Professional :: Button Event Not Working Correctly

Jul 12, 2010

I'm creating a project with a number of different sections. I've created a index menu with invisible buttons on that takes you to the different sections. This works fine. In each section I wonted a means to get back to this index, so created a index button that is present throughout each section. I've put the event handler in the actions layer on the same frame that the button instance is on (frame 15).


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slideshow With 5 Pics - Next Button Not Working Correctly

Nov 30, 2009

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next_btn.onRelease = function() {
if (_root._currentframe == 997){
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Won't Publish Correctly In Cs5 After Making Changes To A Perfectly Working Fla

Jul 27, 2010

After making changes to a perfectly working fla it won't publish correctly,meaning:1. When previewing all the components jump (as usually happens when there isa compile error) but no error is displayed in the log.In this case when used with the whole project, the project doesn't load,even though the corrupted fla is not the first loaded (non of the fla loadsbesides the preloader).2. When previewing and running with the whole project the labels on thebutton components disappear, but only the ones that are dynamically changedby an external as file.*there are other similar bugs as well like unable to enter the table in thegame etc.The changes I make before it happens:- changing the size of a shape inside a movie clip.- changing the size of a movie clip.- changing anything in an already existing code (like changing the size of afont).- adding new basic code anywhere (like trace code).

- changing button skins.Basically, any change I make corrupts the file but not consistently,meaning, I can make the same change twice and the file will break only one of thetimes, or, I can make several changes until it breaks.It also happens on every computer but also, not consistently, I can work fora while, making the same change, deleting, making the change again etc, onlyon the fifth or sixth time the file will break. On a different computer itcan take only two or three times.The corrupted file start working again after I change the name of the foldercontaining my project or move all the files to a different folder anywhereon my computer. After a short while the file crushes again.

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Professional :: Touch Screen Doesn't Trigger Mouse Down Event Correctly?

Mar 12, 2010

i have designed a gaming kiosk app in as3i am using it on a Sony vaio l pc (like hp's touchsmarts) in windows 7the app doesn't need any multi-touch gestures (only single touch clicks and drags) so i am using mouse eventseverything is fine (including mouse click and move events) except that a single touch to the screen (with no move) doesn't fire a mouse down. it is fired only after a small move of the fingeroutside the app, on my desktop, i see that the small windows 7 cursor jumps immediately to where a finger is placed, meaning this issue isn't a hardware or a windows problem but rather how internally the flash app receives "translated" touch-to-mouse events from the os.for example, in a windows Solitaire game, a simple touch to the screen immediately highlights the touched my app, a button will change to the down state only if i touch it and also move my finger slightly.

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Professional :: Button Link Not Working In Safari, But Working In Firefox?

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The hyperlink works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Maybe it is just my computer.

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Professional :: Var Loader - Event Complete Not Working Properly

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I have confirmed to my satisfaction that the following code never triggers the Event.COMPLETE of var loader:

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(contact_url);
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
[Code] .....

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var loaded:Number = Math.round ((_root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal())*100);
mc_slider._x = -500 + (loaded*5);


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[CS5] Font Not Working Correctly On Other Computers?

Oct 14, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Math.sin() Not Working Correctly

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onClipEvent(load) {
var step:Number = 0;
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

Strangely, the object flies up after a short while, meaning it floats up and down, but more up than down, even if the script itself is pretty straightforward.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens Not Always Working Correctly

Jan 21, 2009

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Select all//_loading Info
function infoDisplay():void {
//load lines animation
var B_info:infoB = new infoB();
addChildAt(B_info, 0);
B_info.x = 552;
//this is TWEEN 1
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[Code] .....

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Code: Select allstop();
aboutArtist.onRelease = function() {


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I have a swf loading an external SWF which is a video player. The video player loads fine into the SWF, but if I hit full screen it goes full screen but I cant see anything. Its all black. I can still see the "hit escape to exit" bubble thing.If I embed the video player by itself(ie. ISNT loaded into a swf) the full screen function works fine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Login Isn't Working Correctly?

Jan 13, 2009

The page I created can be found here: [URL]

The login info should be "letmein77"

This is my AS (2.0):

loginbutton.onPress = function() {
if (password == "letmein77") {
else {


I don't work much with input variables (my focus is more in animation/design than forms and scripting) in my flash movies and i've been scratching my head for days now.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 SetInterval Not Working Correctly With Scenes?

Sep 1, 2009

The first scene will have an embedded movie clip and artwork as a background for approximately 150 frames, the next scene (Scene 2) then appears (in the first and only frame) which has the following (AS2) setInterval on it (to play a swf file on a movie clip - the swf lasts a little over 2 minutes. Hence, 122000 milliseconds below):



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pause Sound Not Working Correctly?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm using a version of the pause sound code found on the adobe/page, but it's not resuming the sound from the pausePoint.  I have the pause/play function tied to the stage so that my external swfs pause as well.  Here's a clip of my code,This is the load audio with swf part:

var fl_Loader_5:Loader;var fl_ToLoad_5:Boolean = true;var channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();var snd:Sound = new Sound();var req_1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Introduction.mp3");


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Actionscript 3 :: MOUSE_OVER Is Slow / Not Working Correctly

Aug 31, 2010

I'm working in pure as3 (no creative suite or xml). I have a sprite. It draws a large rectangle and then a slightly smaller rectangle. I want to change the color of the slightly smaller rectangle when I hover the mouse over it. Right now though it will either not respond (I can plainly have the mouse over the rectangle and nothing happens) or it is slow to respond. In addition the collision area of the rectangle seems a bit off, ie it responds more frequently when I have the mouse on the upper left corner of the rectangle than when I have the mouse elsewhere on it.


