Movie Not Loading Automatically?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a flash movie, but it is not loading when the page loads. Instead, I have to right click and click "play".This is the code I am using:

PHP Code:
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movie When Boolean Is True Automatically?

Mar 30, 2010

ActionScript Code:
var bustest:Boolean = false;
var balltest:Boolean = false;
var clocktest:Boolean = false;


are set to true later on in the code the reason is I want a movie to load saying well done you have the correct the answer in my quiz once they have got the answer correct(ie. the boolean turns to true)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A Movie And Launching Into The First Scene Automatically?

Mar 5, 2004

load a movie at a particular scene rather than it launching into the first scene automatically? Or is this impossible?

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Get A GotoURL Automatically Loading?

Jan 2, 2010

I have a question regarding linking to an URL.  I have a text button that I want linked to a URL when clicked.  I am using ActionScript 2.0 not 3.0 thus have very limited tutorials to review. 
I am currently using the following script on the button:
on (release) {
This works but there is a glitch.It is not waiting for click/release ... it is "automatically" going to the url without waiting?
Is there way to have it "wait" for the click?  I do not know what code to ad in Action Script 2.0 to do this since I used the Script Assist for the URL command under Global Functions.  I have uploaded the file incase you wish to view.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movies Automatically

Feb 13, 2004

on one of the tutorials to load a movie it teaches you how to load with a button...

but.onPress = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
loadMovie("loaded.swf", "container");


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Swf Automatically Loading Up In Full Screen Mode?

Jul 30, 2009

Is there a way in AS3 to load the .swf to full screen mode straight away? The only way I can find to do it is by adding an event listener for the mouse or keyboard.  Surely this can be done automatically at the start when the .swf is loaded?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Swf - Automatically Goto The First Frame?

Oct 24, 2005


i am using the complex rollover button tut from this this site as well. I don't see anything when i try the code. When it goes to the root, does it automatically go to the first frame? what if my buttons are on the 4 frame?

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IDE :: Automatically Loading External MC After The Previous Has Finished?

Jun 1, 2009

how to automatically load external movie clips so that they load and play after the previous movie clip has finished. I have attached a simplified version of the files that I am working with.The files are set up as so: Main.fla : this is the main file in which all of the other movie clips are loaded into.Movie1.fla, Movie2.fla, Movie3.fla : These movies need to load and play after the previous movie has finished playing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Automatically Loading External Swfs?

Mar 29, 2010

I'm really new to AS3 and have been playing around with tutorials and learning about external swf files...Currently, I've got one external swf loaded that plays looped and have a button that loads the second swf (which has flv content).I'm wondering how to get the first swf to reload automatically and play looped again when the second swf finishes playing.I've beentrying this for quite a few days now and don't seem to get any closer.The code I'm using is:

var Xpos:Number=110;
var Ypos:Number=110;
var swf_MC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movies Automatically Without Button

Feb 13, 2004

On one of the tutorials to load a movie it teaches you how to load with a button...
but.onPress = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
loadMovie("loaded.swf", "container");
container._x = 150 ;
container._y = 20 ;
How to load it without a button?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Automatically Loading Up In Full Screen Mode?

Jul 30, 2009

Is there a way in AS3 to load the .swf to full screen mode straight away?The only way I can find to do it is by adding an event listener for the mouse or keyboardSurely this can be done automatically at the start when the .swf is loaded?

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Nov 7, 2009

I really just need help automatically loading one swf once the other is done playing without a button click.a.swf has several buttons. When a button is clicked an animation plays within a.swf. If button b is pressed, once it's animation plays in a.swf, I need it to automatically jump to b.swf.I have no idea where to go.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Home Page Automatically Or Removing Children?

Nov 5, 2009

I am making my portfolio and trying to learn working with as3 at the same time. I have hit a rock now and I tried very hard to deal on my own but to no result I get this error when I tried make my home page load automatically first.

Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()

how to make the child to be the child of the caller or figure out another way to load the homepage at the beginning.

import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import caurina.transitions.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: .SWF Movie Will Not Automatically Play?

Jul 9, 2009

I have been given an .FLA file.Once I publish it in .SWF the file will not automatically play when the page is opened.It does automatically play when it is a .EXE file.Here is the ActionScript Code for Frame 1


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Automatically Unload Movies When A New Movie Is Loaded?

Apr 30, 2009

Is there a way to automatically unload movies when a new movie is loaded? eg: 5 buttons, 5 bit of art. At the moment they overlap instead of unloading before the new one loads.

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On Roll Over, Movie Is Automatically Fixed To The Mouse

Dec 14, 2009

Basically I have a button and when i scroll over the button, the movie then follows the mouse, which is fine. But when I click it, I want it to stay under the mouse. I have given it the same actionscript on the 'down' state to follow the mouse, but it starts from a certain point. I don't want it to start from that point; I want it to stay the same wherever the mouse is when I click it.

So basically, the button follows and when I click, it stays in the same place.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get Movie Unload Automatically When Playing Done

Jun 22, 2004

I have used the following script to load a movie
but.onPress = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
loadMovie("scene_1.swf", "container");
container._x = 150 ;
container._y = 20 ;
This works great, but now when the movie scene_1.swf is finished playing I would like the movie to unload automatically and return to the mainstage and continue the scene on the mainstage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get One Of Functions To Automatically Run When Movie Plays?

Jun 13, 2006

I am having some difficulty getting a function to run/work when my movie plays.

The function controls my menu and I need one of the options to start flashing automatically when my movie plays.

