Professional :: Not Getting Updated Sound When Movie Replayed

Jul 4, 2011

I recently updated a sound file in a flash movie. I had some aif files that I updated with a mp3 sound file. Within my movie there is a script for a replay button. It plays back fine when I play it, but when I press the replay button, it doesn't replay the sound, only the movie. Why I get no sound when I replay the movie?

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Mar 30, 2011

Placing swf file into powerpoint as per the correct procedure,1) developer tab, hammer/spanner icon, hit s and scroll to shockwave flash object, clear slide and draw out a shockwave flash object box, r/c properties, put path of swf into movie part of shockwave Flash object properties box. run movie.Movie runs fine, then when returning to that slide, or the powerpoint presentation is re-run, (there is a need in the safety lecture to rerun the presentation again and again) the movie is still stuck on the last frame.There is a supposed fix atSurely with big players on the field like Adobe and Microsoft there has to be a solution to this. This should have been resolved long ago. We forever see that flash plays in powerpoint mentuioned on the net, NO IT DOESNT ! apparently

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Professional :: Sound Does Not Stop If I Exit A Pre-loaded FLV Movie?

Nov 10, 2010

I have an FLV video loaded as an "external video with play back component" in my Flash site. It works pretty well, even loads fast regardless its 15MB size. The video located on its labeled section which has an "X" button which closes this section and brings a user back to the page with all the video sections. However once the labeled section with the video is closed the sound is still playing.Does any one know how to make it stop if the section with the video has been exited?Then go to HOW TO section and click on the link "here" for "The Arrangement" show it will bring you to the section with the video loaded as an "external video with play back component" in my Flash site.

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Professional :: Movie Clips / Sound Keeps Playing After Navigating Off Frame/page?

Aug 17, 2010

Basically I have a flash website built on different frames of the timeline, the simplest way I think.Some of these frames have movie clips embedded into them using the flv playback component class.The problem I have is the following, the site works fine and videos play fine, but whenever I navigate offa part of the website to another, from a frame to another - the sound of the clips that were playing keepsplaying on the background and never stop and it keeps building up every time I navigate of.f each page.I want to remark that I believe is not only the sound that keeps playing "invisible" but the whole clip butThis is the AS code for my buttons on an example frame, would you be so kind to tell me what I should add or change

stop();cvbtn15.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onClick25);function onClick25(event:MouseEvent){  gotoAndStop(27);}showbtn15.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onClick26);function


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Professional :: Sound Play One Time When The Movie Is Tested BEFORE The Mouse Is Even Over The Movieclip Object?

Apr 17, 2010

I am using Flash CS4. To illustrate, I created a new flash file and added a short tick sound to the library. I set the properties of the sound to export to Actionscript and named the class "overSound". I added a Movieclip object to the stage to represent a button and gave it an instance name of "overButton". On frame 1 of the main timeline I added the following code:


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Dec 1, 2010

I have created a SWF file that plays/stops sound. The SWF file works great when previewed in Flash CS4, but does not work when inserted in the HTML file.Here are the 2 files that are automatically generated when I INSERT>MEDIA>SWF in Dreamweaver CS4:

Here is the ActionScript3 that I am using in the Flash file:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie And Sound - Make The Sound Fade Away When The Mouse Is Rolled Away?

May 18, 2007

I use Flash MX 6.0

1) I have a button and when I put cursor over it, it must start looping a sound. When I drag away, the sound must stop. I would be even cooler if it was possible to make the sound fade away when the mouse is rolled away. I have no problem creating another sound file that fades my current sound away.

2) I have a button which represents a knife, that should stab something (a panel) once pressed. So fist the knife must be clean. but after one or more presses, the blood should remain as a movie clip (as I want to animate the dripping blood)

3) once rolled over a button, the sound must start looping (as I wrote in 1.) AND the knife should slowly go backwards (MC). BUT when I roll mouse away, the sound fades away (as in 1. again) PLUS the knife should slowly move back to its place in stead of just jump from one place to another.

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Professional :: Loading With Sound Only Played Once But Keeping Hover Over Menu Item Sound Intack?

May 21, 2010

I have a flash header that was never completed because the guy I hired took people's money and ran. So now I even wonder if what he said could work with my flash header is true or not. But, usually there is always a way to make it work.I have a flash header that does two important things: 1) Upon entering the site, it loads and plays an audio track 2) Makes an animal noise when you hover over each animal menu item. (not sure if I'm able to give a link to it or not on here. If I able to and someone would like to see it let me know)I want to know if my flash header can support the following addionalunctionality/changes:1) Currently, it loads everytime a page is selected.  I only want it to load the one time of entering the site because the audio gets annoying.  Set a cookie maybe?2) But, I do not want to turn the audio off completely because I still want the hover over each menu item sound.

