ActionScript 1/2 :: Object Variables (arrays), Persisting To A New Keyframe?
May 4, 2009
After unexplainable problems with external class files, I'm trying another way of doing what I need to do: an Object variable declared in the fla file. Well, this has its own set of problems. The big picture is: I need to get user data and populate fields in their profile when they sign on. Then save changes to their profile during the session, add new users and make changes to their profiles. Pretty normal stuff.
Here's the problem I'm having with the object.
Frame 1 Script:
/* Define the object to use as an associative array.*/
var Person:Object = new Object();// Define a series of properties.Person.HomName = "Joe";Person.HomEmail = "";
Then go to a new keyframe, where I have my fields that need to be populated
EnterName.text = Person.HomName;EnterEmail.text = Person.HomEmail;stop();
When I compile, I get this error twice (once for each field) "The property being referenced does not have the static attribute."
What does the mean and how do I fix it?
Here is a link to the source file if you care to look.
The only way I've been able to get variable data from one script to another is through a _global.variable. Is this the only way? No arrays or objects vars?
Thanks in advance for all who assist. Some day soon I hope to be able to return the favor!
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Jun 25, 2004
correct syntax for pushing variables to arrays within arrays? I have searched many threads but found nothing that exactly answers my query.I have a class (Brigade) which amongst other variables contains an array (BrigadeUnits) This is the third element.. My Brigades are stored in an array called AllBrigades. I now need to fill the BrigadeUnits array with objects of my Units class.The hierarchy I want to create is as follows:
AllBrigades (array of Brigades)
Brigade (object)
BrigadeUnits (array within Brigade object)
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I have tried various approaches including the following, assuming that I am addressing the first Brigade in the array:
AllBrigades [0] [2].push (MyUnit);
But when I trace this I just get undefined.
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Feb 2, 2007
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So when I fire up the swf the first time in the IDE's player, i get 'no previous instance' as you would expect, then I hit ctrl + enter to restart the swf in the IDE's player and I get 'destroying instance'. So this tells me that the Model instance is getting persisted over player sessions. Unless I am mistaken, and correct me if I am wrong, I would assume clicking ctrl + enter (i.e refreshing the swf in the player) would act like a new swf session.
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Jan 19, 2012
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Nov 26, 2010
I'm building an online app which opens a SharedObject at its onset to do various things, one being remember whether a user has performed a certain action(vote) before because he/she is only permitted to perform this action once. This is all working fine, until our users began opening a new tab before voting.
If the user opens a new tab, and open the same application, this app(tab 2) needs to know if subsequently the user votes in tab 1. I thought this would be straightforward to resolve. However - for some reason, the sharedObject in tab 2 does not seem to update with updates in tab 1... if you were to refresh tab 2, it would have the updates, but while it is open, the data in the sharedobject does not seem to update.
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This is the sort of code I am using to manage the SharedObject: (I know the first question anyone will have is, are you the flushing the object after setting your variable, the answer is yes!)
// i call this function at the beginning of the app
public function init(sharedObjectName:String):void
sharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal(sharedObjectName,"/");
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Mar 15, 2012
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i need the flash to "preload, check the actionscript before it loads if the date is met automataclly go to frame 2 avoiding frame one all together.
actionscript used on frame one:
var year:Number = 2012;
var month:Number = 3;
var day:Number = 22;
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Feb 22, 2011
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var project_array:Array = [];
var slideObject:Object = {
project_title : myXML.projects.project[i].title.toUpperCase(),
but I'm not quite sure where to place this. If I place it outside of the object constructor, I get "term is undefined", I guess because it doesn't know what project_clips_array is - but if I declare project_clips_array in the constructor, it appears to need to be defined, i.e. I can't create a blank property. But I can't place it in the constructor either, because it doesn't seem to allow me to run a function within an object constructor. What is the proper syntax or arrangement of code for executing this function to get the array within the object?
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Apr 3, 2012
I have a background MovieClip in a custom button class, which moves the play head to a different frame (via gotoAndStop("framename")) depending on which mouse events it receives.