In this case I am forcing the controlling variable to equal "1" so the first menu option should start flashing.

_root.menuvar = "1"; //controlling variable
_root.pt_menu.ptmenumc.menufinal.menuchange(); //running my function

It must be something to do with where I am running the function from or?

My file is here: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get One Movie File To Load After Another Automatically?

Jul 9, 2003

This is probably really easy to do but I an new at Flash and have no idead of how to do it.

I have a few buttons and when you click on a button it loads a different movie file. Is there a way that I can get one movie file to load after another automatically instead of having to press the buttons.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Unload Automatically When It Is Done Playing?

Jun 22, 2004

I have used the following script to load a movie

but.onPress = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
loadMovie("scene_1.swf", "container");


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Flash :: Running Movie Backwards Automatically Then Loop Again?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm SO new to scripting. I find it all a bit daunting I have a Flash movie that runs for about 300 frames, then I'd like it to run backwards once it's reached the last frame, then play again from the beginning, and loop from there.

So really forward end frame reverse loop play again (loop) Is there an easy way to script this? I think I can figure out the first frame, but what would one put at the last frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open A Movie Clip In A Frame 47 Automatically?

May 9, 2010

I have a movie clip with the name ABOUT, and it contains 92 frames. That I want is when my page open, automatically goes in the movie clip ABOUT and play the frame 47. Here is a code that I am experience to achieve but nothing.

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Refresh - Automatically Change The Movie Clip

Aug 16, 2005

i am having trouble with xml. i am trying to work it so that if the variable that comes from the xml file changes to a certain number it will automatically change the movie clip i have on the movie. I have also attached the fla and xml file

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Script To Automatically Play More Than One Movie Clip?

Jun 24, 2008

[URL] The problem I have is that it does turn the first button on when the movie starts. Due to this, it does not play the 'out' of the first slide. The script I used is:

currentButton = null;
firstButtonPress = true;
function buttonCheck(n) {
buttonCollection['b'+n].onRollOver = function(){


In the mainClip movie clip, the last frame of the 'Out' plays this script:


telling the clip to play the next 'In'

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Script To Automatically Play A Movie Clip

Oct 28, 2008

i'm working on this site: [URL]

the problem is that i want one of the movie clips in the background to start playing automatically..does anyone know the script in order to get the swf to play right away?

they swf files load and play when pressed (bottom right buttons)

last resort, i'll create a fullscreen button to activate the movieclip but i'd rather not have to...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Into An Empty Movie Clip Automatically?

Nov 9, 2003

How do you do loadMovie into an empty movie clip automatically, without a silly butto push or anything?I've got a movie. I want to include another movie when the .swf file loads (so I can use a preloader on the movie that's being loaded).So, in my timeline, on a layer called banner, I have an empty movie clip I've made, with the following code:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
loadMovie("topbar.swf", "_root.barHolder");

topbar.swf is the name of the movie that's being called.barHolder is the instance name for the movie clip I want it to load to. So why isn't this working?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Generated Movie Clips Disappears Automatically

Mar 30, 2010

I dynamically generate movie clips in a for loop. But at the end of the loop, only the last created movie clip exists. Others simply disppears.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Movie - File Resized Or Rescaled Automatically

Dec 5, 2010

I have a an swf (A) that loads external swf files (B). I use the loader or UILoader classes for this. I do not have the source of the loaded flash files, I have source only for files A. The loading works fine. The problem is some of the loaded files resize or rescale themselves. Doing some research I realized that they use the Stage.width/height for calculating their size/scale. This approach works fine, when they are embed to a website, because they get a stage sized for their needs. But when these files are loaded in my MovieClip, they get the stage of the loader swf(A), and that is definitely have different sizes.

Approach 1: In this approach I tried to create a fake stage for the loaded movies with the right size for them. This failed at several points: Stage is a singleton, and the stage property of the objects are Read-Only. On top of that Stage is a built-in class, without AS source. My first question is that is there any possibilities to override this class, or use this approach?

Approach 2: I planned to design a web-service (not in actionscript), that predownloads the swf, decompile it, replaces the references to Stage.width/height to the correct values, compile it again, and passes the generated swf to my Loader. On decompilation/recompilation, it should be as fast as possible, and I'd like to modify the swf as little as possible, so I prefer to not decompile the swf completly, just as much as needed.

After some googling I found swix kit, or simply swix. It generates not the source but an xml file equivalent to the swf. The problem is this xml format is not documented, or at least I haven't found it. I found references for Stage, but I have no idea how to modify that file.

<Constant Name="Stage" />
<Constant Name="width" />
<Constant Name="height" />

How to replace the Stage.width/height values with a simple Number in the xml? Does this tool have a command-line interface?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnLoadInit OnEnterFrame - Automatically Play The Next Movie After The Current Swf Is Done

Jan 21, 2008

I am using movieClipLoader to load external swfs via xml. I am trying to set it up to automatically play the next movie after the current swf is done. The problem is, after the current swf is done playing, the actionscript tries to load all the rest of the swfs in the xml file and not just the next one. So it ends up playing the last swf in the xml file. I added "delete this.onEnterFrame" but still not working.. see code below


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IDE :: Publish SWF Movie And Automatically Play At Half Screen Size

Jul 23, 2009

I've made a presentation in the form of a swf movie using macromedia flash 8. I want to upload this to a website where when the website is loaded the movie would play automatically at a half screen size... Any host server that I could subscribe to? How to upload the file? Also, my swf file has an action script camera that doesn't work when I publish it as a html but it works in swf.

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