Professional :: How To Publish Flash File With Script

Feb 13, 2011

without geting security notice on swf

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Flash :: Professional - Publish .fla File To .exe Without The File Menu And The Default Icon And Tile Appearing

May 22, 2010

Is it possible to publish my .fla file to .exe without the File menu and the default Flash icon and Flash tile appearing.

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Professional :: Flash File Will Not Publish SWF?

Jul 6, 2009

I have recently taken over a project started by another person who has been let go due to lack of performance and other issues.He has created a FLA file and an .exe file. But I am have been asked to place the movie on to the internet.The FLA file that I have will not let me publish an SWF file to be uploaded to the internet, in fact it will not let me publish anything.I have changed the publish setting but when I go to publish it the SWF file is not created.I just want this file in SWF format and for it to autoplay when the website is loaded.
Extra Information: I have used a exe to swf converter to convert the EXE file that was already made into a SWF file for the internet. This does make an swf file but the file is not editable and will not autoplay once it is uploaded.

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Professional :: Getting Flash CS5 To Publish An AIR 1.5 File?

May 20, 2010

For the record, I just want to say that I think it is totally absurd that Adobe shipped Flash CS5 with the ability to ONLY publish AIR 2.0 apps...which hasn't been publicly released yet. I've been working on an AIR app for several weeks and needed to upgrade from Flash CS3 to CS5 to take advantage of the new Text Layout Framework. Now, my app can't be installed by my customers because I can't publish for a version of AIR they can access!! How this decision got made baffles me. Adobe needs to be on top of their game these days and this blunder makes it that much more difficult to defend the Flash/AIR platform that I love so much. Flame over.
Now, for the workaround I've discovered. To get Flash CS5 to publish an AIR 1.5 file, I first published an AIR 2.0 app. Then I went into the app descriptor xml file and changed the version from 2.0 to 1.5 <application xmlns=""> Then I deleted the xml nodes in that same file that are specific to AIR 2.0 (<visible>, <fullScreen>, <autoOrients>, <aspectRatio>, <renderMode>). I locked the app descriptor file so it couldn't be changed by the next publish. Then I deleted the previously created .air file and the .swf file. I then republished the app from CS5 and it was able to install under the publically available version of AIR (

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Flash :: Professional - Publish Is Generating A Swz File - What Is A Swz File

Oct 11, 2011

trying to work out why Flash is publishing an unexpected swz file with one recent project. From what I can tell this is an optional run-time library used to reduce file size. My problem is that it is causing all sorts of text formatting grief when I try to import my swf into Adobe Captivate. how I can publish a swf without generating a swz? Why on earth has Flash opted to generate this unexpected file in the first place (assuming user error, but can't work out what I've done)?

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Flash :: Professional - Any Version Of (cs3-cs5) Will Not Publish File

Jun 30, 2010

this is the first time i encounter this problem.. I had the problem where a file would not open correctly which was also addressed at this forum. But this one is different. this file was created (from what i remember) in Flash 8, then opened/saved in all possible flash versions for updates in time. While it will open just fine, it will not publish. The publish window with the percentage will open up for a split second, then it will close with no messages whatsoever, no actionscript errors, nothing. F12, the same thing again. No possible settings could solve this.

I am willing to send the file for testing of course, have tried to publish using Flash cs4 and Flash cs5. I thought of going back to Flash 8 by opening the file and saving to a previous version but as soon as i open the file in Flash cs3 (while the file has been saved as cs3) it will not open the file with an error message that i cannot remember right now.

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Professional :: Publish The Fla File Over The Internet?

Apr 20, 2010

how to publish the fla file over the internet?

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Professional :: Open Each FLA File And Doing A Manual Publish?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a bunch of Flash files i will need to publish for FlashLite Player 3.1 format with the "compress" option unchecked. Can i do this without having to open each FLA file and doing a manual publish? How for free?

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Professional :: Publish Settings With Dynamic File Name?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm having a little trouble with my publish settings setup.Let's say that I have a file called MyFirstAnim.fla under the folder AnimSource.Then, I set the swf publish path to ../AnimFinal/MyFirstAnim.swf, and everything is great.Now, I need another file almost identical the first one, so I copy MyFirstAnim.fla and rename it to MySecondAnim.fla.hen I publish the file my MyFirstAnim.swf (under the folder AnimFinal) got overridden.So, I removed the swf part of the publish setting, leaving just the relative path (../AnimFinal/).
Am I smart or not?

