ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Pixelation When Shrunk (even With Smoothing)

Apr 25, 2008

I have some high res images that I am zooming in and out of, I have smoothing enabled that works fine when zooming in on the image, but when I zoom out and make the image smaller it pixelates it really badly. Is there any way i can resample the image or make the smoothing better when the image is small?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image-performance Questions (jpg Vs Png, Smoothing, Image Size, Etc)?

Feb 28, 2011

I've done quite a bit of digging but it's surprisingly difficult to find informed answers to these questions. I'm making a Flash game with a friend; as far as we can tell, the code is fine, but there are some serious framerate problems that seem entirely related to the graphics.

Is there a performance difference between Movieclips as JPGs and PNGs? Most of our graphics are imported as PNGs because they have transparent sections, but I don't know whether there is a performance difference between setting image compression to JPG or PNG within Flash itselfDoes turning on "Smoothing" for an image affect performance?Obviously larger graphics have more of a performance hit, but is there any benefit to splitting a large image into pieces? Example, changing a 2000*1000 background into two 1000*1000 pieces? One thing is most of our graphics are as much as twice the size in the library as they are displayed onscreen, then scaled in the code. We had wanted to make the game still look good when zoomed in/fullscreened but that doesn't seem practical so I'm planning on resizing all of the image files to their final size in the game and removing the scaling code. Hopefully that's the major part of the problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Smoothing = True When Mouse Is Over The Image?

Apr 14, 2009

Is there a way have smoothing = true on an image on the stage that isn't dynamically added.I know about "allow smoothing" .What I want to do is have the image smoothing = true when mouse is over the image so a tween event can occur. The reason I want to do it like this is because I don't like it when "allow smoothing'is ticked the image is blurred.

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IDE :: Smoothing Out Zooming/scrolling Image?

Jun 5, 2009

I come across this again and again in flash. Using the default timeline based tweening (with the FPS set to 24) there any way of smoothing out the jerkiness? any AS i can add on frame 1 for example?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Image Into SWF - How To Increment Smoothing

Nov 25, 2010

I am loading an image into my swf. My code is:
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest("btnover/Capture2.gif"));
imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
imageLoader.smoothing = true;

But I get an error:
1119: Access of possibly undefined property smoothing through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader.
The image is a set size but the swf resizes with the browser, and the image becomes pixelated.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smoothing Image From External Domain

Oct 22, 2009

If you load a Bitmap object from a domain other than that of the Loader object used to load the image, and there is no URL policy file that permits access to the domain of the Loader object, then a script in that domain cannot access the Bitmap object or its properties and methods. I can understand this to some degree but all I want to do is scale the image and so that it doesn't look completely gash I want to smooth it and hence need Bitmap.

Smoothing to be accessible (I dont and never will have a cross-domain policy file). With video you can apply smoothing and thats coming from another domain, I can even take a bitmap snapshot of the video and so I really dont understand why they wont allow this. I am scaling the image to fit the screen either as bestfit or streched and so scaling at 0.5, 2, 4 etc wont work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Apply Image Smoothing Using Code?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a image gallery slideshow, and when it loads an external image there is no smoothing applied. So being as this slideshow scales a image to the browsers window size, the image gets pixelated.Problem is, being as i did not make this slideshow myself, i dont know how to apply smoothing. And the AS code is very long, so i cant really paste it all on here.So i want to know if there is a way to force image smoothing on any image that is loaded in to the slideshow .swf? or any other way i can do it?This is with CS4 and publish settings are Flash 8 AS2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Image Smoothing And Rollovers

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Currently trying to create a dynamic flash slider that basically displays a series of thumbnails which the user can rollover and click on. The idea being that on rollover the thumbnails enlarge slightly before returning to their normal size on rollout.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Allow Smoothing For Dynamically Loaded Image?

Apr 7, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Smoothing On Dynamically Loaded Images?

Jul 28, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Smoothing With Image Loader Woes

Dec 2, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Image Resize + BitmapData Smoothing?

Sep 11, 2007

I'm creating a dynamic image gallery that resizes the images to fit the gallery size, and then smooths them out.I feel like I'm super close to getting it to work perfectly. The image smoothing always works, but the resizing is kind of iffy. The first image displayed will resize just fine, but when you view any others they're all distorted or squashed. What's strange is that I've traced out the resized image dimensions and they're exactly what they should be, but the images are still not resizing correctly.

Here's my code! I only included the parts of it that are really relevant, but let me know if you guys want to see all of it. It's a combination of a few tutorials that I found. I may be able to provide a live example, but it's for work so I'm not sure how the nondisclosure agreement would affect that.

var thisWidth:Number;
var thisHeight:Number;
var maximumHeight:Number;//height to which movieclip to be resized


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Jan 22, 2010

scrolling TN that I purchased for $10. I want to create many different galleries (many swfs) using this XML gallery and then load them into a container inside a "master gallery swf" if that makes sense.The problem I am having is that the swfs are getting re-sized smaller when loaded in the container (maybe 70% of the original size) even though the container and swfs have the same dimensions.I've actually had this problem before where a swf displays smaller, even if it's just inserted into an HTML page. I'm wondering if there is a simple solution

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Apr 4, 2010

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Professional :: Reducing Images And Pixelation?

