Professional :: Exporting Exe And App - App Not Playing On A Mac?

Dec 2, 2011

My Flash Pro version: CS5. My Mac version: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 (11C74)

Problem: I created a flash app (simple 1 screen with text that links to pdf(s) nothing fancy) When published as a .exe and .app.  The .exe works but the .app does not.  The Flash player icon just bouces in the Mac dock.

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May 23, 2011

I've read various online docs but am still unclear on exporting to video format in my particular circumstances.
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My question is: Given my particular setup - is this actually possible ?

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Flash CS4 export dialogue options Notice that I can't change the resolution settings here. If I go into the quicktime settings and export out a movie at a higher resolution, it first renders the flash file at the ative resolution in the picture and then upsizes it to the quicktime resolution, resulting in a very low-quality, blurry movie.

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Professional :: Exporting Animated PNG Became Some Kind Of Crap

Mar 26, 2010

i heard that i can export fla job to an animated png instead of gif and the png will be loseless cause when im exporting to gif it became some kind of crap i've asked in other forum and they told me that there's no such thing animated png because png is a still picture so i showed them some kind of animated png like this one [URL] just to prove them that there is animated png now i have 2 problems when im exporting to animated gif the mask and the movie clips at the job wouldn't shown example: here is the fla, the swf, and the exported gif.


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Oct 8, 2010

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Professional :: Exporting Flash Videos To Premiere Pro?

Feb 17, 2011

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Professional :: Text Fades Mess Up When Exporting To AVI?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm doing some pretty simpe text fades in flash by changing the alpha from 100% to 0% for a piece of text.This works fine in the SWF export, but when I export to AVI the text corrupts (shifts, expands and looks interlaced) during the fade portion.I've tried doing this with a brightness shift, and even ticking he "cache as bitmap".I tried exporting as 32bit movie with alpha. That stops the corruption, but now there's a flicker juse before the fade that's not there in the SWF!

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Professional :: Mask Ignored When Exporting To Image Sequence?

Mar 23, 2011

I am working on an animation with two masks, which plays in Flash as expected, an exported SWF is ok, an exported Quicktime is ok, except for the dreaded ghosting which renders it useless, but when I export it as an image sequence (gif, png or jpg), one of the masks is consistently ignored, while the other one masks as expected. This already shows when I export one single frame as an image. As a result, I currently have no way to create a quicktime movie for this animation (running CS4 on OSX 10.6.5)

Any other way to arrive at a quicktime movie?

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Professional :: Exporting SWF From FLV Movie But It Doesn't Play?

Mar 30, 2011

Im working between Dreamweaver & Flash cs4
Now i have a FLV video clip that i want play on a webpage with a full screen option so this is what im doing:
File > Import > Video
On my computer > Browse > (Found my file 17.8mb) > Load external video with playback component  > continue
Skin: SkinOverPlayStopSeekFullVol.swf   
Now its been imported i export it into my directory that im upload to my server (the swf file is now 59kb)
In dreamweaver drag the file onto my webpage and upload.  When i view the page online it gives me an empty white box.  Meaning its not playing.

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Professional :: Flash Keeps 'not Responding' When Exporting .swf & File WAY Too Big?

Jun 19, 2011

I am creating an animation using ActionScript2 on Flash Professional CS5 and whenever I try to export (or even test) my animation, the progress bar comes up but the progress does not move. Then after about a second the dreaded '(not responding)' appears at the top of the window and if you click anywhere it greys out closes it.f I leave it it doesn't export for ages (liteally like 3-6 minutes which is long for just exporting).It only has 280 frames and the .fla file so far is 9.96MB! Other animations I have made have had double the frames yet 5 times smaller a file.

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Professional :: Losing Quality While Exporting Clips As MOV Or AVI

Oct 31, 2011

I want to know something abt flash... When I am creating any clips in flash cs3 and exporting that as a video (avi or .mov) it loses the quality...

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