3) Have a link on it to allow them to select to turn on / off the sound completely. It currently has that, but only for the current page. Once you select another page, the audio is back to on.4) Lastlly, is there a way for it to detect that someone doesn't support flash and to display an html version of it? And can flash create a html version from my fla file?I don't know much about flash (but am learning) so I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this myself. However, I want to find out if my flash header will even work this way before I invest the time learning it just for these changes. I know it will be pretty deep with script code, but I'm hoping I could find base code already available for these features.

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Professional :: Sound Free Sound Effects Links?

Jul 29, 2011

Ive stumbled upon a few sites that have free sound FX's but the ones I want which I wuld think are the easiest to get I cant find.I want a sound for when someone clicks the right thing, like a under a sec tiriring or something like when you kill a guy in Leauge of Legends or something like that and also one for when you click the wrong thing like an windows warning ut a little different, yet all the sites and SFX I come across are for everything but those.

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Jun 30, 2011

I have imported my wav files to my library added them to the down state of my buttons and when I test the file I get (Sound has no valid device sound path although exporting device sounds was requested in the export settings. This sound will be ignored.) I have been surching for an answer but as of yet have found none.

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Professional :: Simple Sound Player - Visitor To Hear The Sound And Be Able To Apply Simple Controls?

Aug 1, 2011

Flash is not in my toolset, but I am an old Director jock and have spent some hours dipping my head into the Flash manual.  I suppose that makes me a promising beginner-level poster. I'm working in CS5.
I need to make a simple Flash-based sound player for a website for a newly-released novel (  I want the user to click on what appears to be an icon (or image), which kicks open a simple controller and starts playing a sound file (a radio interview, which I will probably export using Flash's voice compression).  Nothing fancy.  Just want the visitor to hear the sound and be able to apply simple controls (stop/start/rewind/volume).
I can learn ActionScript, I suppose, since I used to dream in Lingo, but my life would be a lot simpler if I could just publish a controller without having to roll my own.  I'd like to think there's a magic button somewhere that can do this, but I haven't found it yet.

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Professional :: Button Over Sound Plays Again Before Button Down Sound

Apr 15, 2010

I've assigned a sound to the button over frame and a different one to the button down frame. When i over over the button the button over sound plays. When I then click the button, the button over sound plays AND the the sound I put in the button down frame plays.

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Actionscript 3 :: Sound Latency - Set It For Any Silence Before The Actual Sound By Calling The Sound

Apr 16, 2011

I am triggering short sounds dynamically from the library for a game (Specifically Air for Android). When the user clicks a button the sound can take up to 600ms to actually play. I have set it for any silence before the actual sound by calling the sound like so:


All return the same results. I know there are threads here that talk about this but none have offered a real solution that I can find. Is there no way to cache the sound or store it in a buffer?

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Table Is Not Getting Updated

Mar 19, 2009

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Flex :: Gui - Panel Not Being Updated?

Dec 29, 2009

I am drawing a cellular automaton simulation on a Flex Canvas. I alternate computing the state of the automaton with updating the graphics on the Panel. However, the updating of the Panel does not seem to be "keeping up" with the update of the CA state.

I'm wondering whether I am doing something wrong with my handling of the graphics code. The code is below. Sorry it's so lengthy, but I don't think the problem will happen with anything simpler (well, it probably will, but I'm not certain I want to take the time to find it).


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Updated Every Frame Or Second?

Aug 18, 2010

does anybody maybe know how to track/trace the current position of a sound file while it is playing?
So that it is updated every frame or second?

I figured something with trace(sound.position) onEnterFrame, but didn't succeed in realizing this yet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [Updated] FP 10.1 First Impressions

Nov 17, 2009

Right off the bat, with the few new things that I've messed around with so far, I haven't really run into much in FP 10.1 that's both interesting and working with my particular setup. Examples: Originally Posted by FP 10.1 Release Notes The Global error handler is disabled in the current build, but will be available in a future beta refresh of Flash Player 10.1 Gee, I guess I won't be testing that. The classes do exist in the player, but it looks like loaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents is null for the release that we got.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: CurrentIndex Not Getting Updated?

Apr 28, 2010

I am having trouble just getting started on a simple as3 image slider. I cannot figure out oop in flash.In my fla file I have:


Also, why is my currentIndex not getting updated? I tried every combination of incrementing I could think of, but the output is the same.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Caching For Updated Swf?

Aug 24, 2010

i have this code:

<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cahce">


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Aug 24, 2009

I am need a wide range of sound effects for flash projects.

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Aug 28, 2010

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Mar 17, 2011

I have made an animation. I have a layer where I put sounds that execute on certain frames. No script are involved. When I play the movie inside Flash, everything looks good and sounds are syncing. When I make a preview of the movie, some of the sounds are out of sync. I have no idea why, it's the first time I get this kind of problem. All sounds are set to event, but I have tried with stream as well and get the same result.

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Professional :: SWF Drops Out Sound

Apr 27, 2011

We have created a SWF file with sound. When importing that SWF into another FLA. file as a movie clip, the sound on the SWF is gone

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Jul 16, 2009

problem-1:In php we can easily move one page to another and easily use different type of function from those pages.In flex3 how i can use different type of .mxml pag

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