ActionScript 3.0 :: Way Of Reducing Amount Of Code / Using Variables And / Or Arrays
Feb 4, 2012
I have got the sound functionality working for two sounds in my embedded movie clip, each controlled by their own on-off button.I need to add this for another 20 or 30 sounds in the movie clip.I have the feeling there is a way of reducing the amount of code here using variables and/or arrays.
I'm working in Actionscript 3, but this is pretty general.I'd like to make a simple function that I can call, e.g. GiveCords(Width, Height, Num) that will take a width and height, map that out and using the Num variable place the given amount evenly across the space.Say I give it a value of 500, 500, 1. I'd expect it to return an X, Y position of 250, 250.But I'd like it to return an array of given points with X, Y.So If I gave it 10 points, it would find the best position for them all to be of even distance apart from each other.
correct syntax for pushing variables to arrays within arrays? I have searched many threads but found nothing that exactly answers my query.I have a class (Brigade) which amongst other variables contains an array (BrigadeUnits) This is the third element.. My Brigades are stored in an array called AllBrigades. I now need to fill the BrigadeUnits array with objects of my Units class.The hierarchy I want to create is as follows:
AllBrigades (array of Brigades) Brigade (object) BrigadeUnits (array within Brigade object) Unit (Object to be stored in BrigadeUnits array)
I have tried various approaches including the following, assuming that I am addressing the first Brigade in the array:
how do I get this code to repeat itself continually, because it just executes once. Im not that good with listeners, i know functions and variable etc though im not that bad.
Code: if (health<=0) { gotoAndStop("mainDead");} Its on a frame, not a MC.
I have a problem to use each code in for loop. I create 2 Circles in my stage with addChild code. And I gave them function ( mc.x += 2; ) and the time they get to the end of stage I gave the function ( mc.x -= 2; ) but my problem is when one of the circles get to end and wants to move to the right the other circle move with him to the right. and I think the each code in for loop helps me. but I don't Know how to use it in my actions.
my code is:
ActionScript Code: var mc1:Circle = new Circle(); var mc2:Circle = new Circle();
What should I change in this code to use each for loop..?
I have been having a serious issue with custom video where flash is saying that the amount of the video so far played is MORE than the amount that it has downloaded, which is clearly impossible. This results in various problems, such as the playhead (scrubber) moving past the end of the loader bar. I posted a simple demo that displays the amount loaded and the amount played in text fields. You can see it at: [URL][Code]...
So I have been having a serious issue with custom video where flash is saying that the amount of the video so far played is MORE than the amount that it has downloaded, which is clearly impossible. This results in various problems, such as the playhead (scrubber) moving past the end of the loader bar.I posted a simple demo that displays the amount loaded and the amount played in text fields. You can see it at: URL...[code]I encoded the video at a high rate so that it would download slowly. It may not playback smoothly, which I am not concerned about. What I am concerned about is the numbers below the video what are derived from ns.bytesLoaded and ns.time. If you watch it for a bit, the amount played should exceed the amount loaded.
I double checked the video duration and the bytestotal that flash is reporting and they are correct. I don't know of any way to check the accuracy of bytesloaded.If your internet connection is super fast, you may not see the issue - it only occurs when it is playing back faster than it is downloading - if this is the case, you may need to throttle your speed down, or start downloading a large file while you are watching this demo in order to see the issue.But this is a serious issue and means that building custom video interfaces with loadbars and playheads is impossible!
I am having some weirdness with arrays and variables. I'm sure this is something basic but I can't get it to work. I have a an MC name "circle" this also contains dynamic text field name nameMC. Writing to that textfield is simply circle.nameMC.text = "New copy";
So below I have two arrays.
Code: var textArray:Array = [one, two, three]; var newArray:Array = ["one", "two", "three"]; for (var i:String in newArray) { this.attachMovie("circle", newArray[i], this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Math.random()*300, _y:Math.random()*200}); textArray[i].nameMC.text = newArray[i];
} This doesn't work. I've tried swapping the various arrays but no luck. So why does the movieclip want to use the "quoted" array value and not the unquoted. Also, when I use"
Code: one.nameMC.text = "hello"; everything works fine, but the arrays won't. So:
Code: textArray[i].nameMC.text = "hello"; for example doesn't work.
