Media Server :: Turn On Line-numbered Error Messages In ASC File?

Aug 29, 2009

How can I turn on error reporting that tells me exactly on what line of my .asc file an error or warning has occurred? I need this in order to debug why my fmscore is constantly segfaulting, presumably caused by my .asc file. I know the .asc is causing the crash because when I removed a section of it, the crash suddenly stopped - but I can't figure out why it would crash at all, and it does so at unpredictable intervals, sometimes every few hours, sometimes every single time, ..

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Media Server :: Error Server Log : Assert Failed In .TCMsgHandler.cpp Line 70?

Aug 7, 2011

im using FMS4 as origin server and connect to FVSS from CDN, whose FVSS version's FMS3.5. with this all, when it's played with flashplayer from CDN every each connect require just wrote sth in the server log file as below:

Mon 09:51:56 AM: Assert failed in .TCMsgHandler.cpp line 70Mon 09:51:56 AM: Assert failed in .TCMsgHandler.cpp line 70Mon 09:51:56 AM: Assert failed in .TCMsgHandler.cpp line 70Mon 09:51:56 AM: Connect : rtmp://

and due to these frequent errors the CDN Edge service would get shuted down. but after i changed the FMS4 into FMS3.5 with origin server everything just worked well.Now my question is, is that a bug with FMS4 or? and what can be done so far if we want to go on use FMS4?

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Media Server :: Any Flash Server For Instant Messages Only?

Jun 2, 2009

I am looking for a instant messages server only, no there any server..

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Actionscript 3 :: Reading Server Error Messages For URLLoader

Jun 9, 2010

I have an URL loader with the following code:

public function getUploadURL():void {
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
var url:String = getPath();


My problem is that this request might be wrong, and so the server will give me a back a 400 Bad Request, with a message to explain the error. If the Event.COMPLETE, I can see some message (a response) back from the server in the "data" field of the Event, but if onGetUploadURLError or getHttpStatus is called, it just says that the error code is 400 but does not show me the message associated with it.

The "data" field is undefined in getHttpStatus and it is "" in onGetUploadURLError. On the contrary, in getBaseURL, I get: {"ResponseMetadata":{...}} I checked and I do get a similar response in my browser for a wrong request, but I cannot see it.

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Media Server :: Player Debug Output Messages While Out NetStream.Buffer.Empty Will Stop.Screenshot

Jul 2, 2011

dvrcast is a live service.mp4: as the service record and I look over to the dvr sample player debug output messages while out NetStream.Buffer.Empty will stop.Screenshot is shown below. Is it possible to do without stopping the service?

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Media Server :: Explicitly Turn Off Camera?

Mar 15, 2010

How do i tell a camera shut off using actionscript?

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Media Server :: Streaming Server Returned A 500 Internal Server Error

Nov 13, 2009

The company I work for installed FMS on a server running Centos for a customer who needed streaming media capabilities. It worked fine for 3 months until today the customer called us and informed us that their client program can no longer connect to the streaming media server. No one has done anything to the server to cause this to happen. When attempting to access the admin console to diagnose the program, the streaming server returned a 500 Internal Server Error. So I tried another page. Same result. Reboots of both the hardware server and the FMS have changed nothing.

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Media Server :: Error #1014: Class Could Not Be Found

Dec 16, 2011

I am developing application for recording the video in mp4 format with h.264 codec and I am able to record video in mp4 format with h.264 codec, but when I am compiling the Swf by "CTRL+Enter" at that time I am facing error "VerifyError: Error #1014: Class could not be found" and when I am publishing Swf by "ALT+Shift+F12" then I am not facing any error,what step I need to do for removing the error.

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Media Server :: Activating PHDS From Application.xml And Event.xml Causing The Server Error

Mar 5, 2012

Dear community, i am searching for 6 days for a solution but i couldnt find. I installed the trial version of Adobe Media Server 4.5. I am trying to host live stream and it is working without error. but when i activate protection (PHDS), server gives en error code: 20...

Here is the server log...
After i could take the Live HDS, i made these settings as described at [url]

My application.xml and event.xml files are:

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Media Server :: FMIS 3.5 Unable To Access Any Of Video Content / Getting Server Not Found Error

Jun 11, 2010

Some users are unable to access any of our video content, getting a Server Not Found error.We have our FMS configured to use ports 1935, 433, 80.  Our firewall is allowing RTMP traffic to each of these ports. Is there something more I can do from my end to make sure users can access our FMS?

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Media Server :: FLV Audio To Mp3 - Error #2044 : Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. Level=error?

