Professional :: Reducing Images And Pixelation?
Jan 14, 2010
I imported a clean looking high-res jpeg into Flash CS4.Then using properties, I reduced it with the position and size function.I reduced it by half.When I do this, the image is not clean and sharp any more but pixelly.In the image the arrow points to the reduced image on the stage and when previewed.Also, you'll see the size numbers display too.If I need to reduce images and logos like this, is there a better way to do this so the image looks sharp when reduced?I am only interested in knowing how to do this using the "tools" not actionscript.
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function countTime():void{
var startTime:int = getTimer();
// this is for the seconds
var seconds:int = Math.floor(startTime/1000);
// this is for the minutes ...
var minutes:int = Math.floor(seconds/60);
seconds -= minutes*60;
time_mc.scaleX= -second
trace(minutes +":"+seconds);
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Dec 10, 2009
At my job I frequently have to create Flash banners for major newspaper's websites. The specs that usually come in require a max file size of 30k or so. Usually my art department will hand me 3 or 4 screens that they want to simply move through in a loop. No biggie, until they start adding images to the files.
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getting image sizes down in Flash so that the images don't end up looking horrible?
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Mar 7, 2011
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Sep 20, 2010
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Feb 22, 2009
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Oct 30, 2010
I have a mov file that's 125 megabytes. I try running it on my page within a javascript scroller animation and the animation is very choppy and in fact I used css to simulate a mask but the thing doesn't get masked, probably do to the sluggishness of whole page, the page never fully loads, and the movie file makes it nearly impossible to scroll through the page. The file is just too huge.
My question is:
1) Should I convert the mov to swf - that is, is swf a more compatible and appropriate format for seamless integration in html web page?
2) Whichever I choose, how do I reduce the file size - like on youtube where the videos run seamlessly? I don't know how they are doing that.
I do have Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, if that matters.
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Nov 28, 2011
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reduce this file size or how can i print without taking this long time.
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May 23, 2010
I am creating a site with lots of big scrollable text-boxes in it. Each text-box object contained some text, and two buttons to scroll up/down with. The scroll buttons each had an event listener so the text moved when you clicked them.
These text-boxes were stacked on-top of each other with all except one having an alpha of 0. If I wanted to change which text-box is active I move it to the front and call a small TweenLite animation.
To the left (outside of the text-box objects) I have an object similar to a menu. It also has about 12 or so event-listeners (one for every button). This turns out cause A LOT of lag an it's very troublesome for my laptop to run it. What I need help with doing is to reduce the number of event-listeners on the stage and also the amount of text-boxes.
What I was thinking was to add the text-boxes using AS so I only have 1 on the stage at a time but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I also thought it might be better to just use 1 big event-listeners and from mouseX and mouseY decide which button the user is trying to push.
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Feb 4, 2012
I have got the sound functionality working for two sounds in my embedded movie clip, each controlled by their own on-off button.I need to add this for another 20 or 30 sounds in the movie clip.I have the feeling there is a way of reducing the amount of code here using variables and/or arrays.
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm building a Flash site that features a three-dimensional interface and I'm facing a significant file size problem, which will mean serious bandwidth problems when the site is online. I don't particularly want to go the route of actually bringing a 3D object into Flash, mainly because my object features transparency (it's made from glass) and papervision3d confuses me to no end. So I have two options: import as video or import as image sequence.
So I went with the image sequence idea. It was easy for me to give the viewer the ability to scrub back and forth through the looped animation and click on certain things at certain times (using invisible buttons). This gives the appearance the viewer is in a three-dimensional word, albeit on a fixed path backwards and forwards, much like a roller coaster
There's also an array of buttons down the bottom of the website that you can click on, and it will play through the image sequence (either in forward or reverse). So that works great, but even with high compression of jpegs and a low 12 fps, the swf file will be somewhere between 10 and 30mb, which is quite ridiculous!
Possible solutions include reducing the amount of images I use in the sequence, squishing it down to half the amount of images. Reducing the size of the images down to something smaller, like 800 x 600. But do you think I would get better results if I can import this as a movie instead and try to control the movie? Can I have the same control if it's an actual video file and not an image sequence?
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Jan 18, 2011
I've been making a flash animation for a client - the dimensions of the stage are 2,000px wide, 800px tall. They want a graphic in the background and a snow effect in the foreground.
The code I have written uses TweenMax to move a snowflake that has been dynamically loaded from the library on to the stage using attachMovie. When the clip leaves the stage, it is deleted and a new clip is created at the top of the stage.
I expect flash to redraw the background that the flakes pass over, but flash seems to also be redrawing space between the flakes - as if they were one movieclip - even though they are separate instances.
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Jun 23, 2011
On Senocular's page
there is a Tip: Reducing Display Object References I need help with.
if I do:
without removing the listener, does that still leave a reference to "myMovie" in memory?
View 8 Replies
Dec 2, 2009
I'm trying to get it so whenever the object is clicked it reduces in opacity by 10% each time, and if it gets to 10% and it's clicked again it stays at 10% instead of going to 0. I got it to keep going down in opacity fine I just don't know the code to keep it from going lower. this is what I have so far
function fadeOut(e:MouseEvent):void {
instrument.alpha -= .1;
} if (instrument.alpha<.1) {
instrument.alpha = .1
} else {
instrument.alpha -= .1;
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May 30, 2011
I'm trying to achieve a thumbnail gallery which basically reduces it number of columns (and increases number of rows) when the stage is being resized down.The columns number as default 5, but after resizing down the stage this number is calculated like this:[code]My question is how can I reorder the the columns and rows from the onStageResize function.[code]
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