Jan 14, 2010

I imported a clean looking high-res jpeg into Flash CS4.Then using properties, I reduced it with the position and size function.I reduced it by half.When I do this, the image is not clean and sharp any more but pixelly.In the image the arrow points to the reduced image on the stage and when previewed.Also, you'll see the size numbers display too.If I need to reduce images and logos like this, is there a better way to do this so the image looks sharp when reduced?I am only interested in knowing how to do this using the "tools" not actionscript.

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May 6, 2010

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Jun 28, 2009

I'm currently working on a new gallery for my artwork, and I got it working just the way I like it, except for one major problem!see, I want the images to scale up slowly while music is playing, it's a really beautiful effect...but I keep getting a pixellated moire pattern that is pretty much ruining the artwork. I've searched for an answer to this, but no avail( the closest I came is something about bicubic sampling. for me at all?[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smoothing As3 Animation?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a scrolling/zoom in animation done in as3. At times the animation is jerky. I am wondering how I can possibly smooth this out. I am using several quite large mc's that are all being manipulate at the same time. Would it help to make mc's that are off the screen invisible until they are visually needed? I am very new to flash/as3 so I don't know a lot about what might slow down the animation. I am working in cs4. Here is a link to the page I am working on. It is mostly the "Harman" button that I am getting this jerkiness on and then only sometimes. Hover over the logo to expand the menu. I wonder if I just have too much going on at the same time?


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Professional :: Smoothing Out On Mouse-off?

Mar 13, 2012

I made a navbar that you can see here: http:[url]....If you hover over you see the effect that happens and when you mvoe off it jumps back to frame 1. How to I make it so it smoothly goes back into frame 1 without jumping? Or at least fake it so it looks the same and goes smooth.

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IIS And Flash Force Smoothing ?

Feb 15, 2010

I am having problems with the images being smooth.I have edited the code throughout with forceSmoothing = true and _quality = best.It all works and looks smooth if I test the file in the preview window and if I run the HTML file. But as soon as I put the file under IIS the smoothing stops.All my flash players are v10+ . I have turned the IIS compression off but no luck.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Right Way To Allow Smoothing For Loaded .jpg's?

Jun 25, 2009

I'm loading an external .jpg and moving it across stage.if I was to do this with a .jpg already in the Library, the movement would look much better if I manually activated "allow smoothing" from the .jpg's I'm trying to do the same for the loaded picture.what I've done so far is loading the picture, wait until it's completely loaded and then convert the content of the loader to bitmap and setting the smoothing property of this bitmap to true....OR, this is what I'm trying to's my code:

var _loader:Loader;
var _loaderArray:Array = [];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smoothing A Bitmap?

May 11, 2010

i have made a bitmap over a menu and the only problem is that I made a scale and a rotation over that bitmap and it gets distort and I don't know why, because I use this:

ActionScript Code:
attachBitmap(b, 2, "always", true);

when i attach the bitmap.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Allow Smoothing With LoadMovie?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm building an app that will load a series of jpegs over the internet. Setting an exact size for the jpegs is a problem because it's set up to play full screen and we have no control over the machine it will play on.I just realized that the "Allow Smoothing" option is not available for jpegs loaded this way! Is there any way to optimize the appearance of jpegs with action script?

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IDE :: CS4 Turn Off Stage Smoothing?

Aug 3, 2010

I just upgraded to CS4. I'm working with sprites and using the properties of the images I've turned off smoothing to get that retro gaming feel. However, when viewing the sprites on the stage, everything is smoothed over which makes things difficult for me to animate. When I render everything, it looks perfect, just the way I want it with smoothing off, but how do I turn off the smoothing on the stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Applying Smoothing To XML Images

Feb 12, 2009

Ive searched and found this property .smoothing = true; But since im not using any bitmap vars i dont know where to put it, or maybe is it impossible to smooth images from my code and i need to rewrite it with bitmap stuff?

PHP Code:
var myXML:XML = new XML();
var XML_URL:String = "newsXML.xml";
var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(XML_URL);
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(myXMLURL);
myLoader.addEventListener("complete", xmlLoaded);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Isn't Smoothing Correctly?

Mar 31, 2009

I'm building textbox dynamically as i normally do, i'm importing a font to the library and embedding the font to the textfield. However for some reason when the text is White it doesn't antialias correctly. I'm using white, pink and bronze text, when it's bronze or pink it is fine but when it is white or even a colour close to white then it blurs and looks messy.

here are my text box and format settings are attached.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Applying Smoothing To XML Images?

Feb 12, 2009

way to smooth my images via ac3. Ive searched and found this property .smoothing = true; But since im not using any bitmap vars i dont know where to put it, or maybe is it impossible to smooth images from my code and i need to rewrite it with bitmap stuff?

ActionScript Code:
var myXML:XML = new XML();
var XML_URL:String = "newsXML.xml";


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