Professional :: Element (SearchField) Stubborn Right Aligned
Apr 26, 2011
New to flash... there is one element (searchfield) which is right-aligned, and it stays that way. If I move it, or change coordinates, it does change its up&down position, but stays right aligned (no absolute position, it shifts when window is made larger/smaller). I do need a clue where I turn that off. I found several levels of layers, and I think I have put every (text) align to left. Still no use.
Flash CS4 Professional
Flash player 7
Actionscript 2.0
Export to movie *.swf
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var mustMC:mustmc = new mustmc;
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onEnterFrame = function(){
_root.mask_mc._y = _root.player._y
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<function name="lala">
<metadata name="foo" />
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for(var x = 1; x < 4; x++) {
var currentBut = eval("but"+x);
currentBut.onMouseMove = function(){
if(this._xmouse > 0 && this._xmouse < this._width && this._ymouse > 0 && this._ymouse < this._height){
} else {
CS4 - Action Script 2
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<mx:Form id="form">
<mx:FormItem label="horizontal:">
<mx:Text text="test"/>
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horizontal 'test'
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Jan 26, 2011
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Dec 21, 2009
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Apr 16, 2009
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Oct 13, 2005
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