When the mouse up event is received, it sends the play head back to the "release" frame, where the background should shift back to its original location, but instead nothing happens and the background remains where it was.It's as though Flash is not honoring the background's position defined by the key frame it enters.
The only workaround is to add a frame script to each frame which manually sets the x and y position to what it should be, but this defeats the purpose of using keyframes for the position.
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Mar 29, 2006
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Mar 20, 2007
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Nov 14, 2006
Hello all,
I am having some weirdness with arrays and variables. I'm sure this is something basic but I can't get it to work. I have a an MC name "circle" this also contains dynamic text field name nameMC. Writing to that textfield is simply circle.nameMC.text = "New copy";
So below I have two arrays.
var textArray:Array = [one, two, three];
var newArray:Array = ["one", "two", "three"];
for (var i:String in newArray) {
this.attachMovie("circle", newArray[i], this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Math.random()*300, _y:Math.random()*200});
textArray[i].nameMC.text = newArray[i];
This doesn't work. I've tried swapping the various arrays but no luck. So why does the movieclip want to use the "quoted" array value and not the unquoted. Also, when I use"
one.nameMC.text = "hello";
everything works fine, but the arrays won't. So:
textArray[i].nameMC.text = "hello";
for example doesn't work.
Thanks for any guidance!
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Dec 26, 2006
why cant the variable "height" modify the position of y? =S im new at ac so i dont know if an element of an array can be a variable? and how do i make it a variable?this is a par of the code im writing to make a group of movieclips appear offstage in a random positions as long as it is offstage (i know the array is not random since i give the values of each element but i tried by putting y= math.random * number?... but in the coordinates i didnt knew how to specify that it could be any random number exept the lenght of the stage)
onClipEvent (load) {
myArray = new Array ();
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Apr 21, 2011
i want to choose one of these randomly, I have a loop way in which there is a loop searching for the index number which is inside an array like M1[1]=1 , M2[1]=2 and if I have a random number between 1 and 20 I can loop the arrays [1] element.
But is there another way with directly get the random array buy name. For example I have the random number 14 which directs me to M14. how Name of the array help me to choose M14 when I have the number 14....
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May 17, 2009
- I tried, when I first started making this site, to load all of the artwork images into an array and then copy the array before resizing them for their specific functions (being seen as thumbnails or as full size pics.) Unfortunately, I ran into the well known issue of Array cloning only creating a pointer to the same group of items. I tried the newArray = oldArray.slice() trick, but it didn't seem to work. Finally, I just loaded the images twice into two separate arrays, and it works, but I hate this solution. Anyone got a better one?
- I'm trying to maintain some sort of connection between the two sets of Arrays so that, for example, when someone clicks on Thumbnail 15, Fullsize Image 15 will open up but I couldn't find anything that worked. Renaming the Instance Name dynamically didn't seem to work and adding an Instance Variable dynamically doesn't seem possible either as I can't make the Class I am working with (Sprite, in this case) dynamic ahead of time. I'm sure there's a simple method for this.opens up, the different animations seem to interfere with each other and slow each other down (they also seem to get interference from the time taken to load the image Arrays.)
View 9 Replies
Mar 8, 2012
I have a string variable that looks something like this:
2012-03-07 135.06 135.91 134.93 135.69 143616800 135.69
2012-03-06 135.35 135.43 134.36 134.75 202129900 134.75
It continues like this, a list of reoccurring variables seperated by spaces, for a few more lines.How can I separate the string and push the different variables into their appropriate arrays. The end result should look like this:
dates = [2012-03-07, 2012-03-06]
variable1 = [135.06, 135.35]
variable2 = [135.91, 135.43]
View 10 Replies
Jan 7, 2012
I have a piece of code worked out that creates circles on a mouseDown function. I'm trying to save the x and y cords of the circles but cannot figure out a way around this. I need to save multiple instances of the cords from mouseDown.
Is it possible to do this in an array?
var posOne:Number;
//var posTwo:Number;
//var posThree:Number;
View 2 Replies
Mar 31, 2011
I am trying to load variables from my webpage onto my .swf
ActionScript Code:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading);
This code works perfect for loading variables in a &var1=1&var2=2& etc...But how can I load variables from the page?like do I need to put in &array_name[incrementing_var]=value& and then when i go to access it it should be[0] but this doesn't work for me? I realize my URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES is for variables but can i still pass arrays with this? or do i need a new format? or do i need to pass the values as variables and convert them into an array in my AS?
