Professional :: Loading A Var From A File And Replacing It With An Updated Version?
Jan 27, 2012
I would like to have flash (as3) to save a var to a text file located on my server so everyone can reach it from their client swfs. I also need to know how to update this variable by loading latest var on the server and writing over it with a new updated var I've read so much already and it all seems so confusing[URL]
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Jan 28, 2012
I would like to have flash (as3) to save a var to a text file located on my server so everyone can reach it from their client swfs. I also need to know how to update this variable by loading latest var on the server and writing over it with a new updated var.
I would like to, whenever I feel like it, be able to load that var and replace it with something else.
edit: has to use "w w w" instead of "www" as it told me I needed to have made 50 posts to be able to post links, and I've only done 19 so far
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Jan 27, 2012
I would like to have flash (as3) to save a var to a text file located on my server so everyone can reach it from their client swfs. I also need to know how to update this variable by loading latest var on the server and writing over it with a new updated var.I've read so much already and it all seems so confusing [URL]
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Jun 22, 2007
Are there any plans to upgrade the SDK to version 8 or 9 or release a updated flash version for the Wii. It's ridiculous that Adobe has not done this already considering the sheer volume of people using the Wii web browser.
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a MovieClip which is just a progress bar animation with about 100 frames. Then I load a zip file using a URLStreamLoader and subscribe to the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS event. After loading starts I receive notifications correctly and I set the bar's corresponding frame using gotoAndStop(). Everything seems to work fine except for the animation not being visually updated.
It seems that the scene won't refresh until the zip file is fully loaded.
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May 22, 2010
i m using adobe flash cs3 with AS3 . I have updated my flash player in version 10 and it's activeX. But while I gonna publishing it , I do not get option of version Flash Version 10 in Flash Tab of File>Publish Settings. How, can I have option of Flash Player 10 ?
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Oct 6, 2010
I am creating a fish-eat-fish movie. I created a fish (pike1) that follows the mouse. Another fish (Chub) is set to disappear when clicked. What I want to do is to have pike1 grow larger (either by just growing larger or having pike1 disappear and be replaced on mouse click by a larger pike (pike2).
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Oct 7, 2010
I am creating a fish-eat-fish movie and I need some help. I created a fish (pike1) that follows the mouse. Another fish (Chub) is set to disappear when clicked.What I want to do (and need help with) is to have pike1 grow larger (either by just growing larger or having pike1 disappear and be replaced on mouse click by a larger pike (pike2) when the user clicks on Chub
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May 26, 2011
I installed on my system Adobe flash cs3. but when i opened my Fla file that time getting the following error.So how to check the Fla file version?
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Jun 30, 2010
this is the first time i encounter this problem.. I had the problem where a file would not open correctly which was also addressed at this forum. But this one is different. this file was created (from what i remember) in Flash 8, then opened/saved in all possible flash versions for updates in time. While it will open just fine, it will not publish. The publish window with the percentage will open up for a split second, then it will close with no messages whatsoever, no actionscript errors, nothing. F12, the same thing again. No possible settings could solve this.
I am willing to send the file for testing of course, have tried to publish using Flash cs4 and Flash cs5. I thought of going back to Flash 8 by opening the file and saving to a previous version but as soon as i open the file in Flash cs3 (while the file has been saved as cs3) it will not open the file with an error message that i cannot remember right now.
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Sep 8, 2010
I have files from a class that I took in 2D animation. There are things that I wanted to fix and finish, but the computers that we did the assignments on were macs. I no longer have access to a mac and my computer at home is a pc but whenever I go to open the file, a pop up tells me that its an unexpected file and will not open.
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Jun 13, 2011
I am working on a flash file which i am hopeing to use for a project. I seem to be having a problem with the software. Everytime i make changes to the file and press CTRL + Return to test the moive, it comes up with errors. When i click on the errors to take me to the line of code with the error, it seems to be displaying code from a previous version of the same file which i deleted. When i delete the code and layers agin and then rewrtie the new code and add the new layers again Flash seems to stop responding for like 15 minutes. Once it does respond, i save the file and reopen it everthing seems fine but as soon as i press CTRL + Return the exact same thing happens.
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Aug 3, 2010
We have create a flash file for both Touchscreen TV and Website.The document frame is is 1920x1080 however we would like to export the project so it can be seen on the website at the correct compression.Is there a way to export the SWF to the required 945x532.I know how to export it in the HTML however this reads the same SWF that is still too large in file size (not web friendly).I could pull the compression down to say 10% before exporting the SWF however there must be a better method.
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Jul 28, 2011
I have a main shell swf file that has two buttons on it that should each launch/load their respective swf files (tool1, tool2). These should essentially replace the main swf file. Also, I have a button on tool1 & 2 that should bring you back to the main menu. All these files are then compiled into an exe. Seems easy enough, but I'm not entirely sure where to start.
So far I have:
import flash.display.*;
tool1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoTool1);
function gotoTool1 (e:MouseEvent):void{
Loader(this.parent).load(new URLRequest("tool1.swf"));
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Dec 13, 2010
I'm working on a project for the new year gathering at our work. I made an application in which you can type a wish for the company and when you send it your message will be displayed in an dynamic text field and in the background fireworks are launched. These fireworks are external swf files, made in adobe after effects. They are launched when clicking a button. They are played at random. However, after playing 2 or 3 they start slowing down, probably because they stack on each other. I need the new swf to replace the old swf, now my application keeps loading new swf on top of each other.
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Oct 5, 2009
Is it possible to "read" a text from a website that is updated from javascript like currency-quotes on this website directly from flash/AIR?It would be very time consuming to load the whole website each time. Therefore it would be nice to interact directly with the javascript.