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Professional :: Publish As An SWF File And Uploaded To Webpage?

Apr 13, 2011

I am working on an AS3 file for one of my webpages, in Flash it is 660 x 2800 pixels in size, which is relatively large, and to view the entire file contents i need to have a zoom level of 40%! Once publish as an SWF file and uploaded to my webpage, the file appears very small!! I expand the file to as large as possible on the webpage and the file still appears undersized. Obviously I wish it to fill the whole content area.

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Professional :: Get Option Of Version Flash Version 10 In Flash Tab Of File>Publish Settings?

May 22, 2010

i m using adobe flash cs3 with AS3 . I have updated my flash player in version 10 and it's activeX. But while I gonna publishing it , I do not get option of version Flash Version 10 in Flash Tab of File>Publish Settings. How, can I have option of Flash Player 10 ?

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Publish Javascript To A Separate File During CS4 Publish?

Nov 12, 2009

While publishing my movies in CS4, I noticed that the javascript required to embed the movie in a web page was published as inline javascript in the published page. This means that code would be downloaded for each page my movie is on. Is it possible to configure Flash CS4 to publish that javascript to a separate .js file, instead of having to manually copy-paste that each time??

If no, I believe that js is independent of the Flash movie (please correct me, if I am wrong). So, can I copy-paste that javascript to an external file just once, and use the js file for all my movies being published??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Publish Flash File Certain Graphics And Text Are Disappearing From The Swf File?

May 27, 2010

can anyone explain when I goto publish my flash file certain graphics and text are disappearing from the swf file?

For instance just some static text and also a graphic i've copied three times.. two show up but the third doesn't? really annoying help!

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Professional :: Flash CS4 On Mac OS X - Cannot Publish Movies

Aug 3, 2009

Any movie whatsover (i.e. any file in any location on my drive) cannot be published (including test movie via Command-Enter) because I get this error:
"Error creating SWF movie file. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long."

The file name isn't too long, and I am logged in as an administrator on the machine. All folders I have tried to publish to are unlocked and I have read/write priveliges to them. This is a new install of CS4 and has been updated to the very latest version (and it didn't work before the update, not does it work after). This is NOT to do with my specific permissions. This is a clean install of Flash CS4 Professional on a very new Macbook Pro running OS 10.5.7.

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Professional :: FLASH Buttons Don't Appear After Publish?

Jun 7, 2010

i recently purchased a flash  template online, to edit for my own site and I can edit it no problem. The problem is, after I publish it. If i want to reopen the program  after i closed it to modify it again, all my buttons and text on the  template turn into grey boxes around the buttons and the text disappears..

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Flash :: Publish To Player 11 With Professional CS 5.5?

Oct 18, 2011

How can I publish a Flash Player 11 swf using Flash Professional CS 5.5? Is this currently supported? If not, when will it be supported?

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Professional :: Flash CS5.5 Crashing On Publish?

Jan 4, 2012

I have used Flash CS4 for a while and I recently purchased CS5.5 so I could develop IPhone Apps. I signed up as a developer and got my certificate and provisioning profile and I am trying to follow tutorials to publish a simple iphone app and get it on my phone but Flash CS5.5 crashes every time during the publish phase. It says publishing 1:20 remaining and usually with about 25 seconds left it freezes up and crashes.

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Flash :: Professional - Compiling & Publish A Image

Mar 2, 2010

I've been using Flash for 10 years and I've never seen this problem with images after publishing. I've also worked with graphics for many years, but I can't seem to figure out what could be causing this problem with Flash compling this image.

The image is RGB, the image displays properly when opened in other applications on my computer, it also displays properly in the Flash library and on the stage. I've imported it as PNG and JPG, but neither of them work. The other graphics in my fla file look fine. When I publish/compile the Flash file, all the colors are messed up - you can barely make out the graphic, it looks all digitzed and pixelated, with major color distortions. I've tried adjusting the publish jpg quality, but that doesn't help. I'm convinced this is a bug in Flash, since I have the same problem when I publish on the laptop and on my desktop, but I'm not sure.

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Professional :: Publish Settings - Flash Player 11 And AS 3.0

Jun 25, 2010

Yes correct I'm talking about Flash Player 11, thats what it says in Flash CS5 software. Whatever I do in Publish Setting, Flash software always returns option to be Flash Player 11, I don't get this. I choose Flash Player 8 and AS 2.0 and re-open Publish Settings it is again back on Flash Player 11 and AS 3.0.
First screenshot
Second screenshot

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Professional :: Flash MX, Publish As Quicktime Error?

