Flash :: Professional - Any Version Of (cs3-cs5) Will Not Publish File
Jun 30, 2010
this is the first time i encounter this problem.. I had the problem where a file would not open correctly which was also addressed at this forum. But this one is different. this file was created (from what i remember) in Flash 8, then opened/saved in all possible flash versions for updates in time. While it will open just fine, it will not publish. The publish window with the percentage will open up for a split second, then it will close with no messages whatsoever, no actionscript errors, nothing. F12, the same thing again. No possible settings could solve this.
I am willing to send the file for testing of course, have tried to publish using Flash cs4 and Flash cs5. I thought of going back to Flash 8 by opening the file and saving to a previous version but as soon as i open the file in Flash cs3 (while the file has been saved as cs3) it will not open the file with an error message that i cannot remember right now.
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Sep 30, 2010
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the folder containing the files has several .swf files in it. We'll call two of them abc1.swf and abc2.swf.
I have created two html pages which when viewed on my PC open up either file and view it just fine.
<object width="550" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="abc1.swf">
However, when I copy the directory to my windows CE 6.0 R3 device, the page that opens abc2.swf shows correctly. But the page that is supposed to open abc1.swf just shows a blank white area.
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Is there any way for me to tell which version of flash a given .swf file requires using only freely available tools? Or, does anyone have any other theories about what would cause abc1.swf to work on my PC but not on my windows CE device?
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Sep 21, 2010
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Mar 1, 2012
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Jan 31, 2010
I try to show a Flash-10 animation in DW CS4 and I get the messageVoor het weergeven van de inhoud op deze pagina is een nieuwe versie van Adobe Flash Player vereist.In English: for representing the content of this page you need the new version of Adobe Flash Player. I download the new version (two times: In IE 8 and Firefox) and I still get the same message. How come? When I try-out in Flash everything is OK and the HTML-page is also OK in every browser there is.
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Jun 16, 2010
I have what is the viersion right before it? ..and the link to download it .?Ive been on this site day and night trying to find it and i have downloaded a bunch crap wasting time energy and bandwith. This has to be the worst, most unorganized website ive ever been to .Not surprising considering the quality of flash and their other product. no wonder steve jobs wants nothing to do with these morons. I have come close to throwing my computer out the window cuz of these fools.
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Oct 25, 2010
How can I check my computer for which version flash player is installed on my computer?
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Jun 22, 2011
I've just purchased Adobe's Design Premium CS5 and installed it from the disk onto a brand new Dell XPS laptop running windows 7 home, 64 bit. Every program runs great except for Flash professional which will not open. The loading screen appears, and then I get a message that says:
"Adobe Flash cs5 has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."
I reinstalled, no luck.
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