why cant the variable "height" modify the position of y? =S im new at ac so i dont know if an element of an array can be a variable? and how do i make it a variable?this is a par of the code im writing to make a group of movieclips appear offstage in a random positions as long as it is offstage (i know the array is not random since i give the values of each element but i tried by putting y= math.random * number?... but in the coordinates i didnt knew how to specify that it could be any random number exept the lenght of the stage)
onClipEvent (load) { myArray = new Array (); myArray[0]=-100;
i've made a button that zooms into a movie clip on a rollover, but it on moves it a certain amount each time you rollover the button. code below:
on (rollOver){ _root.Mypic._width += 5; _root.Mypic._height += 5;
} wot i want it to do is to continue zooming in for as long as the mouse is over the button, is there anyway i can change the code to zoom in at the same amount but do it continuously until the mouse is moved off the button. Also is there anyway that i can set it so that the zoom stops at a certain percentage, i.e. it only zooms in so much and then stops. What i mean is that the user can zoom in but the picture will only zoom in to say 200% of the original size.
i want to choose one of these randomly, I have a loop way in which there is a loop searching for the index number which is inside an array like M1[1]=1 , M2[1]=2 and if I have a random number between 1 and 20 I can loop the arrays [1] element.
But is there another way with directly get the random array buy name. For example I have the random number 14 which directs me to M14. how Name of the array help me to choose M14 when I have the number 14....
After unexplainable problems with external class files, I'm trying another way of doing what I need to do: an Object variable declared in the fla file. Well, this has its own set of problems. The big picture is: I need to get user data and populate fields in their profile when they sign on. Then save changes to their profile during the session, add new users and make changes to their profiles. Pretty normal stuff.
Here's the problem I'm having with the object.
Frame 1 Script:
/* Define the object to use as an associative array.*/ var Person:Object = new Object();// Define a series of properties.Person.HomName = "Joe";Person.HomEmail = "";
Then go to a new keyframe, where I have my fields that need to be populated
When I compile, I get this error twice (once for each field) "The property being referenced does not have the static attribute."
What does the mean and how do I fix it?
Here is a link to the source file if you care to look.
The only way I've been able to get variable data from one script to another is through a _global.variable. Is this the only way? No arrays or objects vars?
Thanks in advance for all who assist. Some day soon I hope to be able to return the favor!
- I tried, when I first started making this site, to load all of the artwork images into an array and then copy the array before resizing them for their specific functions (being seen as thumbnails or as full size pics.) Unfortunately, I ran into the well known issue of Array cloning only creating a pointer to the same group of items. I tried the newArray = oldArray.slice() trick, but it didn't seem to work. Finally, I just loaded the images twice into two separate arrays, and it works, but I hate this solution. Anyone got a better one?
- I'm trying to maintain some sort of connection between the two sets of Arrays so that, for example, when someone clicks on Thumbnail 15, Fullsize Image 15 will open up but I couldn't find anything that worked. Renaming the Instance Name dynamically didn't seem to work and adding an Instance Variable dynamically doesn't seem possible either as I can't make the Class I am working with (Sprite, in this case) dynamic ahead of time. I'm sure there's a simple method for this.opens up, the different animations seem to interfere with each other and slow each other down (they also seem to get interference from the time taken to load the image Arrays.)
It continues like this, a list of reoccurring variables seperated by spaces, for a few more lines.How can I separate the string and push the different variables into their appropriate arrays. The end result should look like this:
I have a piece of code worked out that creates circles on a mouseDown function. I'm trying to save the x and y cords of the circles but cannot figure out a way around this. I need to save multiple instances of the cords from mouseDown.
Is it possible to do this in an array?
var posOne:Number; //var posTwo:Number; //var posThree:Number;
I am trying to load variables from my webpage onto my .swf
ActionScript Code: var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading);
This code works perfect for loading variables in a &var1=1&var2=2& etc...But how can I load variables from the page?like do I need to put in &array_name[incrementing_var]=value& and then when i go to access it it should be[0] but this doesn't work for me? I realize my URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES is for variables but can i still pass arrays with this? or do i need a new format? or do i need to pass the values as variables and convert them into an array in my AS?
Say I made var $temp[] an array and put stuff into it, could i then redeclare temp as var $temp = 4 or maybe var $temp[], another array, but completly clear? or would it hold a risidual? If not is it possible to wipe an arrays content? In java we used to dump and drop variables all over the place, a string could be an integer, then a char, then a float or a double at a whim.
I'm trying to use associative arrays to store my variables but am looking for a solution to change the value of array1[i] to array2[i]. Since it's an associative array, the only way I know how to loop through these kinds of arrays is by the following: Code: for(var i in array1) { trace(array1[i]; }
What I would do when using indexed arrays to change the value of array1[i] to array2[i] would be something like this: Code: for(i=0; i<array1.length; i++) { array1[i] = array2[i]; }
However, I can't see any way you can do this with associative arrays because they do not have a numbered index such that in a loop you could say array1[i] = array2[i] . So I'm looking for a way to do this with associative arrays.
