Professional :: Redirect To New URL In Same Window?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a SWF embedded in an HTML file. After the movie has finished playing, I want a new URL to load. I currently have the following code in the final keyframe of my actions layer: navigateToURL(new URLRequest ([URL]) ); ...which works, but the problem is that it opens up a new window for the new URL instead of redirecting within the same window, which is what I'd prefer. Is there a different command that I can use to force the new link to open in the same window? I guess I could use a Javascript redirect within the web page's HTML, but it seems safer to me to use Actionscript within the Flash movie.

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mc.onPress = function():Void  {
if (getTimer()-this.pressTime<=ClickRegister && this.pressTime) {
getURL(infostruc[current-1].artUrl, "_blank");
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on(release) { getURL("",  "_blank");


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Jun 8, 2010

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1 project.fla

Now... if I click (with the mouse) to focus (activate) the window menu and press a number key corresponding to a window in the list, Flash kindly takes me to that window. Q: What is the 100% keyboard shortcut way to do this? I've had a go at wading in and just pressing keys... as my last-but-one strategy for finding this out. My last strategy being "ask".

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Aug 27, 2010

So when I just got a new work computer with Flash CS4 on it and all was working fine until I opened up my Action window to edit my actions.All I entered was a simple line:

var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("welcome.php");

Cursor started falling behind and the letters started going  on top each other. Even though there were no syntax errors and the sentance is seen as fine, the visual makes it very confusing

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Sep 16, 2010

trying to open a window with defined size in a button, but never to the right (do not want to use functions inside the html file)  wanted to make the following way: when you click the button, it opens  the file size that I set to the window (the file will be opened this in  html

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