Professional :: Simple Movieclip Click To URL Is NOT Working?

Jul 14, 2011

I've tried over 4 tutorials to make my movieclip link to a URL. It's just not working for some reason...
Here is my code.
function goThere(e:MouseEvent){
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");

This should work!! There are no compilation errors...
No mouse cursor change on hover... just like nothing is there.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Simple Button Not Working Within Movieclip

Mar 2, 2010

I have a simple getURL button within a movieclip within another movieclip. Does anyone have any clue why this isn't working? The button is in the top layer of the child movieclip, and the child movieclip is in the top layer of the parent movieclip, so what am I missing here? I attached a simplified fla to show the issue. In the end, the main red box will be a country on a map and the popup box will contain info about the country and links to pictures and sites.

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Professional :: Simple Mask Not Working In Flash CS4?

Jul 27, 2010

I am creating a very simple mask using motion tweening. I created some text on a layer and made it a masked layer. Then I created a mask layer which consists of a circle that will span across the text. When I play the movie the circle does not show up at all in the frames the mask layer spans (it's purple on a black background) and the circle does not move across the text like I told it to with the motion tweening. I don't know why it's not working. For some reason the circle isn't showing on the stage at all and it's not moving across the text. I don't know if I have it set up wrong on the timeline or what. Here's the steps I followed to create the mask:

1.insert a new layer in which I named it mask and click frame 1 on this layer

2. select the oval tools on the tools panel and set the stroke to none

3. set the fill color to purple

4. draw a circle and click the selection tool and drag a marquee around the circle to select it.

5. click insert on the menu bar, click motion tween then click ok in dialog box about converting it to a symbol to be tweened

6. click the last frame in the mask layer and drag the circle to the end of the line of text mask on the timeline to select the mask layer, click modify on the menu bar, point to timeline then click layer properties

8. verify the show check box is selected in the name section, click the lock check box to select it, click the mask option button in he type section, then click ok.

9. play the movie in which the circle object covers the text on the masked layer as it moves across the stage.

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Professional :: Simple MovieClip Fails To Run In New Stage

Mar 17, 2011

CS5. 120fps bottom layer png of car, duration 120frames, top layer png of indicator lights duration 60 frames, run movie lights flash. Select both layers and go Modify>convert to symbol>movieClip. Copy the MC that appears in the library to a new blank file, make that file also 120fps. run movie see car but no lights flash. I have done no coding at all, does it need such to run. It has just what may be created when choosing new file. What I had been doing was putting this MC at the start of a bent line, snapping to the seed point, then 7 secs later (frame 840) placing it at the end of a bent line, snap etc.

Rotated it to match direction of line, created then a classic motion tween, then added a guide layer and put this line (edit copy>edit paste in place) onto that guidelayer at fr1. deleted the original line. Made the MC at fr1 orientToPath. Run Movie and it worked, but no indicators. Thinking the indicator function got screwed up somewhere, I did the test above. Obviously not the MC as a classic tween at fault. Something fundamentally basic I am expecting to work.

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Professional :: Standard Way Of Doing A Ctrl Click Copy Of MovieClip?

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Professional :: MovieClip Button Working But No Hand Icon

Jul 5, 2010

I am creating a somewhat elaborate (for me at least) navigation for my site. I have created a bunch of animated MC's to use as nav-buttons, and all that works great. The only issue is that when you mouse over the MC-buttons, the cursor stays as an arrow instead of turning into the little hand that always happens with links. The links work, but no little hand. Do I have to have a "hit area" defined in order to get the hand icon to popup or what?

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Professional :: RemoveChild Not Working - Movieclip To Appear With +5 To Show The Point Scoring

Mar 2, 2011

I have a simple catching game with objects falling from the top of the screen and when they are caught at the bottom I want a movieclip to appear with +5 to show the point scoring. I have set up a timer to show the mc then to delete it when it finishes. It all works apart from the mc will not disappear once the timer is finished. I have thrown a trace statement in to check that it is firing and that shows up fine. What the hell am I doing wrong? Here is the section of code:


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Aug 1, 2011

Flash is not in my toolset, but I am an old Director jock and have spent some hours dipping my head into the Flash manual.  I suppose that makes me a promising beginner-level poster. I'm working in CS5.
I need to make a simple Flash-based sound player for a website for a newly-released novel (  I want the user to click on what appears to be an icon (or image), which kicks open a simple controller and starts playing a sound file (a radio interview, which I will probably export using Flash's voice compression).  Nothing fancy.  Just want the visitor to hear the sound and be able to apply simple controls (stop/start/rewind/volume).
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Simple Click Event On Text Button?