Mar 10, 2009

I am using the NetStream class with FMS to record the audio stream from the client's microphone to the FMS server.So far so good, the stream gets saved to the server as a .flv file. A php script grabs this file via ftp and copies it to the user's file store.What we need now is to either record the stream directly as .mp3 OR convert the recorded .flv to a .mp3 file - and this is where it gets interesting.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION 1 (preferred solution), Recording stream directly as .mp3:refer to Actionscipt Reference for Flash CS4:

The documentation suggests that it should be possible to directly record the audio stream as a .mp3 file. NOTE: this is with the new version, Flash CS4.I have tried this with both an Influxis account and with FMS 3.5 dev on my local machine. Both return this error:

Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error,code=NetStream.Publish.BadName

When I publish and record just as .flv it all works fine on both servers.Is this a mistake in the documentation,

View 4 Replies

Media Server :: Error When Recording F4v-files: Error From No Space Left In The Stsd Box

Mar 8, 2010

We are recording live streams on a Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5.3 r824. In general, everything works fine, so there are no appliaction-issues. But sometimes (it is not reproducable yet) a stream stops recording without any notice or event in the application. All we can find is such a message in our core.log: 2010-03-05 03:30:00 4747 (e)2611178 Error from No Space left in the stsd box. - 2010-03-05 03:30:00 4747 (e)2611423 Failed to record [...]16891_14351_RGtBCODxPR4cM8QfML9CuxqhHqutMwWX.f4v (Unknown Error). where i could start searching for the cause of this error? These streams are in general sent by Adobe Media Live Encoder.

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Media Server :: Connecting FLME With DVRCast - Get An Error "Failure To Connect To Primary Server?

Jun 22, 2011

I am trying to set up DVR streaming using FLME. I'm following this tutorial: http:[url]........I'm up to Step 2,

I put in the following information into the FLME:
FMS URL: rtmp://
Stream: mp4:sample.f4v

Then click 'Connect' , but I get an error "Failure to connect to primary server verify that your server URL and application name are valid and that your internet connection is working and retry". My server is a 32-bit windows 2007 VPS , with FMS running.I don't know if I set up the DVR Cast application correct. All I did was copy the dvrcast_origin into the installationdirectory/applications, then I started a new instance of dvrcast_origin with _definst_...Also, I am running the trial version of FMS, and DVR needs FMIS. Is there a way I can just run FMIS?

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Media Server :: Assert Failed In /util/TCSysUtil.cpp Line 729

Jul 21, 2011

I have looked everywhere for an answer to this problem and have had no luck. When I start FMS2 this error continues to scroll.
#Version: 1.0 
#Start-Date: 2011-07-21 00:09:42 
#Software: Macromedia Flash Media Server 2.0 r1145 
#Date: 2011-07-21 


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Media Server :: Error While Connecting To The Video Server

Jun 20, 2009

I try to establich the connection with asc file from applications/videochat $connection_string="rtmp://videochat/"; And I'm getting the result from media server
Connecting to the video server...>>The client does not have permission to connect to the application, or the application expected different parameters from those that were passed.>>The connection was closed successfully

View 9 Replies

Media Server :: Backwards Timestamp FMS Server Error?

Aug 24, 2010

We have a very simple webcam recording/playback application we're using in a mission-critical user assessment application.Users are given the ability to record themselves using their webcam and microphone, then review their recording and submit it for graded review.The recording application appears multiple times per HTML page, and while we can record and play back video, we have large numbers of instances in our core.log of the following error

Server detected a backward timestamp from [####]to [####] in file: [filePath]

While these videos will play back with varying degrees of reliability, they will often "hang" for several seconds at the end of playback before sending the appropriate NetStream.Play.Stop and NetStream.Buffer.Empty events, and will sometimes hang indefinitely.Further, they report inaccurate runtime metadata, causing our playback indicator and progress/scrub bar to function erratically.In any case, the functionality and user experience of the recording tool is substantially degraded and must be fixed in order to successfully deploy this tool.

Disabling NTP services is not an option, and further does not appear to be the culprit, as these errors occur on a large number of recordings.As recordings need to be immediately available for self-review before submission, running flvcheck on each recording is also not an option.We have tried a variety of fixes, including waiting to unpublish until the buffer is empty,reconnecting after every recording, forcing FMS not to reuse connections, and using separate NetStream objects for recording and playback.Nothing has eliminated these errors.Adobe support referred us to Tier 2 support, and I am in the process of contacting them, but I'm looking to exhaust all my options before continuing.Is there any reliable solution to the backwards timestamp recording issue, or do we need to find a different media server application for our needs?

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Media Server :: Live Encoding H264 To FMS Via Ffmpeg Command-line Or Java Code?

Feb 3, 2010

We just shipped Xuggler 3.4 this weekend which now has the ability to record and publish RTMP streams.  That means you can now write Xuggler (a Java API for encoding and decoding video) programs that can publish to FMS or record from FMS.
We've worked closely with the FFmpeg team to get the core RTMP stack into that project, and have put together a tutorial on how to use FFmpeg to record or publish streams, including re-encoding media to H264/AAC while publishing. 

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Media Server :: Use F4vpp On Linux - Error "./f4vpp: No Such File Or Directory"?