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Php :: Flex - Login System Not Working Correctly?

Feb 23, 2011

I wrote a login system using flex and php, but for some odd reason the php echos back both "true" and "false". why this is happening?

echo "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>";
//include("connect.php"); // used for your connection to the database.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Value Not Working Correctly For MovieClip

Jun 29, 2009

I'm wanting to create a simple red flash effect which entails a red flash suddenly appearing and fading away on screen.

I'm currently doing this by creating a red box as big as the screen and made it a movieclip. I'm then decrementing this movieclips alpha value from 100 to 0 but ofcourse, it's not as simple as that.

It seems that any alpha value greater than 0 makes the object have 100% alpha. So what's going on? How should I do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop Command Not Working Correctly

Jul 6, 2009

So I have this movie clip with some buttons in it. Two of the buttons (forward and backward) move the movie clip forwards or backwards one frame at a time - this works fine. However the other two buttons (fast forward and rewind) are suppose to move the movie clip forwards or backwards 25 frames at a time (so they always go to 25, 50, 75, 100, etc.) - but here's the problem.

Say for example I'm at frame 150. I press the fast forward button and I'm at frame 175. Now I hit backward and I'm at 174. Now I hit fast forward again to get back to 175 - however my movie clip is jumping ahead to 200, skipping 175 completely - not what I want. I'm just using the gotoAndStop(frame#); commands and have no clue why this is happening. I want the fast forward and rewind buttons to always hit the next 25 increment, not skip the closest one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buttons Not Working Correctly?

Sep 22, 2009

I am trying to get my flash buttons working. When I click on them they open a new window and none of the graphics show up. I need it to open in the same window and I have no idea why the graphics aren't linking. They are on my computer not on a server. In addition I need to add multiple buttons to the action script without messing up the entire movie. It seems when I try and add event listeners for the other buttons it won't play at all.want it to go to a page outside of the flash movie. This is a swf placed in Dreamweaver the buttons need to go to other site pages.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Buttons Not Working Correctly?

Sep 22, 2009

I am trying to get my flash buttons working. When I click on them they open a new window and none of the graphics show up. I need it to open in the same window and I have no idea why the graphics aren't linking. They are on my computer not on a server. In addition I need to add multiple buttons to the action script without messing up the entire movie. It seems when I try and add event listeners for the other buttons it won't play at all. This is a swf placed in Dreamweaver the buttons need to go to other site pages.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrollbar Bounds Not Working Correctly?

Dec 3, 2009

so I tried getting this custom scrollbar to work, but the bounds must be screwed up.Whenever I click on the scroller, it shoots halfway down the then thinks that the middle of the screen is the top bound and the bottom of the screen is the lower bound

ActionScript Code:
// Scroll My Content function - AS3
function scrollMyContent () {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing A MP3 Stream Not Working Correctly?

Aug 12, 2010

when trying to play the MP3 stream of the URL "[add_http_://]" with ActionScript 3 it only "stutters" and sounds horrible, but it works perfectly with ActionScript 2.I'm using following Code in ActionScript 2:

ActionScript Code:
coolTune = new Sound(soundLoader);
coolTune.loadSound("[add_http_://]", true);
=> This works perfectly - no problems.

But when using this code together with ActionScript 3:

ActionScript Code:
var coolTune:Sound = new (new URLRequest("[add_http_://]"));;
=> It sounds really horrible.

It is a normal MP3 stream (128 Kbps) that works perfectly with any other player (like WinAMP, VLC, Windows Media Player, ...).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Calendar Not Working Correctly?

Mar 4, 2012

I am confused on this. Has to be some small error somewhere in code but cant seem to find. This is a flash calendar i found on the web, only thing I changed was added the ability to change the header color, days name color, etc. Works fine when check in flash itself (Adobe Flash Pro CS5), but when preview in html browser it doesnt work right. Shows undefined everywhere but when you click the arrow to go to next month everything is correct, header color, month name etc.


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Scale 100% In Browser Not Working Correctly?

Feb 23, 2010

I am having a issue scaling the swf in the browser. The properties are set in the html tab correctly I think. I published in flash and it scales the movie only on the first and second frame(while the preloader is playing). then it jumps back to the original size of the movie even when the browser window is smaller. My settings are

Demensions: percent. 100
Scale: default (Show all).

here is my html code for reference.

Code: Select all<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>people page</title>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF Not Working Correctly In Original Swf?

Apr 12, 2010

Got an external swf linked into my main file. The swf plays fine on its own, is clickable & moves to different frames. When I play the main swf, the external loads when prompted but buttons inside don't work correctly like it does on its own. What the heck?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Email Validation Not Working Correctly

Oct 19, 2010

Can anyone tell me why it it throws and error and doesn't validate when the user uses an cap letter in the email?[code]

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