Aug 10, 2010

I have Flash MX and Quicktime 7. All I want to do is publish my movie as quicktime. But when I do I get the error message, "The installed version of QuickTime does not have a handler for this type of Macromedia Flash movie". So... after a little digging I found out its a issue with flash 6, and changed the flash version to 5! But It still wont work! What on earth am i doing wrong?

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Publish Preview Not Working

Feb 16, 2011

I am working on Flash CS5 Professional. I have created a simple fla file but not able to Publish->preview the swf file in Google Chrome. When I click on Publish Preview it opens a new browser window but nothing happens.

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Professional :: Why Do Images Brought Into Flash From A Psd Appear Differently When Publish

May 6, 2009

I am creating a flash banner using a layered psd.  The account team is happy with the look of the psd. BUT, when I bring the images into flash and publish the file, the colors look different.  I import them into flash at the highest quality yet they don't look the same.

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Professional :: Adobe Flash CS4 Crashes When Publish Files?

Jan 25, 2010

Deleting my preferencesUn-installin and installing a fresh fersion of fashPutting all fonts in the trash except for arialPulling out my hairI'm running OS 10.4.11 intel core duoSeems like new files publish fine but older files crash, also modified older files crash. If I create new files and paste in elements from older files it also crashes

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Professional :: Publish Site On Flash? (read Description)

Jun 11, 2010

I need to publish it to web so if you go url... you see my flash website (I'm using Flash CS5).I heard from somewhere I need Dreamweaver, also, to publish a site made in Flash to the web.

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Professional :: Changing Flash Player In Publish Settings?

Nov 11, 2011

I am on mac and haven't upgraded my OS from 10.5 to 10.6 so when I upload a file creted in Flash CS5 it won't play because it needs the Latest flash player which uses 10.6 OS.So what I'm getting to is that can I go into "publish" settings and change the Flash player from 10.2 to an older version and then will this work.Also, which version should I change it to? For example sould I select Flash Player 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 10.1?

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Professional :: Display Fullscreen In Html(flash Publish)?

Dec 28, 2011

what problem am i when the flash publishing on ie,it was not show all?here is my setting of publish,is it someting setting wong?

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Actionscript :: Export The Button Symbol From Flash And Publish Swc File?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to export the button symbol from Flash and publish swc file for Flex.I have successfully export 3 buttons which are playBtn, stopBtn, pauseBtn from flash and add swc file to my flex actionscript code is:

private var stopBt:stopBtn;
private var playBt:playBtn;
private var pauseBt:pauseBtn;

private var mutebt:muteBtn // no such datatype.....

error internal build error has occurred, right click for more information.Since I add swc from flash in flex, I don't have to import these button...However, when I tried to create 1 more button (muteBtn) in flash and did the same thing again in flex, it gave me "an internal build error has occurred, right click for more information" error.When I created a var and tried to type :, there are no muteBtn datatype pop up.... I have spent 2 hours on this crazy crap and don't know WTF is going on.

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Flash :: Use Publish Method To Record Flv File With Streaming Servers?

Jan 5, 2012

Can i use publish method to record flv file with streaming servers other than Flash Media Server, or it is just meant for FMS? How about crtmp server?

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Professional :: Flash Has Started To Publish Files But Can't View It

Nov 30, 2009

I have Mac Pro OSX 10.58 - CS 4 Creative Suite.I have been using Flash to produce projector files totally fine for months. However, today when I publish a Mac projector file I have come across a problem. Flash publishes a .app projector file OK, but, when I open it, it appears in the dock as if it were open but I don't see anything.
Any projector files I produced prior to today still play fine. But any projector files I have created today have the previously mentioned problem. I have tried creating a totally new FLA and publishing from that incase it was the FLA I was publishing from was to blame - same problem.
I have reinstalled Flash, but the error persists.Today I also installed new software. I installed the Developer tools because I wanted to use PackageMaker. I also installed Xray. I have removed Xray incase that was at fault - but the problem still persists.

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Professional :: Can't Get Flash To Play When Publish On External Server Hosted By ISP

Mar 10, 2010

I am able to publish flash as long as I launch from local computer.  Can't get flash to play when I publish on external server hosted by ISP.  Is there another method to publish that does NOT require the Ac_RunActiveContent.js?

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