Oct 10, 2010

does anyone know how to use f4vpp on linux? I am not able to use it on Debian Lenny. What i have done so far after downloading and extracting the F4V Post Processor:


I cannot understand why this happens. Maybe Debian Lenny is not supported? Which linux distributions are supported?

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Media Server :: Save To File Live Video Stream In Server?

Apr 27, 2009

I use FMIE and can i do save to file Live Streaming in server installed fms, not local system ?

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Media Server :: Write Bytes Server Side With File Class?

Sep 18, 2009

Does anyone knows if it's possible to write some bytes received from an AIR or Flex client in a server side file using the File class ? I have been trying for hours without any result.My goal is to store on the server side a swf file sended by a client in a ByateArray.Here is the code I have ended with, assuming that myfile.swf alreadey exists on the server prior to the code execution, and is at the right place, and that pBytes is a ByteArray received from the client which contains a swf file :

function writeFile( pBytes )
var myFile = new File( "myFile.swf" );


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Media Server :: Dynamicstream.f4m Not Working From Index File Of New Install Of 4.03 Server?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm doing a test install before we update our old server to 4.03.I've got the server software installed and configured (4.03 server, using iis for web).All the test stuff on the sample index page works, except for the dynamic stream tab.I've eyeballed the .f4m file, and tried putting in a complete url to the samples...but no luck.i just keep getting the stock connection timed out message. 
Where do i need to look to start confiriming where this issue may be coming from?I've made made sure I can reach all the test videos by making flash players for them, calling them via rtmp... no problems.It's got to be something dumb with either the f4m file, or the way it's being served   (btw, i have added all the mime types to iis , including .f4m as video/mp4....which is one of two ways I've seen it added).

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Media Server :: Run FMS On Same Dedicated Server As Regular File Hosting?

Apr 17, 2010

Im picking up a dedicated server it will be CentOS and be well above the minimum req for FMS 3.5 Interactive.
Question: I want to use my dedicated server for more then just the FMS. Is this possible? Basically I want to use the same server for FMS and for the file hosting of my site. Obviously I would give it a different IP but am not sure what I will need to do specifically

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Media Server :: Getting A Connection Error?

Jan 11, 2010

We have two servers - one stores the media files and runs FMS. The other creates dynamic webpages. I have edited the 'dynamic stream' SMIL example on the media server, to include a full URL:


If I open the standard FMS index page, the 'dynamic stream' example works fine. However, if I copy that code over to a page on my webpage server (linking back to the media server of course), I get a 'connection error'. The weird part though is that if I limit the 'switches' in the SMIL file to just one video, it works again, eg:


It makes no difference which file I choose, as long as there is just one.I am using the same video player that all the examples use (FMS 3.5), so my thought is that something in that player is causing a cross domain security exception when it has more than one stream to choose from. I tried disabling the firewall, so it's not that, and I updated server.xml to point to a custom crossdomain.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ""><cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain="*" /></cross-domain-policy>

But that doesn't seem to have had any effect.

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AS3 :: Media Server - Error When Connecting To FMS

Jul 29, 2011

I'm trying to stream my webcam to my FMS Server, using AS3, but I get this error message:


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Professional :: How To Capture Error Messages

Mar 31, 2011

I'd like to capture the feedback I receive in the Output panel when testing something in the Flash IDE, and display it in a TextArea included in my movie when it is compiled and running in a live environment. Is there any way I can make this happen?

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IDE :: Disable Error Messages In Browser

Mar 9, 2009

something I seem to be seeing a lot more these days are error messages from flash.. often on quite major websites - and now that I am using AS3 they are also starting to appear in mine! (still at the testing phase though)

Often the site continues to run fine in spite of the error, but its a real bad look to end users, clients etc. Is there any way just to turn error reporting off in the flash player or in a published swf?

I know it would be better to fix the errors but some of them are really dumb. Like the one that is plaguing me at the moment - I have some objects that check the "relatedObject" property on rollout. Sometimes they are quite near the edge of the stage.. if you click and then roll right out of the browser window it says:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at nxx_fla::main_1/clip_rollout()

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Media Server :: Error In Playing .flv Files

Mar 8, 2011

I'm new in FMS Recently, i create an application to record videos from my camera and recorded it But, when i tried to play it in an HTML, i met errors. The .flv jumps to the end when the progress is in the middle.And i tried to play in an .exe, it plays well.

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Media Server :: Getting Error Related To FMSAdmin.exe

Apr 15, 2011

We got in below message in the eventViewer. "Faulting applicaion FMSAdmin.exe, version, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x00d1bee0."

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Media Server :: OnTimeCoordInfo Not Found Error While Doing DVR?

May 4, 2011

While streaming the DVR i get the following error "ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property onTimeCoordInfo not found on dvrlive and there is no default value." here i have attached the code i did am i want to do anything more? i didnt use any server side code. DVR publishing script


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Media Server :: Getting Error Related To FMSAdmin.exe?

Jul 12, 2011

We got in below message in the eventViewer. "Faulting applicaion FMSAdmin.exe, version, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x00d1bee0."

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