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Jun 8, 2010
I have swf_1 and a button in it, which should load swf_2 replacing swf_1.
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Mar 16, 2006
I am loading in new swfs using the comboBox component which is all working fine with the following code:
HTML Code:
comboListener = new Object();
comboListener.change = function(evtObj){
_root.empty_holder.loadMovie( + ".swf",3);
myComboBox.addEventListener("change",comboListener );
What I want to do is instead of it loading into the empty_holder MC, load straight in to replace the parent swf.The reason being that all the buttons underneath, in the parent swf are still active when the new one loads in. If a completely new swf cant be loaded, is there some code that can just deactivate the parent swf?
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Jul 1, 2010
Does anyone have the Macromedia MX Documentation Updater or the updated help files or even a PDF? My help doesn't work properly in the browser. I can get to the Macromedia MX Documentation Updater page on the adobe site, but I can't get past the register and download page.
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Apr 16, 2009
If I use an imported txt-file in my flash-move. Is it possible for flash to see if it has been uppdated ( last time saved ) the last five days?
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Jul 8, 2009
This seem like a silly question but as far as I've found: It's impossible to reload an xml file from a remote location while the SWF is running.
For example, I have a kiosk project that will run 24/7 (with a restart each night). I have an "calendar events" loading off an XML file that I want to keep on a webserver so I can update the kiosk by editing the XML file. However, the SWF caches the first XML file and keeps reusing it. I'm testing this by triggering a function that reloads the XML file with a button click.
I found trick that concats a unique ID to the file name which prevents using the old file but that means I'll have an ever growing list of XML files in the Temporary Internet Files folder.
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Feb 10, 2012
I'm experiencing a major setback as i cannot get this to work at all. I'm using the scrollpane component so all textfields must be in a separate mc, and should be displaying vars from an external as file. I have an import set up on the first frame of the main timeline and all the references inside the main timeline are correct:
import Variables;
var variables:Variables = new Variables();
the problem starts when displaying data onto the tf's inside the mc, which all return as their initial hardcoded values (not reflecting any changes made throughout the game) I use the code above for the import inside the mc aswell (coz i dont know any better) but it's as it creates another instance of to use within the mc only. If i change values within the mc's code they'll reflect but that's not what im looking for at all.
So my question is, is there any other way to import an external as file inside a movieclip to reflect the changes made to the values on the main timeline? Do i import it in a different manner, or approach it from a different direction, save its contents just before going to the frame containing the mc?
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Feb 29, 2012
How do set up my Actionscripts so it can load a dynamically updated XML file? As you can see in the code below, I am able to load two items from my XML file; however, my XML file will be updated with more items to the list. Will I have to go back into Flash and hard code that in if I want Flash to read additional items.
var req:URLRequest=new URLRequest("applications.xml");
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var list:XML;
View 6 Replies
Jan 19, 2011
I'm looking for a program that makes Flash slideshows without needing Flash experience, a nice drag-drop-like interface. The reason is I am making a website, where the top banner will be a rotating slideshow that the client will need to be able to update regularly. I've tried a variety of programs but run into the same issue: I need each slide in the show to have the photo on one side, with text on the other (much like the slideshow on [URL] page). But in most programs, the photo always takes up the entire slide and text can only go over the photo with very few formatting options.
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Jul 4, 2011
I recently updated a sound file in a flash movie. I had some aif files that I updated with a mp3 sound file. Within my movie there is a script for a replay button. It plays back fine when I play it, but when I press the replay button, it doesn't replay the sound, only the movie. Why I get no sound when I replay the movie?
View 12 Replies
Feb 21, 2009
I am trying to do something that seems like it should be relatively easy. Well bang goes that theory. Here is what I am trying to do. I have the path to a group of images stored in an xml file. I want to load them to a movie clip on the stage. doing this directly by reading the xml file and using loadMovie("filename"); bsaically does what I want it to do with just a few problems, 1. the movie repeats so the same image is pulled from the server multiple times sucking up bandwidth. 2. On slow connections the images can sometimes load slow making the movie not display properly. What I would like to do is load all the images into some structure and add the images to the movieclip in the time line when needed. How does one accomplish this in action script 2.0?
In a perfect world, I would just load all the images to an array and load the array element to the movieclip on the stage.
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Nov 4, 2009
Does anyone know how i can replace an swf file within an html (index.html) file without linking to another html file...
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Aug 3, 2005
I will be trying to obtain data from a periodically updated xml file. As far as I know, this file will simply continue to have data added to it indefinatly. Is there a way to load only the newly added data to the xml object? As opposed to loading the entire xml file each time I want to update my flash movie with new data added to the xml file?
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Jun 19, 2009
I have a flash that I took out of a template to customize. (I'm using CS4). Same size, hell mostly the same file with small changes. None of the changes were to the file height or width.I have looked all over the code, checked all my spacing/padding/etc, and went line by line through the code and it's identical...I preview it in IE and it's fine. Everything matches. I preview it in FF, and there is about a 10-15px gap b/t the header and the body. I am at the end of my rope! The rest of the site is just about ready to go live, and I can't do that until I figure this out.
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Nov 16, 2011
I have created one as3 application to capture and save the mic or web cam in red5 server by streaming.I am also changing the file name by passing argument in publish() function.How I can check whether the any other file with same name already exists in the server or not.I want to maintain the file name sequence in the server... Example: if the file name "xyz.flv" I sent through publish() and the xyz.flv already there in the server, then it should take the sequence of the file name like "xyz-1.flv" or "xyz-2.flv" that.
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