop playing. Is this a bug?  How can  I fix it ?

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Media Server :: Stop The Sound In An .flv File?

Jun 18, 2009

Is there any param value... or anything else I can use to stop the sound in an .flv file I'm streaming from the server?
I do not have the original video that the flv was created with... otherwise this would be a no brainer. I want to keep the video up but take away the sound

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Media Server :: FMS Seems To Stop Returning Data?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm currently working as part of team of developers and we've run into an issue with our FMS project.In our site the user is able to record video of themselves which is turned into flvs and stored by the FMS. These videos are played back at a later time. The site works fine but intermittently stops recording new videos or streaming previously recorded videos.The only solution at this point is to restart the server. The server logs show that the onDisconnect event handler is running when users terminate their sessions and we can see that the number of active connections does not appear to be exceeding the limit on the server. There are no runtime errors to indicate that anything has gone wrong.From looking at output from the app it just seems like the publish and unpublish event handlers stop running but nothing actually breaks.The user doesn't realize anything is wrong until they try to watch their videos only to get a blank screen.

We're wondering if perhaps it is a garbage collection issue? Either the garbage collector in the FMS is running and taking a really long time to reload the app or perhaps it isn't running at all and somewhere some memory is overloading.

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Media Server :: FMS 3.5 Streams Stop Playing

Oct 4, 2010

I have a fms 3.5 server that stalls when playing content regularly. After restarting through the admin console streams play again.

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Media Server :: Can't My Live Stream Stop

Feb 28, 2011

My fmis server is 3.5.4 and I use flvPlayback to play the fms live stream.

I want to let the live stream stopping status after be load completed.but after I set the autoPlay=false, the fms live stream is not stopping status after be load completed.

However I try the fms vod stream as the autoPlay=false ,is can stop .

what's different the live stream and vod stream. why the vod stream can stop but live stram can't stop?

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Media Server :: How To Stop / Ban Live Streams

Jun 15, 2011

I own a site like ustream/justin where users can register and broadcast their channels using FMLE. Sometime I need to ban broadcasters after I receives any complaint against any channel. I do them on website, there is no issue in that. But how to do that on server side at FMIS. I need to do it bcause the stream users are already watching the channel page before it got banned, they still can watch it till they do the refresh. So I need something that can stop the Live Stream of that particular channel on FMS server too. How can I supply stream names to main.asc that should be banned or not to allow publishing without restarting server each time.

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Media Server :: Live Streaming - Sending Error Message: Method Not Found (getStreamLength)?

Nov 10, 2009

I got this error when i am trying to connect on rtmp:// Accepted a connection from IP:, referrer: , pageurl: Sending error message: Method not found (getStreamLength). I don't have any problems with vod but on live streaming is so hard for me to get it.My encoder is a Media live encoder 3 and the media server is media server 3.5.

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Media Server :: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object?

Oct 7, 2010

I have this set of codes for a simple chat program using SharedObjects. When I run the program, I type my name into the 'chatName' box and my message in the 'textInput'box. However when click on the 'Send' button or press the Enter key, I am getting the following error:
" TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at TextChat/sendMsg() "
As mentioned in the error message I looked at the 'sendMsg()' function. I realised the problem was comming from the line :
text_so.setProperty ("msg",chatName.text +": "+ textInput.text);
I am wondering how 'text_so' can be a null object reference. It was already instantantiated and setup earlier in the code. I hope someone can shed light on this. The relevant lines of code are below.


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Media Server :: How To Avoid NetStream.Play.Stop

Jun 15, 2010

I'm streaming mp3 on flash media server 3.5 on  linux version, and very often come accross with that problem, when the buffer.length become 0 on client side, the streaming will stop with NetStream.Play.Stop event, and will not be continued. I think this case it should wait always till the data arrives and never should stopping. Some more info : I tested on applications/live folder, and the mp3 files are created dynamically during the playing, and the creation speed is almost the same like the playing speed, so those are not fix files.

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Media Server :: Connection Stop With Rtmpt Protocol

Jun 30, 2010

I am publishing my live stream with rtmpt protocol on port 80,to overcome network proxy.
But after 10 to 15 minutes (telecast) video get stuck and connection get lost.But i don't
have this problem when i use rtmp protocol with port 1935.

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Media Server :: How To Stop Filename Transform Events

Nov 22, 2010

As part of my authorization plugin I have a content URL tokenization system. When user requests some content to play, it sends a tokenized name. e.g. 06e3b733c1140573f105a83462471df8. Then it transforms through a request into 3rd system to a full path of the requested content. To handle this I ought to catch E_FILENAME_TRANFORM and change a content path there. It is odd that is impossible to do it during E_PLAY event.

Everything is fine while the content transformation is successful and I authorize E_FILENAME_TRANSFORM event. But when the transformation failed and I blocked E_FILENAME_TRANSFORM and even close!!! the connection with a user, I still get a few E_FILENAME_TRANSFORM events after the blocked first!
I understand the nature of those events, but I would like to find a way to prevent the generation. Simple solutions like 'just ignore it' or 'remeber somewhere that it was already handled and blocked' do not work in my case. The whole system is complex, have a async pool of threads to handle requests into 3rd systems and completely stateless!

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Media Server :: Stop Application From Loading When Unloaded?

Apr 15, 2011

When I unload an application say live for example. And a user loads fmle and goes to load the liveapplication it starts it automatically. How can I prevent this. I want to be able to prevent it from loadingautomatically. When a user reaches their bandwidth limit I want to make sure they can't just use the

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Flash :: Stop AWS Adobe Media Server Instance?

May 7, 2011

The only options in my AWS Mananagement Council are to reboot and termiante. If I understand this correctly, if I terminate, I lose all my setup instructions and would have to pay the $5 one-time fee once I restart. Is this correct?How can I setup my instance so I can stop it? I've looked at the support page and it says that I need to have my instance backed up with EBS rather than S3. These instructions are not too clear, because I thought a 8gb EBS is included when you initialize FMS. Here is the support page:[URL]..

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Media Server :: Apache Service Stop Automatically?

Jul 26, 2011

I have Flash media server 3.5 and  it is working fine but now a days Apache service is automatically stoped  so all streaming services is stopd then i restart the Flash Media  Server after restart FMS goes smothly and all streaming services goes  smothly.ut this issue, below are the event viewer detail wehere the appache service stop  detail is mentioned.

here is the event viewer details for FMS
Event Type:  InformationEvent Source:  FMS (Master)Event Category:  (258)Event ID:  1413Description:C:Program  FilesAdobeFlash Media Server


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