Professional :: Editing A Title On A Flash Gallery?

Nov 8, 2010

I started building a gallery in flash before i realised that it was a bit out of my reach at the moment so I downloaded one and set to work altering it for my purposes ( and learning some action script at the same time ) but I've hit a problem. The title in the .fla file can be changed font size etc however after the first frame it's then replaced by another which i can edit but only by editing the .xml file does anyone know where / What I need to look for to alter the size positioning etc.

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When the users loads the Flash File, I want the ActionScrip to create an XML file that says:<id="000000" tutorial="no" name="000000" coins="3000">Now, I want the flash file to see that the user hasn't completed the tutorial.. and if it says NO it should load: tutorial.swfThen, once the tutorial.swf end, after the final button is clicked I want it to edit the XML file so that tutorial="no" is replaced with tutorial="yes" and it loads 'user.swf' And when the FlashFile is reloaded, it checks that the tutorial="" says yes, and it skips outtutorial.swf and it goes straight to user.swf..If it's not clear I'll show it below:Load tutorialcheck.swfIf tutorial="" says no load tutorial.swfIf tutorial="" says yes load user.swf

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Professional :: Bezier Handles In CS4 For Motion Editing?

Jan 5, 2010

I have watched movies of people using the motion editor, I have read books, I have even consulted the cursory help that Adobe offers. Nothing I do generates Bezier handles that i can see, although the motion lines show evidence of bezier-liek modification. What happens seems largely random.

Just as random is the scatter of keyframes. Put a symbol on the stage. Add a motion tween, Move it to a new location: fine, it works. Bend the path, and look in motion editor: suddeenly, dozens fo keyframes. Prod them with the mouse and they distrot, but with no obvios controls. Shift moves them, Cntl deletes them, Alt does god knows what, but evokes the path edit tool from Photoshop.

The documentation on this package is extremely poor. However, self-teaching is impossible as the system is not at all intuitive. If you don't know that you are supposed to toss salt over your left shoulder whilst pushing Alt-Scroll Lock, you don't see what tehbooks describe. But they always leave out that little detail. Adobe's videos are of the same style - too smallto seeproperly, all done at a tremendous pace by a laconic individual with the teaching capabilities of a firing squad.

So: please, ayone, how doo you get the Bezier handles to appear? Where does one find a decent set of documentation? Why does Flash help keep referring to Illustrator?

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Professional :: Editing An Interactive CD Rom Which Was Produced For A Client?

Jun 2, 2010

i am completely new to the whole aspect of flash and dreamweaver etc. and have recently been given a project of editing an interactive CD rom which was produced for a client by an outside company.
I have managed to grab the basics of changing the text and the images and stuff, but when i export it as a .swf flash movie, when i view the cd, all of the slides come on in very quick succession,it is supposed to be the first slide and then you click on a "next" button for each other slide,i know i've messed with the interactive elements somehow but i don't know how, or how to fix them as i haven't got a clue about the interactive aspects to flash.

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Professional :: Unexpected Result When Editing A Symbol?

Nov 24, 2010

The symbols appear properly in the library.  To edit the circle, I double click it on the stage.It appears to open for editing - the status bar above the stage says SCENE 1 -- SYMBOL 1 - but the square symbol on the stage DOES NOT gray out to indicate I am editing the circle  I make changes to the circle and click out of editing mode, and yes, the changes have been made to the symbol in the library.  So the editing process appears to have worked.

I overlook the square not graying out and begin writing my ActionScript, a simple script that changes the color of the circle or square in response to mouse overs. When I test the movie, the circle works perfectly but the square is unresponsive. It seems like Flash does not realize the square is on the stage.his exercise comes from the Missing Manual Flash CS5 book.When I download the completed exercise from their website and double click THEIR circle for editing, the remaining symbol DOES turn gray on my stage to indicate it is not being edited.My code appears to be identical to theirs. I have started over from scratch over a dozen times now, but I seem to keep making the same mistake.

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