Im working on a small project for school and im drawing a stickfigure with action script by drawing a line from his body to a moving point which represents his hand. the line bends at the elbow when the arm comes close and keeps a steady length. I've got 1 arm working perfectly fine but for the other arm and legs i want to do the exact same thing but i dont want to copy/paste all the code and change all the variables for each arm. How can i get AS3 to use the same code but just change the input and output variables?
I'm trying to clean up my code for an animation I created. I'm hoping by doing this, my animation will stop being as buggy and/or I can more easily figure out why its being buggy. think that variables are the way to go so I read up on them and have a decent idea of what I need to do. But what sounds good in my head doesn't seem to work on screen.So basically I would like to take my three buttons called card1, card2 and card3 and combine their functions. All the code for each button looks exactly like the code below (except for the mc name of course)
Code: card1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overhandler); function overhandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
I building a website and i have animations from after effects I will be importing into flash. Any time a menu button is clicked it triggers the flash timeline and plays the corresponding anumation embedded in different flash graphics. Also before the webpage moves to the main page an Flv is streamed (90seconds log. It is not embedded it is streamed). I have about 260 frames of jpegs Already compressed to about 70k each for each image. how I can reduce my file size? also my time line is 2750 frames long. This is for a client and the client requested all the animation, so how can I make this work, currently my swf file is 14.6mb
I could really use some help here, I'm trying to reduce the size of my animation for obvious reasons, usually ends up about 4mbs, im exporting from swift 3d, about 200-250 frames depending on editing. When I import the animation into flash to work with my website the resulting file is too large I think :P I was told to export from swift in avi and then import to flash after converting. Thats definetly reduced the filesize, but when I import to flash cs5 I get an empty symbol even after export from flash, nothing shows in the symbol.Can anyone tell me if im doing this right, or another way to reduce the filesize.
I'm making a scripted animation in Flash CS4, basically it's made of various mc's that have alpha tweens assigned.The thing is I'm trying to make a FadeIn variable and then wait for "x" seconds then call a fadeOut variable.the thing is I can't find code for resting between variables so the closer I got was using set interval but that makes it hard to code.[code]
what I need to do is have a flash movie jump to a set label in timeline according to which named variable I have defined in the embed HTML code.So, let's say I have a movie with two labeled frames ("shape1" and "shape2") and when the variable pagevar equals "one", the movie jumps to "shape1" while when the variable pagevar equals "two", the movie jumps to "shape2". If the variable is undefined or equals anything else, the movie simply stops.[code]
I have a game were there are a lot of little guys moving around on the screen independently of each other and I have a function for zooming in and zooming out. I want the guys to look good when I zoom in but not lag when I zoom out and show a lot of them. What I'm thinking of doing is just making different levels of detail that it uses for the guys at different zoom distances.I don't know what makes vector graphics lag. Is it the number of shapes it has to redraw every time something moves? Or is it just determined by the number of objects on the screen at a time regardless of detail? I want to know if it would make a big difference in lag before I go redraw everything because it would be a big task and I don't want it to be for nothing.
I am making a websites with fairly large videos in the background.The site is extremely heavy for the cpu and I was wondering if any of you guys know a trick on how to make flv streaming less heavy.Here are all my specs :
Large flv (920 x460), with alpha channel (transparent background), Max data rate:300kbs, codec : On2 VP6 encode alpha channel, framerate : same as source.
Using progressive download
Video plays in a flvplayback instance nested in a swf that is loaded and added to the stage by an other swf.
Embed in the html page with swfobject, wmode = opaque.
i've a strange problem with ALL php code that i've tryed to call in AS3.When i attemp to read the variables generated from it, AS3 give me Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded I simple followed some tutorials and all of those give me error Error #2101.
I'm loading an external XML file, obviously, and populating arrays with its data. There's also a variable that holds the total number of projects within the XML file because the menu they'll eventually inhabit requires the information for later "for loop" traversal. I can't seem to get globally declared variables to be visible in other code scopes.
Here's what I'm working with right now: //global array loading... _global.thumbs = []; //_global.description = []; //_global.tempClips = []; //_global.totalProjects; [Code] .....
That's just the most current incarnation. I've tried declaring the variables inside the loadXML function and outside, with later references made both omitting and maintaining the "_global" prefix all along the way.