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Feb 4, 2012
I have got the sound functionality working for two sounds in my embedded movie clip, each controlled by their own on-off button.I need to add this for another 20 or 30 sounds in the movie clip.I have the feeling there is a way of reducing the amount of code here using variables and/or arrays.
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Jan 17, 2004
Say I made var $temp[] an array and put stuff into it, could i then redeclare temp as var $temp = 4 or maybe var $temp[], another array, but completly clear? or would it hold a risidual? If not is it possible to wipe an arrays content? In java we used to dump and drop variables all over the place, a string could be an integer, then a char, then a float or a double at a whim.
View 5 Replies
Dec 18, 2007
I'm trying to use associative arrays to store my variables but am looking for a solution to change the value of array1[i] to array2[i]. Since it's an associative array, the only way I know how to loop through these kinds of arrays is by the following:
for(var i in array1) {
What I would do when using indexed arrays to change the value of array1[i] to array2[i] would be something like this:
for(i=0; i<array1.length; i++) {
array1[i] = array2[i];
However, I can't see any way you can do this with associative arrays because they do not have a numbered index such that in a loop you could
say array1[i] = array2[i] .
So I'm looking for a way to do this with associative arrays.
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Mar 16, 2005
When I place some codes in a keyframe, these codes are showing on all the following frames up till the next keyframe with codes. My question is, does Flash execute codes only in the keyframe or it execute whatever is in the frame regardless whether its a keyframe or not?
View 1 Replies
Nov 3, 2009
I want to compare my two arrays.When both has the same object. they will trace out the name i give.This is the code;
var cap_array:Array = new Array(Sugar,Sugar,Milk,Cocoa);
function ingredients(evt:TimerEvent):void { var ing_mc:MovieClip = null; timer++;[code]......
There is no error in the code; but it can't trace out "cappuccino". Is it I should take the ingredients in order like in the array of the cap_array?
View 6 Replies
May 23, 2010
So I hava array Links and array Params with same langth NSo what I need is to create an object where for each link from Links I will be able to see param from ParamsAnd than for example to be abble to call something like
for each( item in object)
if (item.param == "some value") {
// some code
View 1 Replies
Feb 15, 2010
I'm creating two different arrays and pushing a number of objects into each of them. Some objects get pushed into *both* arrays, and these objects often contain their own array of objects as well.Now, when I replace one of these nested objects (an child object in the array of one of the objects that exists in *both* of the top-level arrays) with a different object in *one* of the arrays, the change doesn't seem to reflect in the other array that this object is also in.
I've simplified it for testing, removing the nested array, and the same still seems to hold true: replacing one object in one array with an entirely new one seems to only replace it in one array. This sort of makes sense, but is there some way I can get around this? In testing I've figured out that changing *properties* of the same object in two arrays works fine and reflects in both, but not replacing an object entirely. Some sample code below.
Test code:
var arrayOne:Array = new Array();
var arrayTwo:Array = new Array();
for (var q:int=0; q<3; q++) {
var newObject:Object = new Object();
View 6 Replies
Mar 21, 2011
Does anyone know how I can see my object details as in an array or some sort while debugging instead of [Object object]?
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Mar 29, 2011
I have an array of objects. What I would like to do is get the last index of an object whose property equals a certain value.
// this occurs on a mouse click
var stockObj:Object = new Object();
stockObj.ID = "an_id";
stockObj.category = "a_category";
I would like this to trace the index of the object whose category property equals "a_category"
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Jun 16, 2011
I'm trying to turn an string into an instance name.
stage.focus = ["box_"+[i+1]];
this gives me back = box_2;
but I need it to be an object not a string.
In as2 I could use eval. How do I do it in as3?
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Jun 15, 2007
I'm trying to create a flash monopoly game.But i want to create an array with my class.
class player{
var public money:int;
I want to code like this
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