Oct 13, 2010

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I have created text on the stage, then converted it to a button. I want it to return to the first frame, so I added this to the button:

on(release) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button Not Working In CS4?

Sep 21, 2009

I have got a simple button in the first frame of my flash file, but its not wokring. Here is the code I am trying.

Btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, myFunction);
function myFunction (e:MouseEvent):void {

It gives this error: "The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded"

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Simple Button Hit Zone Not Working

Nov 4, 2009

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class com.RCN.Menu.Menu{
public var title:String;
public var menuItems:Array;


and in a seperate SWF I use the code:

import com.RCN.Menu.Menu;
var Accountability:Menu = createMenu("hello",[a,b,c,d]);

yet Accountability traces as undefined?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple _global Not Working

Aug 27, 2003

This is plain and simple, why is it not working? BUTTON


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IDE :: Simple Motion Tween Is Not Working?

Oct 7, 2009

I just can't figure out why a simple movieclip is not performing as expected.

Here's what happened:

In my MAIN SCREEN, I placed a a movieclip and named it "mainnav_mc" and on my ACTIONS layer, I placed a script on the frame that will eventually play the movie "mainnav_mc". This is the script: mainnav_mc.gotoAndPlay("show");The clip is suppose to fade-in but it seems that MOTION TWEEN is not working. I tried to create a test MC and still it's not working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Simple Page To Click Several Buttons Before It Moves On To Next Scene?

Apr 9, 2010

New to AS and would like to know how to make a simple page where the viewer has to click several buttons before it moves on to the next scene. They can only go to the next scene when all of the buttons have been clicked.

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AS2 :: Get A Button Working With Simple GotoAndStop Frame

Jan 31, 2010

i can not seem to get a button working with simple gotoAndStop frame . its setup like _root > EMC_photos > photos_thumbs_ani now in photos_thumbs_ani i have several photo pages all setup every 100 frames with labels page 1, page 2 etc my button is within photos_thumb_ani as a movieclip with code inside this.onRelease = function(){ _root.EMC_photos.photos_thumb_ani.gotoAndStop("pag e2");} I have tried different variations to no sucess

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS4 - Simple Button Script Not Working?

Apr 14, 2010

I've got a really simple script that on a button click, changes the alpha of a set of mc's from 0 to 100, then on second click changes back to 0. The first click works fine but for some reason the second click isn't working. The button needs to stay "on" as well so I've got the buttons in a mc with named frames "on" and "off". Here's the code:

Actionscript Code:
ltBlueButton_mc.ltBlueOff_btn.onRelease = function(){ 


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Simple Login Flash Stuff Not Working

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Simple Drop Down Menu Buttons Not Working?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm having a bit of trouble getting a button in a hoover over drop down menu to link to another scene in the .swf movie. I just doing a basic drop down menu (example here: [URL] with a couple of buttons with in a movie clip, the movie clip being the "button" someone hoovers over. The buttons however are not going to the corrisponding scene I have them set up to. What's strange is that if I set in the buttons action panel to go to an url instead of a scene, in the .swf movie the button works when I click wants to go the specificed url. Nothing happens when it's set to go to a scene.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple GetURL Function Not Working

Sep 8, 2009

I'm modifying an mp3 player by flabell, and try to get some buttons to work. However, I can't seem to get the getURL to work, even though it works in other parts of the script. This is my code:
mc.rate1.onRelease = function() {

The trace goes through fine. Here is the code that works:
private function downloadRelease(mc : MovieClip) : Void {
var title : String = mc._name;
var index : Number = Number(title.substring(title.lastIndexOf("n")+1,title.length));
getURL(songsSource[index], Main.getInstance().mcAlbums.linksTarget);
I'm on a mac with firefox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Button Script Not Working?

Apr 14, 2010

I've got a really simple script that on a button click, changes the alpha of a set of mc's from 0 to 100, then on second click changes back to 0. The first click works fine but for some reason the second click isn't working. The button needs to stay "on" as well so I've got the buttons in a mc with named frames "on" and "off". Here's the code:

ltBlueButton_mc.ltBlueOff_btn.onRelease = function(){
contentMain.page1_mc.Pg1LtBlue_mc._alpha = 100;
contentMain.page2_mc.Pg2LtBlue_mc._alpha = 100;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button OverState Not Working

Dec 23, 2010

I have programmatically created a simple button with a text field on top in a separate class extending a movie clip. The problem I am having is that the overState does not seem to be working and I don't know why. I have even tried removing the text field in hopes that would work, but it does not. The GameIntroduction class is called by another class which is the main class.

Here is my code for the class that calls the buttons:
ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.*;
public class GameIntroduction extends MovieClip {
private var introText:String = "";
[Code] .....

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